Daily Schedule

9:00-9:15 Morning Group

This will be whole group instruction. Previous information taught will be reviewed during this time.

The students will be able to determine what comes next in a sequence.

The students will be able to recite the days of the week.

The students will be able to recite the months of the year.

The students will be able to continue a discussion that the teacher initiates.

9:15-10:00 Language Arts/ Story Time

Story time will be whole group instruction. The teacher will review the parts of the book as well as the title and author. The teacher will ask questions about the story being read to help the students enhance their comprehension.

The students will be able to sit still in a group of peers.

The students will be able to identify the author and illustrator of a story.

The students will be able to identify the title of a book.

As a whole group, the teacher will use different resources to review the letters and their sounds. The resources will include an iPad, flashcards, posters, objects to identify the beginning sound, etc.

The students will be able to work independently with hands on activities.

The students will be able to identify letters of the alphabet.

The students will be able to identify letter sounds.

The students will gather for whole group instruction.

10:00-10:30 Journals

The students will be able to express their creativity by drawing a picture and/or writing words associated with a given topic. This will be small group instruction. The teacher will give a weekly topic based on the theme of the unit. The teacher will supervise the journal writing while the other students work on work rug activities. The teacher will have key words based on the topic on the table. The teacher will then help students sound out other words they want to write in their journal.

10:30-10:45 Math

The teacher will introduce a concept to the students as a whole group. The teacher will demonstrate how to perform the work available for the students to use.

10:45-11:05 Math Center

The students will work independently on individual Math works. The students will be able to complete different Math activities based on the topic being discussed that day.

11:05-11:30 Health (M & W)/Safety (T & H)/Nutrition (F)

Students will be able to identify healthy foods.

Students will be able to explain safety rules that should be followed.

Students will be able to explain the different food groups.

Students will be able to explain how to keep their bodies safe.

The teacher will do this with the whole class. The teacher will give the students activities on the shelf for the topic for the week. The teacher will do hands on activities on the topic with the whole class. Then the students will have the opportunity to use the hands on activities during independent work-rug activities.

11:30-12:00 Lunch—The students will eat as a whole group at the same time. The students will be able to set the table. The students will be able to serve food on a plate.

12:00-12:30 Gross Motor Development/ Outdoor Play (weather-permitting)

Students will be able to participate in various forms of exercise and recognize its value. The students will participate as a whole group. The teacher will, however provide different activities for the group. For example, there will be jump rope, different balls, and hopscotch. The teacher will assign certain students to certain activities and then have them rotate. If the weather does not allow for outside play, the students will use the space indoors to perform the same activities.

12:30-1:00 Science/Social Studies (alternating)

The teacher will use this time as a whole group instruction to introduce the topic and new idea to the whole group. The teacher will then split the students into small groups where they will complete different activities based on the topic.

Students will be able to work in a group.

Students will be able to make predictions.

Students will be able to relate stories to their lives.

1:00-1:30 Music

Students will be able to copy a beat.

Students will be to manipulate instruments appropriately.

Students will be to keep rhythm.

Students will be able to move to a beat.

The teacher will do Music with the whole class.

1:30-2:30 Centers/Small Reading Groups (Free Choice)

The students will work as a whole group to discuss what they did that day and anything new for Reading. The teacher will then split the students into small Reading Groups where they will complete a task based on the Unit.

Students will be able to identify the title and author of a book.

Students will be able to identify sight words.

Students will be able to answer questions about a story.

Students will be able to make decisions independently.

Students will be able to make predictions.

2:30-2:45 Afternoon Group/Wrap-Up

Students will be able to discuss ideas they learned that day.

Students will be able to develop any questions they may have about what they learned.

2:45-3:00 Snack/Clean-Up

The teacher will instruct the students as a whole group to discuss what their individual jobs will be. Then, they will work independently to complete assigned jobs.

Students will be able to organize papers given by teacher.

Students will be able to complete certain clean up tasks assigned by teacher.

Students will be able to pack their bag with what they need to take home.

3:00 Parent Pick Up / Afterschool Care