At the Meeting of the Council held in the British Legion Room of War Memorial Hall, Castle Street, Warkworth at 6.30pm on Thursday 2nd March 2017.

Present: Cllrs Mr Watson (Chair), Mrs Black, Mr Cashmore, , Mr Elliott, Dr Hobrough, Mr Lilley and Mrs Shepherd.

The Parish Clerk in attendance – Miss Elaine Brown

2 Members of the Public were present.


126 / Apologies for absence – Cllrs Mr Clark Mrs Hobden and Miss Wilson.
Declarations of interest in items on the Agenda – None.
Public Questions (Maximum 5 minutes per person) – None.
To approve and confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 2nd February 2017 – The minutes were agreed as a true record.
Matters arising there from:
1181: Report of bankside erosion (if any) letter sent – An acknowledgement had been received from David Feige copying in Natural England; it would appear that erosion is imperilling sewage pipe that would discharge directly into the River Coquet SSSI if damaged. Cllr Hobrough noted 3-4 inches of further erosion since the last meeting. Members agreed that due to the danger to the structure, to residents and visitors, it was prudent to have the riverbank fenced off. It was agreed to write to Northumberland Estates, copying in Northumbrian Water stating how dangerous it was after clarification that the land was not part of the Parish Council lease.
118.2: Play area report – The equipment had now been installed and the safety woodchips had been replenished. The Play area was now open. The woodchips had arrived by tipper trailer so the Clerk had arranged for a contractor to move into the play area and reinstate the ground where it had been churned up.
118.3: St. Lawrence’s Churchyard walls – The Conservation Officer had stated that if the PC wanted to buttress the walls, such a proposal would require listed building consent and may need planning permission due to highway considerations (which was outside her remit).
The form, size and location of the proposed buttress would be considered in relation to its impact on the character and fabric of the listed wall and appearance of the Conservation Area. Quotations were also requested for the Monks walk repairs, repointing and replacement of coping stones.
It was agreed that the bulge at Dial Place be left for the time being and progress made on Monks Walk.
118.4: St Lawrence’s gateway Pillar – The repairs were now complete.
118.5: Meeting with Street lighting Officer – After another cancelled meeting and several disappointing telephone conversations, Cllr Watson had arranged a meeting to take place at 10am on Tuesday at Dial Place.
118.6: Warkworth Village leaflet – Defibrillator locations would be added, a more recent photo on the front was requested. Contact details for groups would not be included, but a link to the website provided which may feature contact details. The Northumbrian flag could also be included.
118.7: AONB Officer – A meeting had been requested for with David Feige week commencing 20th March, this was yet to be confirmed.
118.8: NHB – A response had not yet been received, it was noted that the letter had been sent to the Housing and Planning Minister. The letter should have been sent to the Communities Minister, Sajit Javid. It was requested that copies of letters be circulated to all Members in the future.
118.9: Castle Street Grit bin – The bin had not yet been returned, as it was nearly the end of winter, it was agreed to request again in autumn.
118.10: Bus shelter repairs – Beal Bank, the repairs were pending. Cllr Watson noted that the barge board at the other bus shelter at Beal Bank also required painting.
118.11: Northumberland Estates – The Butts – A response was still awaited.
118.12: Road Safety at Primary School – Cllrs Black and Watson attended the first response meeting, where the following items have been placed on the Directory of Requests for Road Safety under Ref No 8175
1. Examine the introduction of a marked pedestrian crossing location outside the main school pedestrian entrance.
2. New extended footpath linked to existing footpath leading to the above crossing.
3. Extend existing car parking restrictions (Zig Zags) outside of main school entrance to help keep school site clear of parked cars.
A review of parking arrangements to be undertaken once the above measures are in place.
Building site delivery times to be examined if within school drop off and pick up times.
Finally an offer to deliver a presentation to the school regarding the SUDS drainage system and how it works and how safe it is, is available from our Flood Defence Team.
118.13: Northumberland AONB - England Coast Path – Cllrs Hobrough and Watson attended, the Coastal Path though Warkworth would run over The Braid, cemetery bank and through dunes. Members did not have any issues with this.
