DEWG and EMSWG Meeting Minutes October 4-5, 20161

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Coffee and Networking

9:00 a.m. – Noon DEWG/EMSWG Combined Meeting

1.Welcome, Call to Order, Introductions

Devin Miroy, Data Exchange Work Group (DEWG) Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. on October 4, 2016. A quorum was present for the conducting of business. A list of attendees is attached as Exhibit A.

On a motion by Stacen Tyskiewicz and seconded by Jonathan Aust, the DEWG suspended Robert’s Rule of Order.

2.Antitrust Policy

Tim Reynolds read aloud the WECC Antitrust Policy statement. A link to the posted Policy was provided in the meeting agenda.

3.Approve Agenda

Mr. Miroyintroduced the proposed meeting agenda.

4.Review June 7, 2016 Minutes

Mr. Miroy introduced the minutes from the June 7, 2016 meeting.

5.Review of Previous Action Items

Mr. Miroy reviewed action items carried over from the June 7, 2016meeting of the DEWG. An Aaction items that areis not closed and will be carried forward areis:

  • Robert Melis will see if more address space can be added to WON.

6.WECC Update—Tim Reynolds

TimMr. Reynolds touched on the topic of the OC restructuring of WECC committees. There was an update given on the WON re-signing agreement. There have been emails sent out to all entities on the changes that were made. Some entities were holding back on signing the agreement until the WECCNet migrated to the RMT. A quarter of the entities have signed. There was a discussion that ensued.

7.Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC)— Bill Lawrence, Beth Gannett and Charlotte de Sibert

Bill Lawrence, Beth Gannett, and Charlotte de Sibert from the E-ISAC provided a There was a presentation on what they do and discussed coordination work for real-time cyber-attacks. TLP designates who your post can be seen by. Make sure to select the correct level of anonymity, it is hard to change later on. Contact the OPS team for assistance with portal postings. They encourage voluntary information sharing. They like to see photos of physical threats; it helps to train on what to look for. A scenario was walked through on how they would handle the threat. They will ask permission to share the information given. Machine to machine will be huge in a couple years and what things will be shared from E-ISAC to the portal to get a report back quickly.

The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.

8.ICCP data and what it means to EMS/SCADA availability—Richard Bauer, NERC

Mr.Richard Bauer, NERC, lead a discussion on the loss of the ICCP data and what it means to EMS/SCADA availability.FERC is concerned that other Rregions issue a code yellow because the loss of ICCP could mean anon EMS/SCADA availability.

9.Situational Awareness—Jule Tate, NERC

JuleMr. Tate, NERC, lead a discussion on the Situational Awareness after the NERC meeting at CAISO. Resiliency was the topic of the conference this year. The presentations will be posted on the NERC website.

10.Critical Infrastructure Protection Discussion Q&A—Devin Miroy and WECC CIP Auditors

Mr. Miroy and Tthe WECC Critical Infrastructure Protection Auditors were available to answer questions from the DEWG committee.

11.Dispersive Technologies Update (securing SCADA Telemetry)—Tom Williams, CAISO

TomMr. Williams, CAISO, gave an update on Dispersive Technologies. The first ISO participants will go live on CISDN this year. A discussion ensued.

The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.

12.Peak Reliability Coordinator (RC) Update—Kirk Stewart, Peak RC

Kirk Mr. Stewart, Peak Reliability, gave an update on the SOPO Task 7.0 Data Delivery Efficiency Improvements and Subtask 7.1 New technology Value. The IEEE C37.118 testing conclusions were shared. A discussion ensued.

13.EHV Data Pool ‘clean-up’ Initiative—Gareth Lim

GarethMr. Lim, Peak Reliability, gave a presentation and led a discussion on the EHV Data Pool Clean-up Initiative. Peak administers and maintains the EHV Data Pool ICCP system, used to exchange ICCP data between TOPs.

The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.

14.Interpretation of TOP-001-3 R9—Jay Loock, WECC

JayMr. Loock, WECC, lead a discussion regarding the interpretation of TOP-001-3 R9.

The interpretation is posted to the WECC Website.

15.OC Restructuring—Stacen Tyskiewicz, Bonneville Power Administrator

Ms.Stacen Tyskiewicz, Bonneville Power Administration, gave an update and lead a discussion on the ORSTF Proposal. The proposed Situational Awareness and Security Monitoring Subcommittee (SASMS) and Cyber Security Work Group (CSWG) were discussed.

The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.

Wednesday, October 8, 2016

8:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Coffee and Networking

9:00 a.m. – Noon DEWG/EMSWG Combined Meeting

Closed Door Session

16.CIP3 to CIP5 Transition Planning—Devin Miroy

Jonathan Aust shared WAPAs event and the lessons learned. Tim Mr. Reynolds shared two events and the lessons learned. A discussion ensued.

17.NERC Event Analysis Update and Discussion— Devin Miroy

Stacen Ms. Tyskiewicz gave an update on the Event Analysis (EA) team for WECC 1h events. DevinMr. Miroy will now be in charge of this group and updated the members of the team.

