Carroll County Board of Education

April 25, 2011


The Carroll County Board of Education met in regular business session at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, April 25, 2011, at the Carroll County Board of Education Office at 14155 Paris Street in Huntingdon, Tennessee. Present were Gina Atkins, Debbie Broadbent, Jimmy Simmons, Tonya Stepp and Antoinette Stokes. Absent was Harold H. McLain, Jr.

Vice-chairman Jimmy Simmons called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Mrs. Toni Stokes moved to approve the agenda. Mrs. Tonya Stepp seconded. The agenda was approved. The following items were approved under the Consent Agenda.

·  The minutes of the March 28, 2011, business meeting;

·  Marla Glosson and Earl Ware as substitute bus drivers pending satisfactory background checks, testing and correct licensing;

·  Recognition of the reemployment of John McAdams as principal at the Carroll County Technical Center;

·  Recognition of reemployment of the following tenured certified personnel for the 2011-2012 school year contingent upon funding, positions available and correct licensure for coursework offered:

Karen Carpenter Speech & Language System

Barbara Carter Health Sciences CCTC

Linda Furr Special Education System

Kandace Jackson Marketing CCTC

Debra Lawson Special Education SLC

Candice Mitchell Special Education Preschool

Brenda Patterson Child Care & JTG CCTC

Tanya Ricketts Health Sciences CCTC

Robert Tucker Criminal Justice CCTC

Michael Walker Auto Collision Tech. CCTC

Mitchell Whitworth Metals Technology CCTC

·  Recognition of reemployment of the following non-tenured certified personnel for the 2011-2012 school year contingent upon funding, positions available and correct licensure for coursework offered:

Richard Chappell Driver’s Education CCTC

Kenneth New Automotive Tech. CCTC

Dana Wyatt ACE Program System

Carroll County Board of Education

April 25, 2011

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In Unfinished Business, Mrs. Toni Stokes moved to approve the quarterly financial report for the fiscal period ending March 31, 2011. Mrs. Gina Atkins seconded. The quarterly financial report was unanimously approved.

Mrs. Toni Stokes moved to approve the second semester safety bonus payments to bus drivers and bus shop employees according to the policies for eligibility. Mrs. Tonya Stepp seconded. The motion carried unanimously.

In New Business, Mrs. Gina Atkins moved to award bus bids to IC Cumberland for three (3) regular 78-passenger buses in the amount of $79,670.07 per bus and one (1) special education bus in the amount of $90,189.96. This company met bus specifications, offered two year towing, and they will be able to meet the delivery date. Mrs. Debbie Broadbent seconded. The bid award was unanimously approved.

The accomplishments of the ACE students were recognized by Superintendent Charlotte Tucker. In the Tennessee Future Problem Solving State Bowl written competition the McKenzie Middle School team won honorable mention in the junior division; the West Carroll Junior/Senior High School team won second place in the middle division, and the Huntingdon High School team won first place in the senior division. In the skit competition Huntingdon Middle School won first place in the junior division and Huntingdon High School won second place in the senior division. The Huntingdon High School team be traveling to La Crosse, Wisconsin, for the International Competition.

Mrs. Gina Atkins moved to approve travel expenditures for the ACE teacher to accompany students to the International Competition. Mrs. Tonya Stepp seconded. The travel expenses were unanimously approved.

Mrs. Tonya Stepp moved to recommend Jason Smith to advance from transitional licensure to professional licensure. Mrs. Debbie Broadbent seconded. The motion carried unanimously.

Mrs. Tonya Stepp moved to grant tenure to Brandy Baumgardner and Jason Smith and to reemploy them for the 2011-2012 school year contingent

Carroll County Board of Education

April 25, 2011

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upon funding, positions available and correct licensure for coursework offered. Mrs. Gina Atkins seconded. The motion carried unanimously.

Superintendent Tucker announced that Mrs. Janis Staten will retire as educational assistant at the Special Learning Center at the end of the 2010-2011 school year.

The board by consensus agreed to meet on the regularly scheduled meeting date of May 23, 2011, at 5:30 p.m.

There was a closed discussion on a pending lawsuit by a former employee.

The meeting was adjourned around 6:30 p.m.

