Grant County Schools

Standards Based Map


Driver Education / HS
Teacher / Subject / Grade Level / Period
Updated as of:
July 28,2015
Date Taught / Standard(s)
CSO/NGCSO / Student I Can Statement(s) / Learning Target(s) / Essential Questions / Academic Vocabulary / Strategies / Activities / Resources / Materials / Modifications/
Differentiated Instruction / Assessments
Week 1
Ongoing / DE.01.01demonstrate and explain basic procedures for pre- and post-driving checks / I understand the steps needed to safely start and stop a vehicle. / What checks are needed before driving the vehicle? / Ignition
Power brake / Reading with questions and checklists.
BTW / Chapter 4
DriverEd online / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests, Quizzes,
Week 1
Ongoing / DE.01.02demonstrate and evaluate the procedures for starting the engine under normal and abnormal conditions / I understand the steps needed to safely start and stop a vehicle. / What should you do before you start the engine? / Transmission
idle / Reading with questions and checklists.
BTW / Chapter4/5 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests, Quizzes,
Week 2
Ongoing / DE.01.03demonstrate the ability to smoothly accelerate, maintain control, and stop the vehicle with conventional and antilock braking systems. / I can operate a vehicle by accelerating and braking properly. / What are basic driving maneuvers? / Acceleration
Threshold braking
antilock / Reading with questions and checklists.
BTW / Ch.5 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests, Quizzes,
1st Quarter / DE.01.04 utilize and explain the safety equipment and restraint devices within the vehicle / I can use the seat belt properly. / What is necessary to safely secure oneself? / Active safety
Passive safety / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.4 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests, Quizzes,
1st Quarter / DE.01.05 identify and justify functions of instruments and control devices within the vehicle. / I can read and understand the gauges and devices. / What can the vehicle tell us about our vehicle? / Blind spot
Cruise control / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.4 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests, Quizzes,
1st Quarter / DE.02.01 identify the relationship of the human, environmental, and vehicular aspects of the highway transportation system / I can list the parts of the HTS. / How can you safely drive with other vehicles on the roadways? / HTS
Cost benefit ratio / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.1 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests, Quizzes,
Week 2
Ongoing / DE.02.02 execute steering adjustments and control vehicles speed while driving along straight and curved paths of travel / I can properly track a vehicle when driving. / Why is it important to constantly be searching the road? / Tracking
Hand over hand
Push,pull,feed / Reading with questions and checklists.
BTW / Ch.5 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests, Quizzes,
Week 3
Ongoing / DE.02.03 control speed and direction while backing the vehicle along straight and curved paths / I can safely back a vehicle. / What is different about backing a vehicle? / Visual aquity
Distance vision
Depth perception / Reading with questions and checklists.
BTW / Ch.7 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests, Quizzes,
Week 5
Ongoing / DE.02.04 stop and secure the vehicle on level and hilly terrain / I can safely secure a vehicle on a hill. / Is there any more steps when parking on a hill? / Parking brake / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.4 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests,Quizzes,
Week 1
Ongoing / DE.02.05 perform the driving skills necessary to interact with other highway users in rural, urban, residential, limited access, and general highway environments. / I have the skills to interact with other roadway users. / Why is it important to constantly be searching the road? / Limited access
Controlled access / Reading with questions and checklists.
BTW / Ch.9 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests,Quizzes,
Week 2
Ongoing / DE.02.06 demonstrate and explain skills necessary to safely enter and exit from the flow of traffic / I have the skills to interact with other roadway users. / Why is it important to constantly be searching the road? / Directional signal
steering / Reading with questions and checklists.
BTW / Ch.4 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests,Quizzes,
Week 2
Ongoing / DE.02.07 perform driving techniques that will maintain a safe separation/space around the vehicle / I have the skills to interact with other roadway users. / Why is it important to constantly be searching the road? / Visual lead
Response zone
Following interval / Reading with questions and checklists.
BTW / Ch.8 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests,Quizzes,
Week 5
Ongoing / DE.02.08 demonstrate and explain skills needed to safely perform lane changing maneuvers. / I have the skills to interact with other roadway users. / Why is it important to constantly be searching the road? / Directional signal / Reading with questions and checklists.
BTW / Ch.4 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests, Quizzes,
Week 10
Ongoing / DE.02.09 demonstrate and explain skills necessary for safely overtaking and passing other vehicles. / I have the skills to interact with other roadway users. / What considerations is necessary to pass another vehicle? / Maneuver
time / Reading with questions and checklists.
