Making a favorable impression at an interview is crucial. It can mean the difference between getting a job, and getting passed-up for someone with better interviewing skills.

There are things everyone should do to prepare for an interview. Circle “T” below if the statement is true, and “F” if the statement is false.

1 / T / F / Personal grooming is very important when preparing for an interview
2 / T / F / Wear bright clothes, so you stand out from all the others who wore conservative clothes.
3 / T / F / Research indicates that employers make about 60% of their hiring decision based on first impressions
4 / T / F / You should arrive right when the interview is scheduled to begin
5 / T / F / Conservative clothes give employers the impression that a person can be trusted as a good worker
6 / T / F / You will almost always have to fill out an application when applying for a job. A mock application has information that can be quickly copied to an employer's application.
7 / T / F / Flashy jewelry shows that a woman has confidence in herself and should be worn to any interview.
8 / T / F / It's a good idea to do some research on the company before the interview. Knowing about the company shows that you are really interested in the job.

During the interview, there are many things a person can do to create a favorable impression:

9 / T / F / When you meet the interviewer, give a confident handshake and offer a pleasant hello
10 / T / F / During the interview, lean back in your chair to show that you are comfortable with the situation
11 / T / F / Make eye contact with the interviewer, but only for a few seconds at a time
12 / T / F / Non-verbal communication can be as important as what you say in an interview
13 / T / F / Use exaggerated gestures and a loud, over-confident voice to get your point across


Some groups of people need to work harder than others to make a good impression in a job interview. These groups include minorities, women, and people with disabilities. Employers may be unconsciously prejudiced against these people. By following a few pointers, these people in these groups can make a great impression and reduce an employer's anxiety. Circle the ”T” below if the statement is true, and the “F” if the statement is false.

1 / T / F / It's best to cover up any disabilities, rather than address them, and hope the interviewer doesn't ask about them.
2 / T / F / A potentially negative question can be turned around by a job applicant to give a favorable impression of his or her abilities
3 / T / F / Illegal questions are an insult to a job applicant and should be treated with contempt
4 / T / F / Many employers ask illegal questions because they don't know which questions are not allowed
5 / T / F / Employers are required to make certain provisions to aid disabled persons in the workplace
6 / T / F / A woman, member of a minority group, or disabled person will probably have to work harder to make a good impression on an employer
7 / T / F / A job applicant can turn an illegal question into an opportunity to explain one of his or her abilities


It's very possible that you will be asked an illegal question during an interview. It's not that the employer is out to get you. Many employers don't know which questions are illegal. If you answer one of these questions, you could be putting yourself in a compromising position. It's important to know which questions are illegal and how to handle them.

For each question below, circle “LEGAL” if the question is legitimate, and “ILLEGAL” if the question is illegal.

1 / LEGAL / ILLEGAL / “Have you had any experience handling children?”
2 / LEGAL / ILLEGAL / “Are you married?”
3 / LEGAL / ILLEGAL / “Why were you let go from your last job?”
4 / LEGAL / ILLEGAL / “How old are you?”
5 / LEGAL / ILLEGAL / “Do you live near this office?”
6 / LEGAL / ILLEGAL / “Do you plan to have any children?”
7 / LEGAL / ILLEGAL / “Will your disability interfere with your abilities to perform your duties here?”
8 / LEGAL / ILLEGAL / “Do you work well with others?”
9 / LEGAL / ILLEGAL / “How much do you weigh?”
10 / LEGAL / ILLEGAL / “How did you become disabled?”


Fill-in the blanks below with the correct form from the word list.

Word List

Non-verbal / Early / Ask Questions / Lean
Hiring / Conservatively / Impression / Strengths
Disability / Eye / Firm / Positive

1. When going on an interview, dress ______.

2. Be sure to arrive ______for an interview.

3. Give your interviewer a ______handshake.

4. Studies show that employers make about 60% of their ______decisions based on the

first four minutes of an interview.

5. An employer will base a lot on a first ______.

6. During the question and answer session, stress your ______.

7. ______communication can leave as big an impression as what you say.

8. When sitting during an interview, ______forward slightly.

9. Make ______contact with the interviewer.

10. Try to predict difficult questions and plan ahead with ______answers.

11. If you don't understand something, don't be afraid to ______.

12. Explain your ______and how it will affect your performance.