The Vale of Glamorgan Council
Consolidation of Definitive Map
Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 Section 57(A)
Consultation Options
The Public Rights of Way Section are currently working towards consolidation (republication) of its Definitive Map under Wildlife and Countryside Act1981 s57(A).
The process of consolidation is one of republishing a single Definitive Map that incorporates the previous edition of Definitive Maps so much as they relate to the authorities area as well as all Definitive Map Modification Orders amending those editions.
Consolidation also serves to draw together the documents specified above onto a current base map.
The aim is therefore to transpose the information contained in the previous documents as accurately as possible. Consolidation does not represent an opportunity to alter the alignment or status of paths, this remains the province of a relevant order. In transposing routes it must be acknowledged however that a quality assurance exercise is required in assessing what is shown on previous documents in relation to new base mapping. This is particularly the case where previous editions were published at small scales (e.g. 1:25000)
Following publication of the new mapping the alteration of alignments shown on the map, even to simply remedy erroneous transposition, will require an order. It is therefore in the authority’s interests to include a consultation phase that will enable it to consider, as practically as possible, the accuracy of drafting
The purpose of the consultation is to ensure accuracy of transposition.
The purpose is not to explore desirable changes to the network, re-consider old cases or embark on protracted investigations that should correctly be dealt with under DMMO provisions.
No requirement for consultation exists and as such no formal process is necessary for assessing representations that may be forthcoming from consultation. As a guide however it may be useful to considerrepresentations by reference to the likelihood of a successful DMMO claim being made following consolidation (where such a claim is based solely on an error of transposition).
In all cases it will be necessary to provide existing mapping (original definitive maps plus orders) and proposed mapping. The constituent consultation options below are provided to build into a consultation method following discussion.
Consultation Events
Deposited Consultation:Arrange copies of proposed & current mapping to be available for inspection at a central location for a set period of time. Minimal staff supervision, support with forms to submit queries & explain terms.
Central Consultation Event:Organise consultation event(s) at a central location supported by staff. Proposed & current mapping to be available in paper format (possibly projected GIS for proposed).
Town Consultation Events:Organise a central consultation event and road consultation events in areas covered by Town Councils. Proposed & current mapping to be available in paper format (possibly projected GIS for proposed).
Local Consultation Events:Organise a series of consultation events by Town Council and wider to other Community Councils by request. Proposed & current mapping to be available at each event in paper format (possibly projected GIS for proposed).
Press:Advertise in local press advising of consultation methods
Website:Advertise consultation methods on website. Update web mapping disclaimer to advise layers represent proposed map.
Written Notice:Write to consultees as dictated by extent.
Public:Full public consultation actively seeking full blanket consultation
Representative:Target consultation at a wide array of representative groups Community Councils, Ward Councillors, LAF, DMMO Statutory Consultees, User Groups
Working group:Invite representatives from a more focused cross section of groups to form working group (e.g. Town Council Footpath Forums, PROW Sub Committee, LAF, common respondents, active user groups)