The Nature of Science

I. Scientific Method

A. State the Problem that you have observed

1. qualitative observations- use 5 senses, opinion

2. quantitative observations- using equipment, standard units

B. Research to Form a Hypothesis

1. is an educated guess or prediction stated in “If...then...” form

2. inductive reasoning- specific to general; making a general rule based on specific observations

a. most common type of reasoning, if _____ changed, then _____ would result

b. Got a C in math last year, therefore I’ll always make C’s in math.

c. one 10th grader stinks, therefore all 10th graders stink

3. deductive reasoning- (general to specific) suggests something may be true of a specific case

based on general observations

a. if _____ results, then _____ must have happened

b. a dog is panting, therefore it must be hot or thirsty

c. kid stinks for 7 days in a row, therefore kid will stink on day 8. FAIR?

4. Forming a valid hypothesis requires background research on your topic

a. scientific journals are a good place for current research findings

b. encyclopedias are for scientific information generally accepted by most

c. state and local research facilities could help with your topic

C. Experimenting

1. a structured procedure to test a hypothesis

2. FIVE components of an experiment

a. independent variable- (IV) the thing that “I” change or manipulate

b. dependent variable- (DV) the thing that is measured or observed, the measurement that “depends” on what we change

c. constants- things we purposely keep the same throughout the exp.

d. control- group used as baseline measurement to compare other groups,


e. repeated trials- redoing experiment to rule out error (bad breath)

D. Collecting and Measuring Data

1. qualitative data- (descriptive) using 5 senses, opinion

2. quantitative data- (numerical) using standard units; the metric system (SI)

a. best to use b/c it’s more accurate and reliable

b. it allows others to repeat experiments and compare data

E. Interpreting Data (constructing graphs)

1. Title: The effect of (IV) on (DV)

2. Label the Axes- (including units!) IV on the X-axis, DV on the Y-axis

3. Determine the scale for axes (data w/in range, consistent interval, start at 0)

F. Draw Conclusions

1. summarize findings, including analysis of data

2. discussion of problems experienced during experiment

3. discuss improvements that can be made or enhancements for future exp.

***If a question is not testable using the scientific method, then it is not science!!!***

SI units Notes DO the Metric Conversions Sheet below for Classwork:

The Metric System

Length, Width, Height- distance from one point to another

meter (m) (slightly longer than a yard)

Volume- the amount of space an object takes up.

liter (L) (slightly larger than a quart)

Mass- the amount of matter in an object.

gram (g)- (1g is approximately the same mass as a paper clip)

Temperature- measures the speed of molecules (hot or cold)

degrees Celcius (°C)- freezing point of water 0°C, boiling point of water 100°C

~~~°F to °C use 5/9 (°F -32) ~~~°C to °F use 9/5 (°C) + 32

Density- measures how packed molecules are within a certain area

{mass (g)/volume(l)}

Metric Stairs

k ____ ** add these letters to the blank after the prefix

(m = meter, l = liter, g = gram)

h ____ ** for each step UP, move LEFT

(1000 mm = 100 cm)

** for each step DOWN, move RIGHT

da ___ (1.0 m = 10 dm)

m, l, g

d ____

c ____

larger than the base unit smaller than base unit

m ____

King Henry Died unfortunately Drinking Chocolate Milk

(base unit)

Kilo Hecto Deca Deci Centi Milli

Metric Conversions Classwork Name: Period:

1. 12 cl = *120* ml 15. 1 cl = *10* ml 29. 4000 m = *4* km

2. 11000 g = *11* kg 16. 6000mm = *6* m 30. 7L = *7000* ml

3. 2 L = *200* cl 17. 1000 L = *1* kl 31. 9 kl = *9000* L

4. 7 kl = *7000* L 18. 30 mm = *3* cm 32. 3 m = *3000* mm

5. 4 L = *400* cl 19. 3 kg = *3000* g 33. 40 mg = *4* cg

6. 110 ml = *11* cl 20. 7 cg = *70* mg 34. 32 °F = *0* °C

7. 9 m = *900* cm 21. 1 m = *100* cm 35. 57 °C = *134.6* °F

8. 2 km = *2000* m 22. 100 mm = *10* cm 36. -10 °C = *14* °F

9. 800 cl = *8* L 23. 500 cl = *5* L 37. 110 °F = *43.33* °C

10. 12000 L = *12* kl 24. 12000 ml = *12* L 38. 73 °F = *22.77* °C

11. 90 ml = *9* cl 25. 5 cm = *50* mm 39. 80 °C = *176* °F

12. 6000 g = *6* kg 26. 5000 m = *5* km 40. 190 °F = *87.77* °C

13. 1000 cm = *10* m 27. 11g = *1100* cg

14. 2 cm = *40* mm 28. 8000 L = *8* kl