English 10

Mrs. Sharp

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde


“Meet Robert Louis Stevenson”

1. Where and when was Stevenson born?

2. Describe his childhood/young adulthood.

3. What two “near death” experiences did Stevenson have before he was more than 30 years old?

4. For what other works of literature is Stevenson well-known?

5. Describe the events that led Stevenson to live in the South Pacific nation of Samoa.

6. Explain how Stevenson’s life in Samoa impacted his writing.

“Introducing the Novella”

1. Describe the difficult circumstances under which Stevenson created the story of Jekyll and Hyde.

2. What is a bogey?

3. In what ways did Stevenson’s wife, Fanny, help him develop his story?

There are many ways in which Stevenson’s story was influential or important to the time in which it was written. Consider each of the following points from the reading:

4. Describe the ways in which Britain’s social and economic climate contributed to the success of the story.

5. What are some of the “threats to traditional British society” readers found in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?

6. Explain the connections that some readers found to the works of Charles Darwin.

7. What connections did readers find between Stevenson’s work and the work of Sigmund Freud?

8. List three important aspects of life during the Victorian Era




9. The reading suggests that readers look for what as they read?

10. What details about the time and place of the story are given in this introductory reading?

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Chapter 1: Story of the Door

Discussion Questions

The following questions highlight the important aspects of Chapter 1. We will be discussing these issues in class and they will be important for your overall understanding of the text as well as your performance on the final test/essay. After you read, please complete them and use them to aid you in our class discussion.

The story opens with a detailed description of Mr. Utterson, the lawyer. What do we find out about him? Based on the description, what kind of person is Utterson?

What is Mr. Utterson’s relationship to Mr. Enfield? How are the two men alike and different?

Compare and contrast the description of the building and the door used by Mr. Hyde. Also consider the way Enfield describes Hyde. How does Stevenson seem to be using the setting to give us hints about Mr. Hyde?

Although both Utterson and Enfield claim that they prefer to mind their own business, both men go out of their way to help others.

§  Describe Enfield’s reaction to Hyde’s collision with the little girl. Do you think someone today would respond similarly? Why or why not? What does this tell you about the assumptions about how a man should act during the time of the book?

§  Based on their discussion, predict what Utterson will do next.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Chapter 2: Search for Mr. Hyde

Discussion Questions

The following questions highlight the important aspects of Chapter 2. We will be discussing these issues in class and they will be important for your overall understanding of the text as well as your performance on the final test. Please complete them and use them to aid you in our class discussion.

Describe the strange Will Dr. Jekyll asked Mr. Utterson to create for him. Why does this now concern him more than before?

What is the reason that Dr. Lanyon became estranged from Dr. Jekyll. What does this indicate about Dr. Lanyon’s character?

Once Utterson confronts Hyde, how does he feel toward him? What reasons does Utterson give fro his feelings about Hyde? What does Stevenson tell us about Hyde through Utterson’s response to him?

Why do you think Stevenson never tells us what Hyde’s face looks like?

Describe the appearance of the street and the house where Dr. Jekyll lives. What can you infer about Jekyll from this description?

As Utterson leaves Dr. Jekyll, what does he believe is happening between Jekyll and Hyde?

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Chapter 3: Dr. Jekyll Was Quite at Ease

Discussion Questions

The following questions highlight the important aspects of the text so far. We will be discussing these issues in class and they will be important for your overall understanding of the text as well as your performance on the final test. Please complete them and use them to aid you in our class discussion.

1.  Reread the description of Utterson’s nightmares in chapter 2 (pg. 8). Dow does Stevenson’s imagery make you feel toward the girl? Toward Mr. Hyde? Consider all you have read so far. Has Stevenson been successful in creating a mood or atmosphere of suspense or horror? How so or not? Use specific examples from the text to support your response.

2.  How does Dr. Jekyll describe Dr. Lanyon? Does this match with our previous view of Dr. Lanyon? What does this suggest about Dr. Jekyll?

3.  Describe what Dr. Jekyll asks Utterson to do at the end of the chapter. Why does Utterson have such strong feelings about this request? Why do you think he finally agrees to do it?

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Chapter 4: The Carew Murder Case

Active Reading

At a number of points in the novella, Stevenson uses physical descriptions to create atmosphere, illuminate characters, and communicate feelings. In one revealing scene, Stevenson portrays Mr. Hyde as he cruelly tramples a young girl in the middle of the night. As you review the descriptive details in this chapter, use the chart below to record how Stevenson creates atmosphere, reveals characters, and communicates emotions. Use the model to guide your selection of quotations and responses.

Quotation / Effects on Reader
“He had in his hand a heavy cane, with which he was trifling; but he answered never a word, and seemed to listen with an ill-contained impatience.” / feelings of anxiety for the victim because of Hyde’s sense of anger, a feeling of impending violence


Now, using the details you selected above, draw an illustration of the murder scene. Include character, setting, and all specifics which create the atmosphere. USE COLOR.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Chapter 5: Incident of the Letter

Discussion Questions

The following questions highlight the important aspects of chapter 5. We will be discussing these issues in class and they will be important for your overall understanding of the text as well as your performance on the final test. Please complete them and use them to aid you in our class discussion.

