DATE:September 22, 2010

POSITION: Chief Medical Officer

DEPARTMENT: Administration

APPOINTED BY: Board of Directors

REPORTS TO: Board of Directors via Board President


TERM:As determined by the Board of Directors with annual review of performance by the Board of Directors. Compensation will be determined by the Board of Directors

QUALIFICATIONS: ActiveWashingtonStatephysician’s license

Board certified

Masters degree in management (MMM, MPH, MBA, or equivalent)

Clinical practice experience

Medical management experience

Demonstrated leadership

Broad knowledge of the health care industry

Good communication skills

Strong commitment to corporate mission and values


The Chief Medical Officer (CMO),in active partnership with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Board President,is responsible for executing the mission of the Polyclinic. The CMO has special responsibility in assuring that the clinical enterprise delivers patient-centered, high quality, high valuehealth care; and ultimate responsibility for the clinical performance of the provider staff.


  1. Strategic Leadership of the Clinical Enterprise
  • In conjunction with the CEO develop and recommend to the Board plans for growth and development consistent with The Polyclinic mission
  • Partner with the COO to ensure a balanced agenda of quality, safety, patient satisfaction, cost effectiveness, production and workplace satisfaction across the clinical enterprise
  • Partner with the Corporate Compliance Officer to develop a culture and systems that ensure that Polyclinic meets all legal, regulatory and ethical requirements
  • Recruit and retain high quality physicians
  • Promote changes in delivery system that position The Polyclinic for success in the future
  • Promote electronic health record development, implementation and optimization to insure the availability of timely and meaningful information for clinical decision support
  • Act as a resource and content expert for non-clinical management personnel
  • Facilitate effective communications among all internal stakeholders
  1. Promote Physician Leadership and Accountability
  • Create and implement a physician leadership development plan
  • Ensure appropriate performance of physician leaders
  • Manage the budget for physician leadership
  • Identify, mentor and support future physician leaders
  • Promote succession planning for leadership
  • Systematically evaluate the medical staff and engage in constructive feedback
  • Institutionalize and oversee a robust medical management infrastructure within the clinic
  • Mentor, support and supervise all physicians that have a medical management role within the Polyclinic
  1. Promote a Positive Physician Culture
  • Appropriate standards and expectations for professional performance
  • Coaching, counseling and discipline, when needed
  • Systems of support for physician well-being and engagement
  • Effective interdepartmental communications and problem solving
  • Support and ensure the highest possible ethical standards in all Polyclinic activities
  • Monitor and positively influence the physician culture
  1. Represent the Polyclinic to External Stakeholders
  • Key liaison to external health care organizations, payers, government and community
  • Facilitate effective relationships between Polyclinic physicians and the overall health care delivery system, including hospitals, other physicians and their organizations, skilled nursing facilities, durable medical equipment suppliers, home care providers and health plans
  • Key liaison with Polyclinic’s malpractice insurance carrier

5. Promote the Governance Structure

  • Participate as a nonvoting member of Polyclinic Board of Directors
  • Directly support The Polyclinic Board of Directors
  • Support The Polyclinic committee governance structure as appropriate
  • Support PCN Board of Directors
  • Member of The Polyclinic Community Health Foundation Board of Directors

6. Management duties

  • Appoint , oversee and evaluate section chiefs, medical directors, and associate medical directors
  • Oversee the Quality Department
  • Oversee Risk Management
  • Oversee the Clinical Research Program
  • Participate health plan contract strategies and negotiations as appropriate, with special attention to clinical performance
  • Propose, develop, and/or review policies and procedures
  • Assume any other management duties as may be requested by The Polyclinic Board of Directors

The following individual positions report to the Chief Medical Officer or his/her designee for all administrative purposes (appointment, supervision and compensation):

  • Section Chiefs, Medical Directors, Associate Medical Directors
  • Quality Director
  • Other individuals as assigned by The Polyclinic Board of Directors