BTW / Ch.6 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests, Quizzes,
Week 3
Ongoing / DE.02.10 demonstrate and explain safe lane usage under varying traffic conditions / I have the skills to interact with other roadway users. / What is the blind spot? / communicate / Reading with questions and checklists.
BTW / Ch.6 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests, Quizzes,
Week 3
Ongoing / DE.02.11 perform intersection turning
maneuvers legally, safely, and efficiently. / I have the skills to interact with other roadway users. / How does one safely and legally negotiate an intersection? / T-intersection
roundabout / Reading with questions and checklists.
BTW / Ch.10 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests, Quizzes,
Week 4
Ongoing / DE.02.12 perform turnabout maneuvers, which will allow the vehicle to safely proceed in the opposite direction / I can properly turn a vehicle a variety of ways. / What is a safe turnabout? / Turnabout
2 pt. turn
3 pt. turn
U turn / Reading with questions and checklists.
BTW / Ch.6 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests, Quizzes,
2nd Quarter / DE.02.13 recognize and apply driving techniques that result in increased fuel/energy conservation / I know how conserve fuel when driving. / How can one maximize fuel efficiency? / Carpooling
overdrive / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.16
Ch. 19 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests,Quizzes,
2nd Quarter / DE.03.01 describe and assess methods utilized by drivers to counteract drowsiness, fatigue, and exposure to carbon monoxide poisoning / I can identify reasons and dangers not to drive. / What is good physical, psychological and social readiness for driving? / Fatigue
Recovery time / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.16 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests,Quizzes,
2nd Quarter / DE.03.02 describe and assess the effect of emotions on driving performance. / I can identify situations when emotions affect driving? / What is good physical, psychological and social readiness for driving? / Inattention
aggression / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.17
National Road Safety Council / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests, Quizzes,
1st Quarter / DE.03.03 describe and assess the relationship between an individual’s level of maturity and collision prevention or involvement / I can realize experience is the best teacher. / What is good physical, psychological and social readiness for driving? / mobility / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.1 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests, Quizzes,
2nd Quarter / DE.03.04 describe and assess the need/importance for correcting and/or compensating for driver disabilities / I can make changes to safely drive when disabled. / When does an injury or illness require changes in driving? / impairment / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.16 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
2nd Quarter / DE.03.05 identify and explain the magnitude of alcohol related collisions with vehicles and pedestrians. / I can understand that alcohol is a leading cause of injury and death. / Does only alcohol affect those driving? / pedestrians / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.18
Ch. 10
Ch.11 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
2nd Quarter / DE.03.06 describe and explain the effects of alcohol and/or drugs on the individual in relation to driving task and pedestrian functions. / I can understand that alcohol is a leading cause of injury and death. / What does alcohol/drugs do to one’s body? / Static vision
Dynamic vision / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.18 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
2nd Quarter / DE.03.07 identify and justify state laws dealing with driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. / I can list the laws in WV concerning drugs/alcohol. / What laws govern WV for drugs/alcohol? / Impaired
revocation / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.18
DUI Videos / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
2nd Quarter / DE.03.08 explain how body weight, quantity and type of food, rest, and amount of alcohol consumed may affect one’s driving ability in different ways at different times. / I can list the affects alcohol/drugs has on different people. / What does alcohol/drugs do to one’s body? / BAC / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.18 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
1st quarter
ongoing / DE.03.09 explain and perform characteristics of a courteous driver. / I can be a courteous driver. / What is good physical, psychological and social readiness for driving? / Norm
custom / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.17 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
2nd Quarter / DE.04.01 Explain the relationship between driver actions, environmental factors, vehicle characteristics, and roadway conditions through all three types of skids. / I can identify changes in roadway conditions. / What must one know to safely maneuver different types of skids? / Power skid
Braking skid
Cornering skid
Blowout skid / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.14 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
1st quarter
ongoing / DE.04.02 demonstrate skills required for city, urban, rural, and limited access highways. / I have the skills to interact with other roadway users. / Why is it important to constantly be searching the road? / Interchange
Merge / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.9 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
Week 1
Ongoing / DE.04.03 execute angle, parallel, and perpendicular parking. / I can park a vehicle in a variety of ways. / What are different parking techniques? / Angle
parallel / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.6 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
Ongoing / DE.04.04 demonstrate the driving adjustments needed to cope with various road surface conditions and roadway obstructions. / I can identify and adjust to changes in roadway conditions. / Why is it important to constantly be searching the road? / Overdriving
hydroplaning / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.13 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
