FHNA Special Meeting Regarding: Grant of Community Enhancement Funds

Sunday, Oct. 4 2015

FHMainstreet Office


Minutes: by Jessica Damen (edited by Board)

Attendance Board of Directors: Beth Whitmer (chair), Jessica Damen (secretary), Bob Merbler, Walt Ettinger, Deb Nelson

Membership: Cindy Conklin, Aimee Sanflippino, Joan Quinn, Charles Thomas, Ivo Jamrosz , Walt Saxon , Rich Polan

Beth presented background information regarding the Community Enhancement Fund Process. She is on the committee with the other Casino impacted areasthat “weighin” on the plans for use of the Community Enhancement Funds. These Neighborhood organizations haveonly an advisement role; the city is the ultimate decision maker. The “grant” has already been rolled once from FY15 to FY16. There is concern that it may not be rolled into FY 17 if it is not used my June 2016. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS NOT CASH. It is credits with city agencies and city approved contractors for beautification and improvement of neighborhoods. Since the Board was presented with a very tight time frame (the NA were presented with the budget May 2015, please refer to the FHNA Board 5/13/15 minutes) a committee was formed to select projects that had plans in place and were “shovel –ready”. The committee recommended to the board that the allocation be used for Federal Hill Park and Trees (and tree projects like new pits, pit enlargement, replacement of dead trees, etc.). The board approved and because of time sensitivity of fall planting , decided to call a special meeting.

Discussion ensued- one member objected to the process of a special meeting calling instead for a vote to take place during a regular membership meeting. It was reiterated that timing for submission made that impossible and that the notification for the special meeting was conducted according to the bylaws of the NA.

Rich Polan presented tree plan for 2016 and has vetted all identified Partners.He will supervise the planting and maintenance of the trees.

Walt Ettinger presented the plans for re-sodding and minor repairs for the Federal Hill Park.

The motion for the allocation of above said grant money:

$15 K for trees throughout FH as per the plan presented by Rich Polan and Rich Polan supervising,

$35K for The Federal Hill Park as per the plan presented by Walt Ettinger including sodding and other specific repairs to the FHP, the work to be completed by the Water Front Partnership was approved. 11 in favor of the motion, 1 opposed.