118.14: Active Northumberland Play pitch consultancy – Cllr Watson met with a consultant at the playing field who noted it for information. The Lease of the Helsay Farm playing field would be looked at.
118.15: Memorial Seat on Riverbank – Repairs have been carried out on the seat down from Brewery Lane. Other repairs on the Stanners and Mill Walk have been carried out. The broken seat with concrete ends on The Stanners has been removed. There is interest from a resident to place a memorial seat here and the Clerk was corresponding with the resident.
118.16: Footpath Maintenance:
a. Magdalene Field to Riverbank - rolling & weed killing – The maintenance had been carried out by NCC as this was a footpath under their remit.
b. Guilden Road to Lysander Court - rolling & weed killing - The maintenance had been carried out by NCC as this was a footpath under their remit.
c. Heatherleazes to Morwick Road - Reinstate footpath – A quotation had been requested or repairs but had been unachievable due to the quagmire like state as a result of the recent inclement weather.
d. Ember path – repairs Cllr Black had received a query from resident re Ember path (Ember Cottage), the Clerk would respond stating that the PC has no responsibility for ensuring he has access to his property. Members queried whether any funding was available for repairs to a historic Burgage.
118.17: Signage for dog waste bin at beach entrance – The sign had arrived and was due to be installed.
118.18: Removal of bus signs – Cllr Watson had emailed L Baxter requesting both signs, as entering Warkworth from the north and exiting the village to the north, to be removed. It was understood that the Highways report from Margaret Robinson was to go to the next North Area Committee meeting which was due to be held on 13th March.
118.19: Bin at Rotary Way – Cllr Lilley beyond second layby is a fenced off area with seats, it was agreed that a bin was required here.
118.20: Christmas Lights – It was agreed the lights switch on would be 24th November this year.
Standing Item – County Councillor Report
Road sign at Morwick Road/end of Guildens is due to be replaced.
Beach car park churned up by boy racers, has been reported for repairs and locking of car park.
Bollards have been placed along Rotary Way to protect the wild flower areas from parking cars.
Black Bridge complaint, right hand side where public footpath is, quarried stone appeared. It was believed that the landowner had no right to do this; NCC Highways had been asked to check.
A strong request for better quality repair work to the pot holes in Dial Place had been sent.
Correspondence Received:
120.1: Natura 2000 Consultation (NE) - Natural England submitted their consultation report on the Northumberland Marine pSPA on 21 July 2016 to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The Secretary of State formally classified the site as a Special Protection Area on 29th Jan 2017 in accordance with the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations, 2010. Natural England and relevant agencies are progressing registration of the site and will issue full formal stakeholder notification to all parties once this registration is complete. They expect registration to occur within the coming weeks.
The new marine SPA protects the foraging areas of breeding seabirds (including common, Sandwich, Arctic, little and roseate terns); includes a 1km seaward extension around Coquet Island and the Farne Islands to protect the maintenance behaviours of two auk species (Atlantic puffin and common guillemot); and protects an internationally important seabird assemblage of over 20,000 individuals. Alongside the classification of the Northumberland Marine pSPA, the associated existing coastal SPAs will be amended as follows; Coquet Island SPA, includes an internationally important seabird assemblage of over 20,000 individuals; Farne Islands SPA, includes common guillemot as a new feature and an internationally important seabird assemblage of over 20,000 individuals; and Northumbria Coast SPA, includes Arctic tern as a new feature.
120.2: The Planning Inspectorate – Definitive Map Modification Order (No. 14) 2014 Footpath No 46 (Parish of Warkworth). The Inspector’s interim decision in respect of the order had now been issued, this is an interim decision because the Inspector has proposed modifications to the order, which need to be advertised before a final decision can be made. The decision and a copy of the notice is available to view online via https://www.gov.uk/guidance/object-to-a-public-right-of-way-order
120.3: Elections nomination packs – Were now available to view online, the Clerk would advertise how to get them in the village noticeboard also.