18.NERC EMSWG Update— Brian Meadows, Salt River Project

Brian Meadows, Salt River Project, noted the Cconference theme: “EMS Resiliency – Ability to recover from difficulties.”

End of Closed Door Session

19.Discussion on Firewall Rules Validation methods/tools—Stacen Tyskiewicz, BPA

Ms. Tyskiewicz led a discussion and asked the group to share how they are fulfilling the firewall rules.TripWire and NPView were a couple of products mentioned.

20.Update from the TOP-003 Task Force—Stacen Tyskiewicz, BPA and Gareth Lim, Peak RC

Ms. Tyskiewicz shared the definition of the TOP-003-3 and what the Task Force proposes. The Task Force created a specification document that is not mandatory but will help with consistency. The TOP-003 TF survey results were shared.

The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.

TOP 003 Data Request Template is posted on the WECC Website.

Mr. Lim shared what Peak’s requirements for the TOP-003 are and what their concerns are on the specification document. Peak will be renumbering and adding language changes to the TOP-003.

The presentation is posted to the WECC Website.

21.Discussion on who should have access to RMT—All

In the past,s this was decided via the DEWG and getting WON Connection. Now requests are sent directly to Peak RC and mostly driven by the RC Peak’s user’s group.

22.Update on signing WON Connection agreements—Tim Reynolds

Mr. Reynolds shared the entities that have not signed the USDA.

23.Update from CIM Taskforce—Brian Meadows, SRP

Mr. Meadows gave an update on CIM. A taskforce has not been formed yet. Mr. Meadows shared an impromptu discussion that he had with other individuals. CIM was not to be the issue but more how vendors designed their software and entities model their systems.

24.Finalize EMS questions for the next WECC Operational Practices Ssurvey—All

The following questions were presented to the attendees and asked if there were other questions they would like to have added.

How do users authenticate to your EMS computer’s operating system? (Check all that apply)

  • A shared corporate Active Directory
  • Active Directory instance in a separate domain
  • Local accounts
  • Two-Factor authentication
  • Other (Explain)

How do users authenticate to your EMS application? (Check all that apply)

  • A shared corporate Active Directory
  • Active Directory instance in a separate domain
  • Local accounts
  • Two-Factor authentication
  • Other (Explain)

Is your EMS remotely accessible? If so, is the authentication based on the same method or by means of a separate account?

  • A shared corporate Active Directory
  • Active Directory instance in a separate domain
  • Local accounts
  • Two-Factor authentication
  • Other (Explain)

25.Review of New Action Items

  • Robert Melis will see if more address space can be added to WON.
  • Tom Williams will provide an update on how the dispersive technology is being implemented and where it is going.
  • Kirk Stewart and Gareth Lim will send their presentations to Tim Reynolds for posting.
  • Stacen Tyskiewicz will pass along the outcome of the vote on the OC Restructuring.
  • Devin Miroy will review the DEWG documentation to remove WNET ref
  • Kirk Stewart will return with information on the RC Forum.
  • Jim Hiebert will have Stacy and Robert come up with options for a secure AT&T pricing options.
  • Tim Reynolds will found out how someone becomes a WECC member and when someone pays membership dues.
  • Devin Miroy will follow up with Mark Rice to see if they need WON access.
  • Tim Reynolds will send out the reminder on signing the WON Connection Agreement.
  • Brian Meadows will invite Ralph Mackiewicz with SISCO to share his program on how it works with CIM.
  • Brian Meadows will create a taskforce to discuss the CIM and have them define the questions of the issues to present to Ralph Mackiewicz to discuss model exchange.
  • Everyone will submit questions to Tim for survey by the end of the month.

26.Upcoming Meetings

February 7-8, 2017...... Salt Lake City, UT

June 6-7, 2017...... Salt Lake City, UT

October 3-4, 2017...... TBD


Mr. Miroy adjourned the meeting without objection at 5:00 p.m.
Exhibit A: Attendance List

Name...... Affiliation

Attendance List

Jonathan Aust...... WAPA

Rich Bauer...... NERC

Brian Cast...... Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

Bradley Calbick...... Avista Corp.

Nico Chondro...... Portland General Electric

Thomas Curtis...... Affiliation

Jim Hiebert...... California ISO

Stephen Johnson...... PacifiCorp

Gary Kohler...... Southern California Edison

Gareth Lim...... Peak RC

Robb Linder...... AESO

Brian Meadows...... Salt River Project

Jeff Mettler...... GCPD

Devin Miroy...... WAPA

Eric Mscichowski...... SMUD

Jason Radetski...... Tucson Electric Power Co.

Tim Reynolds...... WECC

Holli Sanders...... Salt River Project

Mary Savage...... Tacoma Power

Kirk Stewart...... Peak RC

Randall Suhrbier...... Bonneville Power Administration

Sarah Szewcyk...... PG&E

Jule Tate...... NERC

Nancy Touchette...... Southern California Edison

Stacen Tyskiewicz...... Bonneville Power Administration

Murat Uludogan...... Peak RC

Thomas Williams...... California ISO

Western Electricity Coordinating Council