General Information

Name /

Kondwani Mtonga

Age / 24 years / Height 1.92 (6ft 5 in)
Weight / 60kg / Position Midfielder / r
Club / Zesco / Contract Expiry
Fixture / Zesco vs Red Arrows
Scout / Bruno Ngosa / Date 11/04/2009


Ball Control
/ Excellent ball control with both feet and chest
Running with the ball / He controls the ball well and runs well with the ball on both sides either left or right
Attacking Ability / Very good when pushing forward with deep penetrating passes and preferred to support the play.
Defending Ability / Strong defensive player especially in the air although his closing down was not aggressive.
Heading / Strong committed header of the ball
Tackling / He is not a strong tackler and does not go to the ground when challenging the opponents.
Long Passing / His long range passing is excellent and well calculated
Short Passing / He has got the eye of a needle his short passes were accurate and to feet.
Right Foot / This is his foot and controlled most of the balls with the right foot no doubt his preferred foot, he uses this foot when running with the ball.
Left Foot / He controls the ball sometimes with the left and can pass short passes but not on long distances.
/ Confident and composed when in possession he has the eye of the needle he was good at turning quickly on either side. his movement was excellent and created his space when receiving the balls
Movement Off The Ball
/ Strong runner but lacks the pace he did attack mostly right hand channels and very strong on the ball.
Body Strength
Efforts To Win Ball Back
/ A well behaved player who did not got involved with the referees decisions or with the opponents. Very brave in going for a 50/50 challenge and used his height advantage to win the balls in the air but lacks the ability to go down quickly.
Bravery - Physical
Bravery - Mental
Team Player


Comments / Tall thin physique right footed midfield player his distribution is a marvel to watch he can pass the ball at long distance and has the eye of the needle when it comes to short penetrating passes and his movement off the ball is excellent and has got the ability to run box to box for the entire 90 minutes. His defensive attributes when under attack are not convincing he is not always quick to recover because he lacks pace and does not tackler. He had a free role and supported players in possession and has the confidence to shoot from long range.
Recommendation / A very talented young Zambian player but his lack of genuine pace is a worry. He does not quickly come to defend when under attack and lacks the pace when attacking. I have watched him several times when captaining Zamtel football club and his strength is in the distribution of the balls.