Before the Meeting started the Secretary asked Peter Ridgers, our Vice Chairman to take over the Meeting. Peter agreed to this but asked Gordon to lead the Silent Tribute.

Minutes of Warkworth Branch A.G.M. held in the Legion Room on Friday December 7th 2007 at 7.30p.m.

1. SILENT TRIBUTE by our Secretary remembering members deceased during the year.


G. Charlton, John Say, Doug Paterson, Alf and Joan Groome, Jeff and June Watson, Gladys Baston and Peter Ridgers.


Adam Middlemiss, David Mckenna, Joy Watt, Mrs. Hunter,

Elizabeth Howliston, Catherine Groome/McKay, Roger Black, Mrs. Paterson and Wilf Carr.

4. MINUTES FOR PREVIOUS A.G.M. (2005-2006)

Passed by members.


Alf had seen Wilf Carr recently. He is still having trouble with his knee.



The year ended on a sad note with the death of our President, Denis Watt (our former Chairman). Denis was a very good friend to the Branch, he will be sadly missed.

A further blow to our Ranks was the decision of our Chairman Jim Griffiths to return to Wales. Jim has done a great deal for the Branch both as Chairman and Social Secretary. He catered for all our needs. We wish him well on his return to Wales.

About the year. We can only say, as you were.

In spite of our recruiting drive we are still lacking people to take up the reins.

Some of the people who came from the outside have not been heard of since. This is in spite of them being sent Minutes etc. of our meetings.

We have Alf Groome to thank for getting his family to join and although there have been promises of further interest nothing has happened. We have held only four Branch Meetings this year, including the one when Mr. David Bell, the County Field Administrator, visited us and gave his assurances regarding our situation. Apparently there are many branches in a similar situation.


This year has been one of very low activity. Ignoring the subs which merely pass through our accounts with no benefit to the Branch. The picture on income and expenditure is as follows.

INCOME Two subscriptions from the Art group of £50 giving a total income for the year of £100.

EXPENDITURE. For the year was made up of the following

Secretaries expenses £ 86

Poppy appeal Wreaths £ 40

Memorial Hall rent and

Insurance £ 14


Our funds at the beginning of the year amounted to £540 and at the 30th September 07 were approximately £500.


We are adequately funded for the current level of activity but have no income other than donations.


The 2006/2007 appeal was very successful. In total we raised £2112.74p with approx. £20 yet to be credited from Gift Aid. I believe that this is the best we have done and I am extremely grateful for the support I received as organiser. Cathy Groome McKay has shown an interest in helping with the Poppy Appeal. John was thanked for his efforts with the Poppy Appeal. John said that as our rep. on the Hall Committee, he is monitoring the situation. He also mentioned that since Roger Black is now a member we required a new auditor.


President. Fred Calvert.

Chairman. Peter Ridgers

Deputy Chairman. Jeff Watson.

Secretary. Gordon Charlton

Treasurer. John Say

Social Sec. June Watson

G.P. REP. Gordon Charlton

Standard Bearer supplied by Major Stenton A.C.F.

Memorial Hall rep. John Say

Auditor. Roger Black?

Ass. Poppy Appeal Org. Cathy Groome McKay


A discussion was held about changing the night for meetings, suggested every three months but not the first Thursday. Could clash with the Art Group in Summer months.