Gwaii Trust Society
Gwaii Trust Board of Directors Meeting
SaturdayDecember 3 2011
Port Clements Community Hall, Port Clements Haida Gwaii
1:00 PM -2:00 PM
In Attendance:
James Cowpar, DirectorShelley Sansome, Director
Jim Abbott, DirectorPercy Crosby, Director
Trevor Russ, DirectorFran Redick, Director
Peter Lantin, Chairman
Michael Johnson, McAlpine & Co
Errol Winter, Managing Administrator
Pam Hill, Reception / Minute Taker
Note: A Proxy Vote for Kristi Schmitz was held by Shelley Sansome
A Proxy Vote for John T Jones was held by Trevor Russ
John T Jones, Director
Kristi Schmitz, Director
Jacques MorinLou Bliss
Warren FosterMarylyn Bliss
Cecil BrownBetty Dalzell
Greg MartinAlex Rinfrit
Arnie BellisVince Collison
1.0 Call to Order
The Gwaii Trust Chairman Peter Lantin called the meeting to order at 1:11PM.
The Gwaii Trust Chairman welcomed everyone in attendance and then introduced the Members of the Gwaii Trust Society and the Gwaii Trust staff.
3.0Adoption of Agenda
The Gwaii Trust Board of Directors reviewed the agenda after discussion the Gwaii Trust Board of Directors made a motion to adopt the agenda as presented.
Moved by:Jamie Cowpar
Seconded by:Trevor Russ
4.0Adoption of Annual General Meeting Minutes
The Gwaii Trust Board of Directors reviewed the Annual General Meeting Minutes dated January 22 2011 after discussion the decision made to adopt the minutes as presented.
Moved by:Shelley Trevor
Seconded by: Trevor Russ
5.0 Gwaii Trust Society 15th Annual Report
The Gwaii Trust Chairman presented the 15th Annual Report to the Gwaii Trust Board of Directors and the public and asked if there were any questions about the Annual Report.
Arnie Bellis
“Didn’t have a chance to look at the Annual Report, would like the Board to look at how the proposals are laid out because most of the people have problems filling out the proposals.” Arnie also noted that“the Nation wants to buy Husby Forests and the money should come out of SMFRA (South Moresby Forest Replacement Account - now known as Gwaii Forest Charitable Trust) so we can have our hands on it.”
“The SMFRA is now known as the Gwaii Forest Charitable Trust and the markets are not the best right now,an ad hoc group will be going to the community in the next few months to solicit recommendations.”
Arnie Bellis
“It was never clear to me, with the elections, that is there accountability to the town and their people.”
“Reporting back to the community is our primary focus withGwaii Trust we are here as Trustees of the fund to regularly report back to the Communities.”
Vince Collison
“Thanked Gwaii Trust for the Haida Language courses over the past few years; he loves the cover on the Annual Report a very core Haidagroup of people,saying that “end of the day growing pains, both as a community and an organization, has helped to put this all together.”
Greg Martin
Thank the Gwaii TrustBoard commenting “this is a busy time of year”, also offering that he“would like the board to reconsider the Christmas allocation,especially as the Gwaii Trust revenues have declined” further suggesting “taking the Christmas allocation portion of the fund and putting it to a food bank or where is most needed” adding that “as much as I enjoy it, I think it is important to look back and see where the money is needed most.”
“There has been some Program cut backs due to other priorities recently, however there have been additions as well, there is Youth program with a budget $150,000.00, a Food Security Program of $165,000.00 with$80,000.00 to the school and the other $85,000.00 goes to local foodsecurity projects/programs.”
Arnie Bellis
“Think it was Gwaii Trust that turned over for the island waste project for $750,000.00. As a property owner I would like to see when something like this is applied, how much a person’s property tax is bill is reduced. Gwaii Trustfunding lowers peoples land taxes down by funding these types of projects and people are not aware of this. I think this should be public knowledge onhow much the GTS saves on land taxes.” Arnie also thanked the Gwaii Trust for supporting him on a workshop.
Errol Winter
“I agree with you Arnie, the evaluation process is something we are getting better at as we focus more on project evaluations, we are hoping to make more of this information public in the future” information.
Kim Goetzinger
“I have concerns about the website, alot of the times the online applications are we going to go in a different area with the online proposals, if there is a save button it would be much easier.”
Errol Winter
“We are continually looking for ways to work and make the online proposals easier to use, and I appreciate your input”.
Advised the Public Forum that our annual report is on the website as well as all approved projects.
Michael Johnson from McAlpine & Company shared the Annual Report to the Gwaii Trust Board of Directors and the public, asked if anyone had any questions
The Chairperson discussed the Haida Parity Haida and its history explaining that Parity cameabout when the SandspitHarborand two visitor information centerswere built from government fundingthe communities wanted to ensure “parity” among all communities so the Trust set aside a similar amount of funding as was spent by the federal government under the original South Moresby Agreement ($12.3 million) to be paid out to the Haida community through project funding over a 15 year period. The board had decided that they would accelerate to pay this out, agreeing to pay out 5 million of the Haida Parity money over the last fiscal year. There remains roughly a further $4 million to be paid out, the GTS Board is committed to paying this remaining balance out as soon as markets permit.”
Alex Rinfrit
Asked how much did Gwaii Trust charge the Tl’azt’en nation to manage their Funds
The Gwaii Trust is charging the Tl’azt’en Nation approximately $25,000.00
6.0Resolution to the Board
6.1 Audited Financial Statements
The Gwaii Trust Board of Directors reviewed the 2010/2011 Financial Statements afterdiscussion the Gwaii Trust Board of Directors made a motion to accept the Financial Statement
dated August 31 2011 as presented.
Moved By: Fran Redick
Seconded by: Shelley Sansome
CARRIEDDecision Record # 11-0557
6.2 Auditor Appointment
The Gwaii Trust Board of Directors made a motion to appoint Michael Johnson of McAlpine & Co. as auditor for the Gwaii Trust Society for the 2011/2012 fiscal year.
Moved By: Percy Crosby
Seconded By: Trevor Russ
CARRIEDDecision Record # 11-0562
6.3 Directors Appointment
The Members of the Gwaii Trust Society made a motion to appoint the following directors:
- Pursuant to subsection 33(3) of the By-laws of the Society, on or before November 1 of each odd calendar year, the Council of the Haida Nation will nominate two (2) persons for appointment by the members as directors.
- Pursuant to subsection 33(4) of the By-laws of the Society, on or before November 1 of each odd calendar year, Graham Island North and Graham Island South will each nominate for Graham Island North and Graham Island South, respectively, one person for appointment as a director or by the members.
- Pursuant to subsection 33(8) of the By-laws of the Society, the term of each director’s office will commence at the end of the Annual general Meeting at which he or she is appointed and will expire at the close of the Annual General Meeting held in each year in which such director’s term is to expire pursuant to Section 12.
- Nominations have been received from the participating communities referred to above and are attached to these resolutions.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following persons are hereby appointed to be directors of the Society to hold office term of two (2) years, pursuant to subsection 33 (6) of the By- law of the Society, or until they resign or are replaced:
Name of DirectorAlternate DirectorParticipating Community
Fran RedickPendingGraham Island North
John T JonesCecil BrownOMVC
James CowparWillard WilsonSBC
Shelley SansomeJacques MorinGraham Island South
Moved by: Fran Redick
Second by: Percy Crosby
CARRIEDDecision Record # 11-0563
The Meeting was adjourned at 2:29pm
Peter LantinErrol Winter
ChairmanManaging Administrator