Elevator Extra Credit Instructions

In this activity you will need:

  1. An analog bathroom scale. (a Digital Scale will NOT WORK)
  2. A video camera.
  3. Access to an elevator that moves at least 4 stories.

Before the Lab:

  1. Discuss what you predict will happen to the scale in the elevator.
  2. Go online and find a physics problem about this and discuss if this changes your mind at all about your prediction.
  3. Draw an FBD and write a quick explanation of what you think will happen.

The Experiment:

1.  Take an analog bathroom scale into an elevator. (Minimum Height 4 stories)

2.  On video briefly discuss 2-3 min what you found out before the lab.

3.  Stand on the scale in the elevator.

4.  Go up at least 4 floors

5.  Record what happens.

6.  Go down at least 4 floors

7.  Record what happens.

After the Experiment:

1.  Explain why your weight appears to change during the elevator ride. Did you get heavier or lighter? Did direction matter? Does your weight W=mg actually change? If yes why? If not what is the scale reading?

2.  Make sure to draw a correct FBD.

3.  Write up should be about a page.

4.  Turn in CD to Mr. Eisenberg (Flash drive is acceptable only before 7:30 am or after 2:35 pm)


·  Maximum of 3 people can get credit per group

·  The # of people getting credit must correspond to the # of trips up and down the elevator

  1. This means if 3 people get credit then 3 different people must ride up and down the elevator. If you are embarrassed of your weight (Mr. E is not interested in what you weigh) you may substitute another person (ie. Friend/stranger/mom)

·  Make sure that the NAMES OF THE PEOPLE WHO WANT CREDIT appears on the CD or in the video.

·  Have fun

·  Learn something