Freiburg, Germany, Nov 22, 2012

To whom it may concern
Ladies and Gentlemen,
dear friends,

Premier Wall,
We have been following the events around nuclear waste storage since many years,.

We attended the "Seaborne Panel" in a very cold winter in 1996 / 97 in Saskatoon.

Weits final recommendations which were a disaster for AECL and a major setback for the nuclear industry.
Nevertheless, the nuclear industry continued to generate WASTE - waste that they have NO realistic plan of how to dispose off and which nobody is interested to have.
Since the terrific failure of AECL's plan for a waste dump, called a "deep geological repository", the nuclear industry is in dire need of a NEW plan where to put what they call "spent fuel" - in reality highly toxic, highly radioactive material.
A NEW organisation was formed - NWMO.
Well, nothing new to that, really. The US failed at their first attempt to put a nuclear waste dump site to Yucca Mountain, Nevada, so they started a new organisation to do it all over again.
The German Government runs into a similar situation - obviously insurmountable difficulties at the waste dump site in Gorleben - technical / geological difficulties - and a public that stages demonstrations withtens of thousands of people, effectively delaying transports of nuclear waste for DAYS - although they are escorted by thousands of heavily armoured riot police.
So, now they start looking for another placeto put that waste ...

And in Canada, they have come back to Saskatchewan.

Again, we witness how the nuclear industry and its NWMO are using the tactics this industry is notoriousfor:

* disinformation policies

* talks behind closed doors to selected representatives of communities

* thus sidestepping democratic procedures and accountability for their actions to the public in general

* trying to convince people with dollar bills - promises of money,of jobs and of improvement of their material situation

* bullying or intimidating critics and opponents

We see it from the very first step of the nuclear fuel chain, uranium exploration and mining,to its very last step - nuclear waste storage.

We see it from Northern Saskatchewan to Germany to Southern Tanzania to India to ... to ... to.

We see a track of destruction from hundreds of un-reclaimed uranium mines in the US to Canada's legacy of radioactive taililngs to Niger, Namiba, Gabon, South Africa, to Australia, India, Russia, Kazakhstan, former East Germany .... to Chernobyl which - according to the NY Academy of Science - in the end claimed close to a 1.000.000 peoples lives, to Fukushima.

Naturally, we stand in solidarity with the people who are defending their land, their future,the future of their children and generations to come,may they be aboriginal people, maythey be non-aboriginal people defending the environment.

We are not blinded by the rhetoric of nuclear industry, colluding with Governments all too often, talking "development", promising jobs and prosperity.

We know they say "development" and they mean DESTRUCTION.

They say "deep geological repository" - and they mean thousands of tons of deadly poison.

Of course, we stand in solidarity with people in Pinehouse and many other places who do not want this poison on their land.

Pinehouse may seem remote.

It is not.

People opposed to nuclear power and resisting all of its destructive parts are connected worldwide.

And we support those brave ones standing up to destruction, to nuclear waste dumps, to uranium mining and to the intimidation policies of the nuclear industry and its proponents.


Gunter Wippel

Board of