Install/setup Dr.Memory (already done in lab).
Start with the MemoryTester project. Try each of the following - after making each change, rebuild the code and run with DrMemory to look for errors.
Dynamic Memory Basics
Example of dynamic (heap based)int:
int* p = new int(5);//allocate memory
Example of deleting dynamic int:
delete p;
Try each of the following - for each one, what does Dr.Memory report? What is it trying to point out?
- Make a dynamic int (don't delete it).
- Make a dynamic int, delete it, then try to print the value of it points to (cout < *p).
- Make a dynamic int, delete it twice.
- Make an int x (normal, stack based variable), set p to point to it, delete p.
Dynamic Memory With Arrays
Example of dynamic array of ints
int* p = new int[10];
Example of deleting dynamic array of ints:
delete[] p;
Try each of the following - for each one, what does Dr.Memory report? What is it trying to point out?
- Make a dynamic array of 10 ints, do not delete it. How much memory is 10 ints?
- Make a dynamic array of 10 ints, delete it using delete (no [] ). What does Dr. Memory think?
- Make a dynamic array of 10 ints, delete it using the delete[]. What does Dr. Memory think?
- Make a dynamic array of 10 ints. Make a pointer to the third element of the array:
int* p2 = &p[2];
Delete the array using the delete[]. Print the value p2 is pointing to.:
cout < *p2 < endl;
What does Dr. Memory report?
Dynamic Memory WithObjects
Example of dynamic Point:
Point* pt = new Point(4, 5);
Example of deleting dynamic Point:
In the main, try each of the following. Run each and analyze with Dr. Memory.
- Make a dynamic Point, don't delete it. How much memory is leaked?
- Make a dynamic Point, delete the point and confirm you aren’t leaking memory.
- Make a dynamic array of Points, do not delete it.
Point* ptArray = new Point[5]; //relies on default constructor for points to set them up…
This corresponds to the picture below.
How much memory does an array of 5 of them take? - Delete the array with delete[] and confirm you aren’t leaking memory.
Dynamic Array of Dynamic Objects
Example of a heap based array of ptrs to Point objects - makes null (address 0) pointers
Point**pList =new Point*[3] {nullptr};
- Make a dynamic array of 3 Point pointers initialized to all null pointers. The picture below shows what we want.
Don't delete it.
How much memory got leaked? - Add code to make each element in the array point to a point on the heap. Example of making an anonymous Point on the heap and storing pointer into the array:
pList[0] = new Point(1, 4); //create dynamic Point, store point into array
The picture below shows the goal. Do not delete anything.
How much memory got allocated and leaked? - delete [] pList. How much memory is now leaked? Why?
- Before deleting pList, delete each element of the array (Example: "delete pList[0];"). Confirm that there are no memory leaks now.