Consumer Participation Reimbursement
Policy and Procedure
CS 505 /

In line with industry best practice, and to recognise the value and insight gained from our consumers and carers, Ermha will ensure that consumers and carers are adequately reimbursed for their participation in Ermha activities.

  1. SCOPE
  2. Ermha Consumers and Carers


  2. Ermha Consumer – An individual who has been assessed and accepted by one or more of Ermha’s programs.
  3. Ermha Carer –An individual who cares for a consumerand is supported by an Ermha Program themselves.
  5. Ermha will ensure that consumers and carers are adequately reimbursed for their contribution to Ermha activities beyond those related to their own support.

4.2.In order to qualify for reimbursement, the position must have

  • A Role Description,
  • An open selection process,
  • A Terms of Reference or purpose statement (for Committees or presentations)

4.3.Consumers and carers will be reimbursed for activities based on the table below:

Activity / Payment (per scheduled hour)
Membership of an ongoing committee / $30 for the first hour and $20 for each subsequent hour
Participation in a one off forum/panel/other meeting
Delivering a presentation (internal)
Delivering a presentation (external)
Reviewing documents (Not as part of a committee or meeting) / $20
  • The time taken to provide any briefing or debriefing is not included when calculating reimbursement payments.
  • Preparation for meetings or completing actions from meetings is an expected part of participation and is included in the membership payment.
  • Payments will be calculated on a pro-rata basis in half hour increments adjusted upwards to the nearest half hour (e.g. 10 minutes = half hour payment, 35 minutes = hour payment.)

4.4.Consumers and Carers will be reimbursed fortravel – above the rate set for out of pocket expenses – if the activity occurs more than 10 kilometresfrom Ermha’s Head Office.

  • If using public transport, the full cost of the fare will be reimbursed.
  • If travel by car, the rate of reimbursement will be according to the ATO rate.
  • No payment will be made for travel if the consumer or carer is transported by an Ermha staff member.

4.5.Consumers and Carers will be reimbursed in full for any parking costs following submission of a receipt. Staff will ensure that a reimbursement form is completed with the consumer.

Type of Payment

4.6.Consumer and Carers may elect to receive payment in one of three ways:

  • Cash
  • A voucher
  • A donation to their nominated charity

4.6.1. Ermha will not provide payment to a consumer in any other way unless authorised by the relevant Executive DirectorPayments will be made in the next pay cycle following the meeting.

4.7.Consumers and Carers may request to not receive payment for participation. This must be noted in the activity report for their participation.

4.8.Reimbursement will not be provided in cases where the duties are not performed (e.g. in case of sickness or absence for other reasons).

Tax and Pension obligations

4.9.Ermha can only provide general tax and pension advice relating to reimbursement payments. Ermha cannot provide tax or pension advice to consumers relating to their individual circumstances.

4.10.Ermha reimbursement payments are treated as an honorarium – this is not classified as ‘reportable income’ by the Australian Tax Office.

  • Consumers must still complete a ‘statement by a supplier’ form – it is recommended that in question 3 the box ‘The supply is made by an individual or partnership without areasonable expectation of profit or gain’is checked.

4.11.Ermha reimbursement payments are classified as ‘reportable income’ by Centrelink, and income must be reported.

4.12.Limits apply on the income that can be earned before pension payments are affected. Staff should support consumers to contact Centrelink for information specific to their pension (if in receipt). Additional general information is available at


  2. ATO ‘Statement by a Supplier’ Form

1 / 23/06/2016 / New Policy / 23/06/2018
Doc No: CS 505 / Version No: 1 / Date of Issue: 23/06/2016
Author Title: MQS / Authoriser Title: MQS / Approver Title: CEO
CONTROLLED COPY / Uncontrolled Copy When Printed
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