1. In this chapter, Utterson sees a part of Jekyll’s home for the first time. Which part of the home does he visit? Describe at least five details about the room. How is Stevenson once again using setting to give us details about a character’s traits?

2. Dr. Jekyll seems to have changed since we last saw him. Describe the change.

3. In this chapter, what is Utterson’s main question for Jekyll? What is Jekyll’s response?

4. Utterson asks Jekyll, “Was it Hyde who dictated the terms in your will about your disappearance?” What is Jekyll’s response? What does this mean to you?

5. Who is Mr. Guest? What does he have to say about the letter from Hyde and the dinner invitation Utterson receives from Jekyll?

6. Critics often complain that Utterson repeatedly misreads the facts and comes to the wrong conclusions throughout the story. What misinterpretation do you think he makes in this chapter?

Active Reading

Think back to the chart and illustration you completed using the details in chapter 4. Go back and review the descriptive details in chapter five. Use the chart below to record how Stevenson creates atmosphere, reveals characters, and communicates emotions when describing our first view of Jekyll’s laboratory.

Quotation / Effects on Reader


Now, using the details you selected above, draw an illustration of the Jekyll’s laboratory. Include setting details described in the text and all specifics which create the atmosphere. USE COLOR.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Chapter 6: Remarkable Incident of Dr. Lanyon and Chapter 7: Incident at the Window

Discussion Questions

The following questions highlight the important aspects of chapters 6&7. We will be discussing these issues in class and they will be important for your overall understanding of the text as well as your performance on the final test. Please complete them and use them to aid you in our class discussion.

1.  What have the police discovered about Mr. Hyde? Where is he now?

2.  What has been happening to Dr. Jekyll at the start of chapter 6? Describe the ways in which he has changed.

3.  What happens to Dr. Lanyon? What do you think may have caused his illness? What evidence or proof do you have?

4.  On page 24, Utterson makes an important decision not to open the letter until “after the death or disappearance of Dr. Jekyll.” What do you think of this decision?

5. What happened when Utterson and Enfield were at Jekyll’s window? Why do you think Utterson muttered “God forgive us” afterward?

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Chapter 8: The Last Night

Discussion Questions

The following questions highlight the important aspects of chapter 8. We will be discussing these issues in class and they will be important for your overall understanding of the text as well as your performance on the final test. Please complete them and use them to aid you in our class discussion.

1. Look closely at the way the weather is described while Utterson and Poole are on the way back to Jekyll’s house. What could Stevenson be telling you about the mood of this scene or about what is about to happen. Use SPECIFIC examples form the text in your response.

2. Why does Poole believe so strongly that Jekyll has been murdered?

3. When they finally break through the door, what do Utterson and Poole find in the office? What do they expect to find that is not there?

4. What do Poole and Utterson find on the flags (stones) outside the laboratory door? Could this be a clue? About what?

5. Why is Utterson so confused to find yet another copy of Jekyll’s will, this time leaving everything to Utterson himself, lying on the desk in Jekyll’s office?

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Chapter 9: Dr. Lanyon’s Narrative

Discussion Questions

The following questions highlight the important aspects of chapter 9. We will be discussing these issues in class and they will be important for your overall understanding of the text as well as your performance on the final test. Please complete them and use them to aid you in our class discussion.

1. From whose point of view is this chapter being told? How does this differ from previous chapters?

2. Describe the shock that Dr. Lanyon saw, causing his illness and eventual death.

3. Why did the above event shock Dr. Lanyon so? What does this tell you about his personality or character?

4. Why do you think Jekyll wanted to reveal his transformation to Dr. Lanyon?

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde

Chapter 10: Henry Jekyll’s Full Statement of the Case

Discussion Questions

The following questions highlight the important aspects of chapter 10. We will be discussing these issues in class and they will be important for your overall understanding of the text as well as your performance on the final test. Please complete them and use them to aid you in our class discussion.

1. On page 42, Jekyll writes that he “stood committed to a profound duplicity of life.” What led to this duplicity?

2. Why did Jekyll enjoy being Hyde? What parts of Hyde’s personality were particularly attractive to Jekyll?

3. Jekyll says that for a period of time he tried to rid himself of Hyde. Do you truly believe him? Why or why not?

4. Jekyll describes his change from merely “undignified” to “monstrous.” What caused him to descend more into evil?

5. How does Hyde begin to dominate Jekyll’s true nature? Why does this begin to happen?

6. How does Jekyll/Hyde commit suicide?

7. What morals or lessons could the reader learn from reading the story of Jekyll & Hyde? Did Jekyll learn anything? What?