Minutes of the Durban Ramblers Hiking Club AGM held on Saturday 8th February 2014 at Palmiet Nature Reserve

Welcome: Werner Vanlembrouck ,the Chairperson welcomed all the members in this the 82nd year of the club

Present: 44 members in attendance- see attendance register.

Apologies: Dave and Barbara Ward, Phillip Collyer, Ceri-Sue Welch, Sandy Miles. Michelle Dennison, Linda & Duncan Hiles, Billie Turk, Christine Connolly, Rose Glen Judy Conlyn, Monica Mathewson, Margaret Kirsten, Margot Barraclough, Linda Derreynne.

Confirmation of the minutes of the 2013 AGM.

The minutes were included in the first quarter magazine and the Chairperson requested a proposer and seconder. Proposed by Trevor Thompson, Seconded by Sandra Pretorius

Matters arising


Receive and Approve the Chairman’s Report.

As Chairperson Werner felt the club went through 2013 without any hitches, which made being Chairman a pleasure.

This was due mainly to a good functioning and dedicated committee. Werner thanked the committee for their input.

Themagazine and website were first class, and it is a pity that the creators Linda and Duncan Hiles have left our shores for the Cape. Our Facebook page is kept up to date, and Werner urged members who have internet connection to use this information media to keep in touch.

Werner in particular thanked the Hike leaders without whom it would be impossible to hike.He thanked them especially for trying to make hikes interesting and trying out new trails. Our Sunday hikers have had the pleasure of the PMB club hikes for which Wernerthanked Francois for accommodating us.

The year- end Xmas function was well attended … we were back to a Braai and in a venue well known to the older members. The committee appreciates there was some resistance from the Durban residents to the venue, being again up in the highway area. However the venue itself is great and very reasonable to rent. Werner felt that it is not possible to find a better venue for the price. We used to have the function in the evening, but because of security, night driving etc. it was decided a couple of years ago to change to a luncheon, just to accommodate members coming from far. However the committee is going to keep trying to find a more central venue. The venue cost R300.00 to hire, the music R2000.00, both these items were subsidisedby the club. The committee and hike leaders were invited to this function as a way of showing our appreciation. Full details of the finances of the function will be dealt with byBiff, the treasurer.

During the year the club hosted a luncheon /seminar for Hike leaders. The discussion was lively and all attendees felt it had been of great benefit to the running of the hikes.

One of the pointsof discussion was what to do in the case of an emergency. Werner remindedhikers of the tragic incidence of the Bee attack. He thanked the members that helped Mr Plummer get to hospital. Since then members have been asked to pin a name tag totheir shirts with all relevant information e.g. I.D, Medical aid number, ICE numbers etc. on the back of the tag. Werner thanked Philip Collyer for making the tags and distributing them.

Our membership data base has been cleaned up and all non-paid up members removed. Archiving of Rambler data initiated last year will continue. The club has now a membership of 201 – paid up and honorary members.

Saturday and Sunday hikes seem to be doing well as far as attendance figures are concerned. The Wednesday hikes are ably led by Colin and Philip and will remain an informal arrangement.

Jill is still in charge of weekends away, and some exciting venues are in the pipeline.

Biff Maggs has been looking after our finances, and the chairperson called upon her to present the financial report. Werner mentioned that he hoped our auditor Colin Turner would oblige by being the auditor for the coming year.

Finally he was pleased to announce that the annual subscription will stay the same.

Receive and approve the Financial Report

Copies of the Financial Statements were available for scrutiny.

Biff Maggs presented the Balance Sheet and Income and Expense report.

Trevor Thomson queried the overall reduction in subscriptions which would seem to indicate a loss of members. Biff stated she had sent subscription statements out earlier this year. She also mentioned that Hike costs are predominantly the costs of “recces”.

Jon Stevens queried whether we need the website if we are using Facebook. It was pointed out that the hike schedule only appears on the website which is predominantly used by people who “google” ramblers. Linda Smith stated that membership forms and the hike schedule cannot be put on Facebook. Facebook is intended for short sharp interest stories. Jill Dunstone and Biff Maggs said we must recognise there are different focus groups. Coleen Seath saw the website as essential- a lot of people do not use Facebook. A show of hands confirmedthat most attendees used the website not Facebook.