2nd Quarter / DE.04.05 Identify and justify safe driving practices at railroad crossings / I can safely interact with RR crossings. / What precautions are necessary at RR crossings? / Stall
cross bucks / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.15
Ch. 10
Operation Lifesaver / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
2nd Quarter / DE.04.06 identify and justify safe practices for operating a vehicle under adverse conditions such as snow, rain, ice, fog, and darkness. / I can identify and adjust to changes in roadway conditions. / What is necessary to safely adjust to weather conditions? / Skids
smog / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.13 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
2nd Quarter / DE.04.07 identify and justify the natural laws of physics as they apply to safe and efficient driving. / I can identify and adjust to changes in roadway conditions. / How does physics affect driving? / Friction
Centrifugal force / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch. 12
Ch.14 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
2nd Quarter / DE.04.08 Identify and justify procedures for coping with emergency driving situations. / I can properly react to emergency situations. / What procedures is necessary when encountering emergency situations? / Blowout
Jump start / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch.15 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
1st Quarter / DE.05.01 Identify and explain the legal requirement for owning and operating a vehicle, i.e., registration, titling, licensing, insuring, and legally equipping a vehicle. / I can prepare a vehicle to legally drice in WV. / What is needed to make a vehicle legal to drive? / Suspend
revoke / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch. 2
Teen Drive 365 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
1st Quarter / DE.05.02 Identify the knowledge of traffic laws and recognize the importance and necessity for supporting and observing laws. / I can legally and lawfully operate a vehicle. / What are the laws and why are they important? / Right of way
Fixed speed limits
Advisory speed limits / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch. 2 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
1st Quarter / DE.05.03 Identify and comply to all highway signs, signals, and roadway markings. / I can identify and interpret roadway signs. / What are the meaning of the different signs? / Regulatory
informational / Reading with questions and checklists.
BTW / Ch. 3 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
1st Quarter / DE.05.04explain the rights and responsibilities of other roadway users, e.g., pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists and ATVs. / I have the skills to interact with other roadway users. / When does one yield to other roadway users? / Right of way / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch. 1
National Safety Council / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
1st Quarter / DE.05.05 Explain the roles of engineering, enforcement, and education in the highway transportation system. / I understand the parts of the HTS and how they interact. / What/who makes up the HTS? / Cost benefit ratio / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch. 1
WV511 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
1st Quarter / DE.05.06 Identify and discuss safety problems and data concerning the highway transportation system. / I can identify safety issues of the HTS. / What are the safety concerns of the HTS?What does the data say? / Safe
Convenient / Reading with questions and checklists. / National Road Safety Council / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
2nd Quarter / DE.05.07 Explain the Good Samaritan Law. / I understand my responsibility of the Good Samaritan Law. / Are you lawfully held responsible for trying to give aid at a crash scene? / Aid
protect / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch. 15 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
1st Quarter / DE.05.08 explain the legal requirements pertaining to the reporting of traffic collisions. / I can report the proper information at a crash scene. / What is required to be reported after a collosion? / Render
aid / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch. 2 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
1st Quarter / DE.05.09 Describe and explain the requirements in the West Virginia Driver Licensing Handbook. / I understand the steps needed of the handbook. / How does one become a licensed driver? / GDL
permit / Reading with questions and checklists. / / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
2nd Quarter / DE.06.01 use technology to demonstrate the process of trip planning, i.e., budget, route, and map reading and navigation systems. / I can plan a trip using technology. / What information is needed to plan a trip? / Budget
navigation / Reading with questions and checklists. / mapquest / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
2nd Quarter / DE.06.02 identify and explain preventive maintenance checks for keeping a vehicle operating efficiently / I can perform maintenance checks on a vehicle. / How do you know if your vehicle is ready to drive? / Power train
Tune up / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch. 19 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
2nd Quarter / DE.06.03 Identify and explain the signs/symptoms which indicate vehicle malfunctions, e.g., gauges, lights, noise, etc. / I can interpret from a vehicle information system malfunctions. / How do you know if your vehicle is ready to drive? / Muffler
strut / Reading with questions and checklists. / Ch. 19 / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
2nd Quarter / DE.06.04 Describe the process of evaluating new/used vehicles i.e., Kelly blue book and car fax, etc. / I can search for a fair price and the value of a vehicle. / How can one get a true value of a vehicle? / Inspection
evaluate / Reading with questions and checklists. / Teenslearn / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes
2nd Quarter / DE.06.05 Use technological tools to demonstrate the financial implications of owning, purchasing, or leasing vehicles, comparing insurance and maintenance cost, etc. / I can calculate the total cost of owning and operating a vehicle. / How do I buy a car and get insurance? / Deductible
liability / Reading with questions and checklists. / Teenslearn / As determined by individual IEP and student ability. / Tests , quizzes