You will be expected to complete one book report every grading period (approximately every 5-6 weeks). You may use any of the ideas on this list to share a book for your book report. If you have another idea, please be sure to get approval well in advance of the due date. You may only use the same idea once.

  1. Make a collage that represents the major characters and events in the book you read. Explain how these pictures/ words represent the theme or characters of the book in at least 2 paragraphs.
  1. Write a letter to a movie producer trying to get him/her interested in making your book into a movie. Explain why the story, characters, conflicts, etc., would make a good film. Suggest a filming location and actors to play the various roles. YOU MAY ONLY USE BOOKS NOT ALREADY MADE INTO MOVIES.
  1. Act out or do a dramatic reading (reader’s theater) of a scene. Select the scene and ask friends to help read/perform it dramatically. Your “script” should be 3-5 minutes long and must be written out and turned in.
  1. Make a cube depicting parts of the story. You should illustrate 6 important scenes that make up the plot of the story. Number and describe each scene and why you chose it, either as a caption on the cube or on a separate page.
  1. Make a 3-D diorama that portrays a very important (or your favorite) scene of the story. Write a detailed description of the scene and why you chose it in at least 2 paragraphs.
  1. Convert the events of the story into a song. Write the lyrics and music or adapt your own words to a melody by someone else. Write 1-2 paragraphs about your inspiration for the song.
  2. Summarize the book in poem form with rhyme (minimum 20 lines).
  1. Use two other sources to investigate and write aresearchreport on an issue from the book. One page minimum.
  1. Write a one-minute radio advertisement persuading the public why they should buy and read this book. Make reference to the main character(s), plot, theme, conflict, etc. Record at home and bring in to play for the class.
  1. Q & A - Pretend you're interviewing a person from the book. Write your interview in question and answer format (ex. Mrs. Guzman: Why were you so rude to Bella the first time you met her? Edward Cullen: I wasn’t trying to be rude. It’s just that her scent…). Your interview should have a minimum of 10 questions and answers and demonstrate your knowledge of the book.
  1. Design an illustrated time-line for events in the book. Minimum of 6 events required.
  1. Create a glossary of unfamiliar words and phrases or invent word games for your book. Crossword or acrostic puzzles must have clues and can incorporate unfamiliar vocabulary words, characters, and settings. Minimum of 15 words required. Word searches are not acceptable.
  2. Write your own test - a combination of matching, multiple choice, true/false, short answer, and essay questions. A minimum of 15 questions required. You must provide a key (answers) to your test.
  1. Journal as you go - As you're reading the book, keep a two-sided reading journal. The left side should have quotes from the book and page numbers. The right side should have your questions, thoughts, observations, revelations, etc.
  1. Make a new book jacket. It should include an original, attractive picture or cover design, an original summary of the book, information on the author and illustrator, and information about other books by the author. I STRONGLY suggest that you look at an actual book jacket before you attempt this.
  1. Compare and contrast the book to the movie or television version of it. Create a Venn diagram (or similar) and write at least 2 paragraphs telling of the similarities and differences. What aspects of the book have been altered for the visual performance and why? Do these alterations make the story "better"? Why or why not?
  1. Design the front page of a newspaper for your book. Summarize the plot in one article, cover the weather in another,and do a feature story on one of the more interesting characters in another. You can also include an editorial, a collection of ads pertinent to the story, and teasers for the rest of the paper. Don’t forget an attention-grabbing headline and attractive picture or drawing!
  1. Design a mini comic book retelling the whole story or focusing on one chapter of the book. Make sure to include enough dialogue with your pictures to adequately relay the story.
  1. Design a bulletin board to display in class and stimulate student interest in the book. Among the things to include are a summary of the story, character descriptions, and a brief bio on the book’s author. Make it colorful and creative! This project requires that you coordinate with your teacher for available wall space and a time to put up your project before the due date.
  1. Choose one of the major characters in your book, and, as that person, put together a scrapbook or memory box of special memories and mementos. Write a description of the pictures or items you included in at least 2 paragraphs. Remember to be true to your character.
  1. Design a travel brochure. Illustrate and advertise the "world" of your novel in at least 4 pages.
  1. Find appropriate music for the story you read and create a CD for the book. Design a CD cover, list the songs (title and artist), and explain why each song was chosen (how it relates to the story, etc.). Minimum of 5 songs required. Must turn in copy of CD with music.
  1. Write a "recipe" for a good book. Use the "recipe card” format found in Mrs. Guzman’s Class Files for your book report.
  1. Do a "YOU ARE THERE" news program reporting on a particular scene, character, or event in the book and videotape it at home to show to the class. Design it to be 3-5 minutes long.
  1. Build a relief map of the setting of the story out of clay, sand, papier-mâché, etc. Make sure to include a legend and adequate labeling, in addition to a 1-2 paragraph description of the setting and how it contributed to the story.
  1. Make some costume dolls for a display of characters in your book. Display them on a board with a description of each character, their outfit (should be consistent with descriptions in book), and how they fit in the story.
  1. Design and create squares for a quilt (can be made of fabric, paper, etc.). Depict favorite scenes or characters from the book. The individual squares may be drawn or done in stitchery and sewn or glued together. Write a description of each square or tell how your quilt as a whole summarizes the story (in at least 2 paragraphs) to hang next to your quilt. Must have at least 6 squares.
  1. Draw/paint at least 5 original illustrations for your book and give a detailed description of each scene and why you chose to illustrate it.
  1. Create a PowerPoint presentation about your book. You can include a summary of the story, information about the setting, characters, conflict, author, etc. A minimum of 5 slides required (not including the first “title” slide).
  1. Write a letter to the author or main character of your book(10-sentence minimum) where you ask questions, protest a situation, make a complaint, compliment, and/or a suggestion, etc. This must be done in the correct letter format and clearly demonstrate knowledge of story.