A question was posed as to what will eventually happen to the capital reserves. Colin Turner stated that this helps to keep subs down. Biff Maggs also said that we have offered funds for a bridge at Palmiet but no progress at this stage. Anne Olds mentioned that theplaque installed at Paradise valley has been vandalised.

Sandra Pretorius was concerned that there is still a problem with people who are hiking and who have not paid their subs. Hike Leaders must remind people re subs.

Proposer Rolf Klein, Seconder NevilWalmsley.

Election of Honorary Auditor

Colin Turner stated he was sure everyone is satisfied the Club is financially sound. Werner asked him to be the honorary auditor again and he agreed. No proposer or seconder obtained.

Election of office bearers and Executive Committee

Linda Hiles and Duncan Hiles have resignedfrom the committee in view of their move to Cape Town. The post of Magazine Editor has been taken over by Gordon Tomlinson. Werner asked for names for both social organiser (not filled last year) and ordinary member. The rest of the posts are filled by existing committee members and the chairperson asked for these to be ratified.

Office / Person / Proposed / Seconded
Chairperson / W Vanslembrouck / Trevor Thomson / Jenny Rooks
Secretary / J Elliott / Linda Smith / Werner Vanslembrouck
Treasurer / B Maggs / Merle Mackenzie / Marjorie Blake
Sunday Hike Organiser / M Gurr / Ingrid D’Eathe / Nevil Walmsley
Saturday Hike Organiser / P Collyer / Werner Vanslembrouck / Janet Elliott
Weekends Away Organiser / J Dunstone / Rolf Klein / Linda Smith
Social Organiser / A Wilson / Jon Stevens / Werner Vanslembrouck
Magazine Editor / G Tomlinson / Jill Dunstone / Linda Smith
Publicity / L Smith / Jill Dunstone / Biff Maggs
Ordinary Member / C Seath / WV Vanslembrouck / Linda Smith

Gordon Tomlinson queried the arrangement with hosting the website now that Duncan Hiles is resident in CT. The Chairperson stated he has offered to stay on and Biff Maggs suggested we leave as is as it working at the moment. We will have to review the situation if things change.

To pay respects to passing members

Hennie Kruger passed away during the course of the year. Gordon Tomlinson said he had been a dedicated member who unfortunately had met with hard times which ultimately led to his death.

Honorary Life Membership

The committee recommended making Dennis Chetty an honorary life member for a number of reasons. Trevor Thomson stated thatunfortunately he does not meet the criteria set out in the constitution for honorary membership. Under the circumstances it was not approved. Marge Blake offered to pay his subs.

Presentation of the Floating Trophy

The Chairperson stated that it is not often that the trophy is given in absentia. However it gave him great pleasure to present this to Linda and Duncan Hiles in recognition of the contribution made to the club. Our Magazine and our Website will never be the same. They both will still be active as they have indicated that if called upon they will gladly help. On behalf of the club the Chairperson sent them our best wishes in their new home in the Cape, and thanked them for work welldone.A photograph will be posted on Facebook.

Any other business of which due notice has been given

Colin Turner asked about gaining access to ImpithiConservancy as Wednesday hikersexperienced a problem a few weeks ago. Anne Olds said no problem experienced by her when phoningthe numbers on the gate. The reserve also has a web page. Apparently the gate is being kept locked as cars have been broken into. Jill Dunstone offered to get more information and it was suggested that perhaps a small donation might be appreciated.

Lee D’Eathe updated the meeting on the question of the bridge for Palmiet which Ramblers wish to contribute to. The municipality should foot the bulk of the bill but some labour/time resources would probably be appreciated. Lee Deathe will keep the Chairperson informed.

Amendments to the constitution

No notification received. The Chairperson asked if anything from the floor- none received.

The meeting adjourned at 1300.