
The Honorable Carl E. Stewart

Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

Recipient of the Judge Advocates Foundation

Chief Justice John Marshall Lifetime Achievement Award

The Honorable Andrew S. Effron

former Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces

Recipient of the Judge Advocates Association

Robinson O. Everett Distinguished Life Service Award

Colonel Vance Spath, USAF

Chief Trial Judge of the Air Force

Recipient of the Judge Advocates Foundation

Major General William K. Suter Distinguished Judicial Service Award


Recipients of the Outstanding Career Judge Advocate Awards

Wednesday May 21, 2014

Reception - 6:30 p.m. • Dinner - 7:15 p.m.

Army Navy Country Club, 1700 Army Navy Drive, Arlington, VA 22202

Reservations and payment must be received NLT May 12, 2014
using the attached form.

Please mail your reservation form and payment to:

Col Carol L. Hattrup, USAF (Ret)

Vice President, JAA

2401 S. Queen Street, Arlington, VA 22202


Cell: (703) 975-9521 Office: (703) 995-6898

Checks should be payable to “Judge Advocates Foundation”

For additional information or questions about the event, please call

Mr. Nick Grasselli (703) 405-8888 or

Col. Mary Beth Harney (703) 963-5274 or

The Judge Advocate Foundation gratefully acknowledges our sponsors:

LexisNexis, Thomson-Reuters, Pursuant Group and

Military Officers Association of America (MOAA)

ATTIRE: Military—Class “A” or Service Dress per Service regulations

Civilians—Coat and tie required for men; equivalent for women

Reservations for the 2014 Awards Dinner

*VIP guests or Honorees previously notified by JAF/JAA please only fill out
menu and guest information

Cut along dotted line and mail check to JAF or credit card authorization to:

2401 South Queen Street, Arlington, VA 22202 NLT 12 MAY 2014

Title/Rank ______Circle: Active/Retired or Circle one: Mr./Mrs./Ms

First and Last Name ______Service______

Spouse or Guest(s): ______

Title/Rank of Spouse or Guest(s) ______

E-mail for confirmation: ______Phone: ______

Total number of attendees: ______

Menu options:

(1) Petite Grilled Filet Mignon with Cognac Sauce and Petite Broiled Norwegian Salmon with a Mustard Dill Sauce: Number of meals: _____

(2) Petite Grilled Filet Mignon with Cognac Sauce and Petite Grilled Breast of Chicken with a Mustard Sauce: Number of meals: _____

(3) Vegetarian (Pasta Primavera): Number of meals: _____

For menu items (1) and (2) above: $50 per person and guests: (_____) x $50 = ______

For menu item (3) above: $35 per person and guests: (_____) x $35 = ______

Total amount enclosed or to be charged: $ ______

*Are you or guest an honoree or award recipient? Yes ______(Payment is N/A)

Cardholder Name as it appears on card: ______

Credit Card: Visa ___ MasterCard ___ Number: ______

Exp Date ______CCV Number ______

Signature ______Date ______