Instructor: Instructor Name here, Office MH instructor office number, instructor phone number
OFFICE HOURS: Instructor office hours here, time and day (held in office MH your office number)
Required Text: The lab experiment schedule, experiment write-ups,lab report format, and links are available at . (Just click on an experiment title and the write-up will come up). The format for lab reports and lab safety documents are the 2 links at the top of the lab schedule table. You are to print your own copy of the experiment, read it before lab, and bring it to lab each week.
Course objective:
The lab experiments listed on the lab schedule (online at above URL) and the last page of this syllabus will be covered. The purpose of the experiments is to support the lecture material by providing experimental verification of the theory presented in lecture, and for students to gain experience with techniques and procedures for performing laboratory measurements involving mechanics. Students will also gain an elementary understanding of concepts of uncertainty and error analysis.
Grading Policy: Your grade will be based on your Laboratory Experiment write ups (10 point scale for 1 week labs),Pre-lab questions and/or quizzes (if any), in lab performance, a final exam (20% of your grade), and attendance. The lab reports will be turned in for grading at the end of each lab period online to the instructor’s email with instructor specified titles. You are not to leave early from lab unless getting the instructor permission first. You and your lab partner will turn in a single lab report at the end of each lab period and receive a common grade for each lab (for exceptions, see attendance policy below). Extra credit points maybe given to students who help develop a new experiment, create exam questions, or develop an addition to an experiment.
Plus/minus grades may be assigned in this laboratory for borderline cases(instructor optional, remove if you don’t want to do plus/minus grading). Grading will be done on a “curve”, using the class mean and standard deviation. No lab reports will be “dropped” in computing lab grades. There will be a final exam given the last lab period during the week of Dec. 7.
Make-up and Attendance Policy: There will be no make-up’s for missed labs. Missing a lab without a verifiable excuse will result in a grade of 0 for the lab report for the lab missed. Arriving to lab late or leaving before the lab report is turned in will result in points deducted from your individual lab report grade. Missing a lab with a verifiable excuse, such as death in family or severe illness with a doctor’s note, will result in the average lab report score for the semester being computed with one less report than the total number (e.g. instead of using N=11 for 11 lab reports, use N=10 for 10 lab reports when computing the average lab report score).
Class Assignments: Carefully read and become familiar with the Lab Report Format document (hyperlink at the top of the table web schedule). You are to study the lab experiment write-up before coming to class each lab period. This is essential to be able to finish writing up the lab during the lab period. Pre-lab questions and/or quizzes on the lab write-up may be given on occasion.
Each week you must bring a USB flash drive to transfer and store your data, graph, and document files to other computers. Make sure that you keep the computer files that you generate each week on your flash drive. It is the student’s responsibility to clear the computer of their files before leaving lab.
This course meets the GE plan B.3 requirements (see UPS 411.201).
Learning Goals for B.3 Laboratory Experience
Students taking courses in subarea B3 shall
a. Apply scientific methodology through active experimental methods and experiences (laboratory/activity).
b. Evaluate the validity and limitations of theories and scientific claims in interpreting experimental results.
GE Course Writing Requirement:
The General Education writing requirement is met and assessed by the submission of weekly, written lab reports that are graded.
Information for students with documented special needs – All students have a right to accommodations for documented special needs via the Disabled Student Service Office, UH101, (714) 278-3117, documented at
Academic Integrity (
Academic dishonesty includes such things as cheating, inventing false information or citations,plagiarism, and helping someone commit an act of academic dishonesty. Students who violate university standards of academic integrity are subject to disciplinary sanctions, including failure in the course and suspension from the university. Since dishonesty in any form harms the individual, other students and the university, university policies on academic integrity are strictly enforced. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the academic integrity guidelines found at the above link and on p. 31 of the current student handbook at
Actions students should take in an emergency (
GENERALLY, Before an Evacuation...
- Look at the evacuation diagrams in the building and room you are in.
- Know the location of at least TWO exits.
At the sound of an alarm...
- Stop whatever you are doing.
- Turn off, or close the container of anything potentially hazardous, if you can.
- Grab your personal possessions quickly.
- Do not take time to gather more things than you can quickly find.
- DO NOT WAIT! Walk to the nearest exit.
- If your nearest exit is blocked, move immediately to another exit.
225L Fall 2015 Lab Schedule
Lab Safety Document
Lab Report Format
Note: Schedule is subject to change without notice
Week / Date / Experiment / Title1 / Aug 24 / 1 / Graphical Analysis
Student Spreadsheet
2 / Aug 31 / 2 / Position,Velocity,andAcceleration
3 / Sep 7 / *** / LABOR DAY - NO LAB
4 / Sep 14 / 3 / Error Analysis: Gravity's "g"
Measurement Statistics Histogram
5 / Sep 21 / 4 / Projectile Motion
Image 1
Image 2
6 / Sep 28 / 5 / Forces 1
7 / Oct 5 / 6 / Forces 2
8 / Oct 12 / 7 / Energy
9 / Oct 19 / 9 / Momentum and Impulse
10 / Oct 26 / 8 / The Ballistic Pendulum
11 / Nov 2 / 10 / Torque
12 / Nov 9 / *** / VETERAN'S DAY- NO LAB
13 / Nov 16 / 11 / Simple Harmonic Motion
14 / Nov 23 / *** / Fall Break- NO LAB
15 / Nov 30 / 12 / Physical Pendulum
Pendulum Period Derivation
Large Angle Period Calculator
16 / Dec 7 / *** / Evaluations/Exams:
Course/Instructor Evaluations
Attendance is Mandatory