Algebra I

Norco High School

Course Syllabus

Mrs. Bolle

Course Description

Algebra is the first year course of high school mathematics. You will be a part of a group of teachers (Mrs. Bolle, Mr. Padilla, and Mrs. Ricaud) who will be working purposefully, regularly, and cooperatively throughout the year to help all students gain a conceptual understanding of Algebra 1. We will set goals, design meaningful assignments and activities, prepare lesson plans, and evaluate results. Through clear expectations, students will follow the contents of the California State Standards and Common Core for Algebra. This course emphasizes the relationships between variables and unknowns, using these relationships to solve problems. This class will challenge the students to think and represent their work verbally, graphically, and algebraically. This class will focus on the development of the student’s ability to understand and apply the study of functions and mathematical concepts to solve problems. Students will learn how to think systematically and use the precise logic required for mathematical problem solving. This course builds on the student’s understanding of basic mathematics in the study of algebraic skills and problem solving. Students will learn to express real-world problems in algebraic sentences in order to find solutions. The rigor of this course is used to strengthen all algebra skills. Successful completion of this course is an indispensable step in preparations for geometry, more advanced algebra, trigonometry, and advanced mathematics.


1.  Textbook: Algebra: Structure and Method – Book 1

2.  3 ring notebook

3.  Paper/Graph paper (will need both)

4.  Pencils/Pens

Student Expectations

Along with Norco High School’s rules (described in the student handbook), these are the basic rules for our classroom:

1.  Be Prompt: This means students will be in their assigned seats and ready to work when the tardy bell rings.

2.  Be Prepared: This means students will have all necessary school supplies with them at all times, including their homework assignments.

3.  Be Polite: This means students will respect everyone, in and outside of the classroom. Rudeness and disrespect will not be tolerated.

4.  Be Productive: This means students will do their best at accomplishing the stated objectives or standards at all times. Time is precious. DO NOT WASTE IT!



1.  Bonus points on assignments/tasks 1. Phone calls home

2.  Phone calls home 2. Detention

3.  Rewards 3. Referrals


Your Algebra grade will be a cumulative grade based on the number of points you earn during the semester. Grades will not reset at the end of each grading period. The grade for Algebra is calculated from eight different categories: Notes, Homework, Khan Academy, POW’s, Projects, Participation Points, Tests, and Final Exams.

Grading Scale

A 90 – 100%

B 80 – 89%

C 70 – 79%

D 60 – 69%

F Below 59%


Homework will be assigned daily. Each assignment is worth 5 points. No credit is given to assignments that show no work.

Failure to bring all your class materials will result in a zero for that day’s assignment(s).

Late Homework

No late homework is accepted. If you miss a class it is your responsibility to get any missed notes and assignments.


It is the responsibility of the student to see that all concepts, standards, and content material is understood and learned. If a student is experiencing difficulty with the course content material, the teacher should be notified immediately so that additional instruction, tutoring and/or peer mentoring may be provided.

Tutoring will be provided:

·  Before school

·  During lunch

·  After school

See school website for locations

You are expected to enter the room in an orderly fashion and consult the board or the overhead projector for the starting activity. You are required to stay in your seats unless permission is given (this includes sharpening pencils, using the garbage, etc.)

Keys to Success in this Course

1.  Do all the assignments yourself. Getting help from parents, another student, or me is fine, but NEVER just copy someone else’s work.

2.  ALWAYS copy the problem before working it. (Exception: word problems)

3.  ALWAYS show your work. Turning in a list of answers is not acceptable. (Exception: problems meant to be done mentally—I’ll let you know)

4.  WRITE DOWN everything I do on the overhead.

5.  Make sure you understand what I’m talking about.

6.  Make sure you are able to do assignment problems WITHOUT looking at a “model” or “sample” problem.

7.  Before each test, try to work some of each type problem that is being covered.

8.  Keep an excellent folder-the more notes you have, the better.

9.  Come to tutoring if you find an assignment and/or concept especially difficult. If you are having problems, TELL ME ABOUT IT!

10.  Learn to PAY VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO DETAILS. In mathematics you must learn to pay attention to every letter, every minus sign, every parenthesis, etc. Many students lose points because of carelessness and inattention to detail!

Important Websites

Algebra 1 website: (Norco High Website) Click on “Departments”, then on “Mathematics” and lastly click on the “Algebra 1” tab.

-This website was created to make students and parents aware of daily assignments and upcoming tests, quizzes and projects.

-Daily homework and the test/quiz schedule, along with other important class information will be posted on this website.

-Daily notes, warm-up problems and homework solutions will be uploaded and posted online daily.

Grades online: (Or click on Zangle Parent Connection on the NHS website)

-All student grades will be posted on this website and can be accessed with the student’s id number and a password.

-This will allow students and parents to be constantly aware of their progress in my class.

-Grades will be updated regularly as assignments are turned in (about every 1-2 weeks).

-For students to check their grades, they need to click on the Zangle Student Connection link on the NHS website.

**Any password questions, please contact Kelly Love at

Khan Academy:

-Khan Academy is an online tutorial program.

-Students will be required to complete certain practice sets each unit as part of their grade.

-Students will be given class time to work on their practice sets, but at home practice time will be required.


-Edmodo is a secure social learning network for teacher and students.

-Students will be able to post questions and get tutoring help anytime of day from other Algebra students and current Algebra 1 teachers.

Teacher Contact Information: or NHS phone number (951) 736-3241

Syllabus Verification Form




We have read and understand the syllabus and course outline and will feel free to discuss any problems or questions directly with Mr. Padilla.

Student Signature Date

Parent Signature Date

Date Returned to Teacher:______