120.4: KB Surveying - A contract awarded for the refurbishment of 4 & 5 Bridge Street, Warkworth requires them to carry out substantial demolition and strip out works to the property which will require a large number of skips for the removal of the waste. After carrying out a similar project across the road at Bertrams they are aware of the obstacles and dangers that a skip can pose to the public and the busy highway and would seek approval to utilise the rear footpath to the property for transport of waste to a safer location at the end of the footpath where a skip could be placed without causing significant public nuisance or highway obstruction.
Whilst the Parish Council had no objections in the use of Ember Path, it as noted that the path does not belong to the Parish Council. Skips should not be located on the Millennium Garden.
a.  Current Balance: £ 1,321.38 Treasurers Account, £ 65,671.61 Instant Access Account as at 2 March 2017
b.  Payments – The following payments were agreed and cheques signed.
Cheque No. / Creditor / Reason / Amount
370 / N Estates / Rent – Stanners / £10.00
371 / J Aynsley / Iron work – gateway pillar / £621.00
372 / War Memorial Hall / Donation in lieu of fitness group rent / £50.00
373 / The Pelican / Donation / £100.00
374 / Warkworth PCC / Donation in lieu of electric- xmas lights / £100.00
375 / P Foster / Pillar Works St Lawrences Churchyard / £1530.00
376 / S Thirlwell / Seat works / £1135.00
377 / E Brown / Wages & expenses / £221.81
378 / HMRC / PAYE / £52.80
379 / ICO / Renewal / £35.00
380 / Archer Safety Signs / Dog waste sign / 135.30
381 / Kielder Forest / Safety wood chips / £612.00
c.  Receipts: The following receipts were noted for information.
Date / Debtor / Reason / Amount
Agenda Items:
122.1: Sign at the top of the bank on the Beach Road' – Following Cllr Cashmore’s request the Clerk had queried with NCC Highways whether a road sign could be placed at the top of the cemetery bank & near the turning for Helsay indicating 'right of way' to cars ascending the bank. This was to be included in the overall highways consultation for the village following a meeting with Margaret Robinson.
122.2: Getting things done – Cllr Lilley raised frustrations on the timescales of getting things done, and queried whether the Clerk had enough time to get the work done. The Clerk informed that if the question was in relation to the Clerk’s position then it should not be discussed at a public meeting. Cllr Hobrough informed that these kind of issues should be discussed at an annual appraisal. The Clerk was currently employed to work 20 hours per month. There were presently two committees of the Council; Cllr Lilley suggested perhaps another committee should be created. Cllr Shepherd suggested that a working party could have been created for the Churchyard Walls issue and reported back to Council in order to progress the matter.
The Clerk informed that NCC matters such as pothole, litter and streetlight reporting Cllrs should report direct to NCC and only report to the Clerk is unsatisfied by lack of action in which case the Parish Council would raise a report.
122.3: Community Litter pick – It was agreed to hold a Community litter pick on Saturday 1st April 2017 10.00 – 12.00 which litter picking equipment available from 3rd to 7th April. Mr Galilee offered to take delivery of the equipment for collection from the public from the side entrance of The Greenhouse. This offer was accepted. The bags would be left in the beach road car park for collection from NCC.
To report on any planning decisions and planning matter pending – The report was received for information.
Planning applications to consider:
17/00426/FUL | Proposed single storey front extension to increase size of existing bedrooms | 7 Watershaugh Close Warkworth NE65 0XH – Cllr Watson declared an interest as the property belonged to a friend of his, Members agreed that there were no objections.
16/04744/FUL | Proposed side first floor extension | 64 Morwick Road Warkworth Morpeth Northumberland NE65 0TE – Members had no objections.
Information Items:
The following information items had been circulated to Members by email and were noted.
124.1: NALC Enews 8 Feb 2017
124.2: Northumberland AONB - Coastal Views - February Edition
Items for next meeting:
30mph – extension of signage Shilbottle Road – Cllr Cashmore
Date and Time of Next Meeting – The next meeting would be held at 6.30pm on 6th April 2017.
It was agreed postpone the May meeting until Thursday 18th May due to the elections.
The meeting closed at 8.41pm / Clerk
Cllr Watson