WMAN 493T – Science and Management of Natural Resources
FINAL Exam -- 08 May 2002
Name ______
There are a total of 50 questions, each worth 2% of your grade on this exam. The test is comprised of two sections: a short multiple choice section and a long matching section.
Section I. Multiple choice.
1. In the population equation: D N/D t = rN[(K-N/K)] carrying capacity is represented as ____.
(A) K (B) N (C) r (D) D N
2. In general, the degree of parental care and ____ are inversely related.
(A) adult size (B) fecundity (C) oxygen (D) temperature
3. The fecundity of a sea horse is typically in the range of _____.
(A) 50-1000 (B) 2-4 (C) 10,000-20,000 (D) 1-2 million
4. The fecundity of eagles is ___ per year.
(A) 12-18 (B) 1-3 (C) 3-5 (D) 6-8
Section II. Matching. Use the answers and letters below to match with the questions on the following pages.
A. r and K selection theory
B. photoperiod
C. K selected species
D. dichotomus key
E. deer firearms season
F. r selected species
G. catadromous
H. anadromous
I. Buteo jamaicencis
J. Haliaeetus leucocephalus
K. pheremones
L. Falco peregrinus
O. oviparity
P. Tyto alba
Q. raptors
R. Acipenseridae
S. Catastomidae
T. Centrarchidae
U. Clupeidae
V. Cyprinidae
W. Esocidae
X. Ictaluridae
Y. Moronidae
Z. Percidae
AA. Salmonidae
BB. Cathartidae
CC. Falconiformes
DD. Bubo virginianus
EE. Creel limits
FF. size limits
GG. licenses and permits
HH. American Fisheries Society
II. The Wildlife Society
JJ. The Wildlife Management Institute
KK. American Association for the Advancement of Science
LL. Ecological Society of America
MM. Ducks Unlimited
NN. Trout Unlimted
Match the ranges of clutch sizes and incubation/gestation periods (immediately below) with the questions at the end of the matching section (#44-50):
OO. 1 to 4
PP. 9 to 12
QQ. 6 to 15
RR. 23 to 24
SS. 8 to 15
TT. 1
UU. 13 to 14
5. ____ A fishery regulation used to limit the number of fish that may be kept.
6. ____ right to fish for a period of time that is gained through purchase (typically through a state, province, or tribal government).
7. ____ a non-government organization fostering conservation of salmonids.
8. ____ peregrine falcon.
9. ____ birds of prey.
10. ____ vulture family.
11. ____ red-tailed hawk.
12. ____ Catfish family.
13. _____ Pike family.
14. _____ An organization that has developed a professional certification program designed to evaluate the education and professional experience of wildlife biologists.
15. ____ An organization that is committed to the conservation, enhancement and professional management of North America's wildlife and other natural resources.
16. ____ diurnal raptors (e.g. hawks).
17. ___ Sucker family.
18. ____ A form of fisheries management which incorporates socioeconomic factors into a sustainable yield plan.
19. _____ mission is to “raise the public's level of awareness of the importance of ecological science.”
20. ___ Herring family.
21. ____ A fishery regulation that protects fish in certain length ranges.
22. A ____ is essentially a series of yes or no questions which leads you to the name of the organism you are trying to identify
23. _____ attempts to explain the relationships between life history strategy and the habitat that a species occupies.
24. ____ relatively slow rate of development, grow to large size, and have long life spans and many spawning seasons.
25. ____ Trout and salmon family.
26. ____ Species that moves from freshwater to saltwater to spawn.
27. ____ The society serving aquatic biologists and fisheries professionals.
28. ____ bald eagle.
29. ____ striped basses family.
30. ____ Great horned owl.
31. ____ mature early in life, develop rapidly, produce large numbers of offspring for a given body size and have maximum production of offspring at an early age.
32. ____ can stimulate other individuals of the opposite sex to breed.
33. ____ barn owl.
34. ____ The perch family.
35. ____ Sunfish family.
36. ____ development of eggs outside of the body of the parents.
37. ____ Species that moves from saltwater to freshwater to spawn.
38. ____ A fisheries management plan involving maximization of yield (e.g pounds).
39. ____ Minnow family.
40. ____ The ratio of light to dark that plays a role in biological clocks of organisms.
41. ____ sturgeon family.
42. _____ typically a 1-week season in WV that often results in closing of schools in some rural counties.
43. _____ a NGO that is responsible for wetland protection and purchase.
clutch sizes and incubation/gestation periods matching:
44. _____ The clutch size of wild turkey.
45. _____ number of young produced by a typical yearling whitetail doe.
46. _____ number of young born of a black bear
47. _____ clutch size of a mallard duck.
48. _____ incubation period for mourning dove
49. _____ clutch size of ruffed grouse
50. _____ incubation period for bobwhite quail.