Notes Standard 7.1: World War II Begins


–  When a country is under the control of one person or party & recognizes no limits to its power.

–  Interests of the state > Individuals

In Italy:

•  Extreme depression

•  Mussolini & the Fascists were given power to solve $ problems

•  Fascists = Anti-Communist totalitarians

In Japan:

•  19th century imperialism led to rapid industrialization

•  The military took over the government

•  Leader: Tojo

In Germany

•  Treaty of Versailles

–  Left Germany with war debt

–  Depression made the problem much worse

–  Hitler & the Nazis offered a solution & were given power

•  Hitler moved his army into territory lost in Treaty of Versailles

•  Europe allowed it – Appeasement – Hoping Hitler would stop on his own

US Response

•  1930’s – Congress passes Neutrality Acts

•  No sale of arms

•  No lending of money

•  This re-established our policy of isolationism

•  FDR couldn’t help Europe – his hands were tied!

Japanese Aggression

•  1931 – Japan invades Manchuria (China) for resources

•  Goal: Economic domination of China & Indochina

•  US begins trade restrictions with Japan on gas & iron (that’s all we could do b/c of our policies!)

•  Japan feels threatened

German Aggression

•  Hitler invades Czech.

•  Europe ends policy of Appeasement

•  1939 - Germany invades Poland

•  War breaks out in Europe

•  1940 – Germany attacks England by air

American Involvement

•  “Cash & Carry” – US will sell weapons if you pay cash & transport them

•  Destroyers for Bases trade

•  Lend Lease – US let the Allies borrow military supplies

•  Our navy escorted Lend-Lease shipments to Europe

•  This meant that we were already unofficially at war with Germany (by supporting their enemies)

•  Pearl Harbor (Dec 7, 1941) – US declares war on Japan, leading to war with Germany

•  The US officially abandons its policy of isolationism

•  When the US declares war on Japan, Germany declares war on the US.

•  The US is now officially involved in WWII.