Curriculum Map - Brundige

Grade______9-12______Subject____German 3______


/ Content / Skills / Assessment Options / Standards
Sept – Nov
Unit Title: Relationships / Topics:
Family relationships
Teacher/student relationships
Problems in relationships
Describing people
Comparing the American and the German school systems
Ausländer (foreigners)
Relative pronouns
Genitive / Students will:
2.H.3 Use circumlocution to express thoughts, ideas, preferences, and opinions.
3.H.5 Express in writing personal information, ideas, thoughts, preferences, and opinions.
4.H.2 Interact successfully in daily social situations.
7.H.4 Use knowledge acquired through other languages and cultures for expansion of personal knowledge and experience. / Students write an essay about their relationships with parents, friends, and teachers.
Students role-play a situation involving a problem in a relationship.
Students write letters asking for advice about a relationship and respond to the letters of others.
Students will put on a talk show dealing with relationships.
Komm Mit Chap 1, 3, 4 tests and quizzes /

Benchmark standards listed after skill

2.H.3 Use circumlocution to express thoughts, ideas, preferences, and opinions.
3.H.5 Express in writing personal information, ideas, thoughts, preferences, and opinions.
4.H.2 Interact successfully in daily social situations.
7.H.4 Use knowledge acquired through other languages and cultures for expansion of personal knowledge and experience.
Dec - Jan
Unit Title: Rights and Responsibilities / Topics:
Coming of Age and the rights and responsibilities involved
Responsibilities to society
Sensitivity to the rights of others
The differences between Germany and the United States and the age at which people are allowed certain rights and expected to assume adult responsibilities.
Simple past
Simple past of modal verbs
Relative pronouns / Students will:
5.H.2 Identify cultural constructs and the way they are reflected in society.
1.H.3 Sustain conversation on familiar topics.
1.H.7 Use another language for personal and public communication needs.
2.H.5 Apply prior knowledge to formulate new ideas. / Students will list and debate the advantages and disadvantages of mandatory military service or civil service.
Students will write a letter/email to German students detailing when they can drive, drink, and vote.
Students will do a call-in radio show discussing the difference in German and American rights and responsibilities.
Students will write a skit in which a fringe group in their school demands more rights and fewer responsibilities.
Komm Mit Chap 1, 3, 4 tests and quizzes /

Benchmark standards listed after skill

5.H.2 Identify cultural constructs and the way they are reflected in society.
1.H.3 Sustain conversation on familiar topics.
1.H.7 Use another language for personal and public communication needs.
2.H.5 Apply prior knowledge to formulate new ideas.
Feb - Mar
Unit title: The Environment / Topics:
Environmental problems
Solutions to these problems
The importance of environmental issues in Germany
The environmental effects of many people living in a small country
Subjunctive – würde and infinitive
Present tense passive / Students will:
2.H.5 Apply prior knowledge to formulate new ideas.
3.H.4 Take notes on oral and written discourse dealing with familiar topics.
4.H.1 Understand, respond to, and formulate questions and discussion.
5.H.4 Understand the main idea and most detail from authentic texts in areas of high interest. / Students identify an environmental problem. They explain the problem, propose possible solutions, and suggest how they would be put into effect. This could be done with a poster, a magazine, a speech, etc.
Students read articles about environmental issues and answer questions.
Students have a debate mediated by the government. The debate is between big business and environmentalists. They will do necessary research.
Komm Mit Chap 9 tests and quizzes /

Benchmark standards listed after skill

2.H.5 Apply prior knowledge to formulate new ideas.
3.H.4 Take notes on oral and written discourse dealing with familiar topics.
4.H.1 Understand, respond to, and formulate questions and discussion.
5.H.4 Understand the main idea and most detail from authentic texts in areas of high interest.
Apr – May
Unit Title: Prejudices / Topics:
Students will explore the effect of historical and current events on prejudices in Germany.
Simple past
Future tense / Students will:
1.H.2 Narrate orally and in writing (present, past, future) events in areas of personal and public interest.
1.H.1 Understand main idea and some details of connected discourse on familiar topics.
2.H.6 Make inferences, predictions, and generalizations.
2.H.7 Make and check hypotheses.
5.H.3 Recognize the differences between one’s own culture and other cultures and act in ways that reflect that knowledge. / Students will write a comical skit depicting stereotypes in their community.
Students will read poems and short stories about prejudices in Germany. They will write a letter to one of the characters in the literature.
Students will create a comic strip about stereotypes, assumptions, and prejudices.
Komm Mit Chap 8 tests and quizzes /

Benchmark standards listed after skill

1.H.2 Narrate orally and in writing (present, past, future) events in areas of personal and public interest.
1.H.1 Understand main idea and some details of connected discourse on familiar topics.
2.H.6 Make inferences, predictions, and generalizations.
2.H.7 Make and check hypotheses.

5.H.3 Recognize the differences between one’s own culture and other cultures and act in ways that reflect that knowledge.