A Worldwide Depression

  1. Postwar Europe
  1. Unstable New Democracies
  2. Coalition Government
  1. The Weimar Republic
  1. Inflation Causes Crisis in Germany
  2. Attempts At Economic Stability
  1. The Dawes Plan big loan from American bank.
  2. American investments allowed growth.
  1. Efforts at Lasting Peace
  1. Two ministers met in, 1925 to make a peace treaty.
  2. In 1928 Kellogg-Briand peace pact.
  1. Financial Collapse
  1. Flawed U.S. economy

1. Uneven distribution of wealth

2. Overproduction by business and farmers.

3. Americans buying less

B. The Stock Market Crashes

IV. The Great Depression

  1. Factory production cut in half
  2. Thousands of businesses fail
  3. Banks closed
  4. 9 million people lost the money in their savings accounts
  5. Many farmers lost their lands
  1. A Global Depression
  1. U.S. Congress placed high tariffs on imported goods
  2. Other nations imposed their own higher tariffs

VI. The World Confronts the Crisis

  1. Britain takes steps to improve its economy
  2. France responds to economic crisis
  3. Socialist governments find solutions
  4. Recovery in the United States
  1. 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected as president
  2. “New Deal” large public works projects help to provide jobs for unemployed

Fascism Rises in Europe

  1. Fascism rises in Italy
  1. Characteristics
  1. Extreme Nationalism
  2. Due to struggle, peaceful nations doomed to be conquered
  3. Pledge loyalty to authoritarian leader
  4. Wore uniforms , had special salutes and held mass rallies
  1. Mussolini Takes Control
  1. ItalySocial Unrest
  2. Bitter disappointment over no large territorial gains in 1919 peace conference.
  3. Mussolini newspaper editor and politician.
  1. Founded the Fascist Party in 1919
  2. Wearing black shirts attacked Communists and Socialist on street
  1. 30,000 Fascists marched on Rome.
  2. Mussolini named Il Duce (the leader)
  1. Hitler Rises to Power in Germany
  1. Rise of the Nazis
  1. 1919 Hitler joined right-wing political group
  2. Believed in overturning treaty of Versailles and battling Communism
  1. Hitler chosen as der Fuhrer (the leader)
  1. Plotted to over throw the government
  2. Attempt failed Hitler arrested
  3. Wrote Mein Kampf (my struggle)
  1. Aryans were master race
  2. Non Aryans inferior
  3. Versailles Treaty an outrage
  4. Vowed to regain German lands
  5. Germany needed lebensraum (living space)
  1. Hitler Becomes Chancellor
  1. Nazis become largest political party.
  2. January 1933 Hitler named chancellor by von Hindenburg
  3. Called for new election
  4. Fire in Parliamentary Building
  1. Blamed Communist
  2. Won majority by narrow margin
  1. Turned Germany into a totalitarian state
  1. Banned all other political parties
  2. Created the SS who arrested and tortured enemies
  1. Fuhrer is Supreme
  1. Wanted total control
  2. Used all available media for Propaganda
  3. Burned books that didn’t conform to Nazi beliefs
  4. Churches couldn’t criticize government
  5. Boys joined Hitler Youth, girls joined league of German Girls
  1. Hitler Makes War on the Jews
  1. Anti-Semitism part of Nazi ideology
  2. Used as Scapegoats
  3. Passed laws depriving Jews of most of their rights
  4. Violence against Jews – 11/9/38 Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass)
  1. Other Countries Fall to Dictators
  1. Fascists took power in Italy and Germany
  2. Hungary 1919 fell to a dictator
  3. Poland 1926 fell to dictator
  4. In Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria and Romania Kings turned to strong man rule
  5. Britain, France, Czechoslovakia and Scandinavian countries remained Democratic.

Section 4

Aggressors Invade Nations

  1. Japan
  1. 1920’s Democratic Government
  2. 1922 Signed treaty promising to respect China’s borders
  3. 1928 signed Kellogg-Briand Pact renouncing war
  4. Military reported only to the emperor

II. Japan Seeks an Empire

  1. Militarists take control of Japan

1.Civilian government kept power as long as Japan was prosperous

2.Great Depression in 1929 Military leaders soon gained control of country

a. Militarists made Emperor Hirohito the symbol of state power

  1. Restored traditional government
  2. Wanted to solve economic problems through expansion
  1. Japan Invades Manchuria
  1. Japanese businesses men invested heavily in Manchuria China
  2. Japan seized the Manchurian province and set up puppet government
  3. The league of nations protested
  4. Japan withdrew from the League of Nations
  1. European Aggressors on the March
  1. Mussolini Attack Ethiopia

1. Haile Selassie leader of Ethiopia appealed to League of Nations

2. League condemned attack but members did nothing

3. Britain let Italy troops and supplies through Suez Canal(appeasement)

B. Hitler Defies Versailles Treaty

1. 1935 in defiance of treaty Hitler increases size of army

2. 1936 in defiance of treaty Hitler moves troops in Rhineland

a. Important Industrial area

b. Buffer between France and Germany

c. France and Belgium now open to attack from Germany

C. Axis Powers created

1. 1936 October Germany forms alliance with Italy (Rome-Berlin Axis)

2. 1936 November Germany made an agreement with Japan

D. Civil War Erupts in Spain

1. July 1936 – Army leaders joined General Francisco Franco in a revolt

2. Hitler and Mussolini sent troops, tanks and airplanes to help Franco.

3. Only the Soviet Union sent troops to help the Republic

4. Republic collapsed and Franco became Spain’s Fascist dictator.

IV. Democratic Nations try to Preserve Peace

  1. 1930’s Britain and France make concessions, hoping to keep peace
  2. United States Follows an Isolationist Policy
  1. Many Americans believed political ties with other countries should be avoided
  2. Congress passed three Neutrality Acts
  1. Banned loans
  2. Banned sale of arms to nations at war
  1. The German Reich Expands
  1. March 1938 – Hitler sends army in Austria and annexed it.
  2. September 1938 – Hitler demands Sudetenland
  1. Britain and France again choose appeasement
  1. Mussolini proposes Munich Conference 9/29/38
  2. Doesn’t invite the Czechs
  3. Agreed to turn Sudetenland over to Germany if they would respect new Czech border.
  4. Less than 6 months later Germany took Czechoslovakia.
  5. Soon after Mussolini seized Albania
  6. Hitler demanded Poland surrender Danzig
  1. Poles refuse
  2. Ask for help from Britain and France
  1. Nazis and Soviets Sign Nonaggression Pact
  1. Britain and France ask Russia to join them in Stopping Hitler’s aggression
  2. August 23, 1939 Russia and Germany sign nonaggression pact.