local Disaster Management Plan
donations SUB-plan
July 2014 edition
The Donations Sub-plan is an operational plan of the Brisbane City Council Local Disaster Management Plan and has been endorsed by the Brisbane City Local Disaster Management Group (Brisbane LDMG).
- This Donations Sub-plan will be reviewed, practiced and updated annually in accordance with the procedures mandated by the Brisbane LDMG.
- It shall be reviewed at least once each year by a committee of appropriately qualified and experienced personnel. The committee shall, as a minimum, consist of the Manager, Connected Communities, a representative from Brisbane Lifestyle and a representative of Brisbane LDMG. Representatives from external agencies may also be included as needed.
- Proposed amendments to this sub-planare to be forwarded in writing to the Manager, Disaster Management Office (MDMO), who may approve minor amendments.
- Proposed amendments that affect the intent of this sub-plan, roles and responsibilities or external agencies must be endorsed by the Local Disaster Coordinator (LDC) and/or the MDMO and may be forwarded to the Brisbane LDMG for approval if required. This type of amendment is referred to as a major amendment.
- Endorsed amendments are to be listed in the table below.
- Version control of this sub-plan is managed by the Disaster Management Office. Reissue of this sub-plan following amendment or review will be recorded in the table below and advice of reissue will be distributed throughout the disaster management network. Recipients should take all appropriate action to ensure they are in possession of the most recent version, and that previous versions in both hard copy and electronic forms are archived accordingly. Further information can be requested by contacting the Disaster Management Office.
Donations Sub-plan Version Control
Version / Date / Reviewed by / Endorsed by / Comments1.0 / March 2012 / Manager, Disaster Management Office / Chair, Brisbane LDMG
District Disaster Coordinator / 2012 official version
1.1 / December 2012 / Manager, Inclusive Communities
Coordinator, Disaster Management Office / Manager, Disaster Management Office / Revisions
2.0 / May 2013 / Manager, Disaster Management Office / Chair, Brisbane LDMG
District Disaster Coordinator / 2013 official version
2.1 / November 2013 / Manager, Community Facilities & Venues / Manager, Disaster Management Office / Noted that pre-prepared food is no longer accepted. Updated EHSOT structure diagram.
- This sub-plan is to be reviewed:
- On activation of an event requiring the use of this sub-plan
- On activation of similar disaster management plans in other states, territories or overseas where considered possible
- Upon annual review of Council’s Local Disaster Management Plan in accordance with the Disaster Management Act 2003 (Qld)
- This sub-plan, together with its supporting standard operating procedures (SOPs), is to be tested annually. The MDMO is to brief relevant stakeholders and the Brisbane LDMG on the results of testing this plan.
- In accordance with legislation, the Brisbane Local Disaster Management Plan and all its underpinning sub-plans will be approved by the Chair of the Brisbane LDMG annually.
Table 1 summarises a comprehensive, but not exhaustive, list of the many interrelated documents that provide authority for this Donations Sub-plan.
Table 1 Donations Sub-plan Reference List
ReferencesA. / Disaster Management Act 2003 (Qld), effective 21 May 2014 (the Act)
B. / Queensland Disaster Management Planning Guidelines
C. / Queensland Local Disaster Management Guidelines, September 2012
1.7Donations Stakeholders
1.8Management of Complaints
2.2Structures Supporting the Donations Plan
2.3EHSOT Structure
2.4Donations Strategy for Each Disaster Event
3.2Most Useful Donations
3.3Donations Warehouse
3.4Offers of Fresh Food
3.5Contact Centre Scripting
3.6Distribution of Donated Goods
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The Donations Sub-plan is an operational level sub-plan that sits below the Emergency Human Services Plan in the Brisbane City Council Local Disaster Management Plan, prepared under the terms of the Disaster Management Act 2003.
It is supported by Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that outline the procedures to be followed when the Donations Plan is activated. These SOPS are internal documents andcan be found on the Brisbane Incident Management System (BIMS) Online or through the Disaster Management Office.
Thissub-plan is designed to be a guide for the receipt, management and distribution of donations provided to Brisbane City Council in an emergency or disaster event in Brisbane City.
The Brisbane City Community Recovery Coordination Committee (CRCC) is established by the Brisbane LDMG to oversee the recovery function of Council’s Local Disaster Management Plan.
The CRCC reports to the Brisbane LDMG on the adequacy of the planning and operational arrangements for donations.
This sub-plan has been prepared for Council, the Lord Mayor, Brisbane LDMG, Council Business Units and key external stakeholders.
This Donations Sub-plan is approved by Brisbane LDMG under the terms and conditions of the Disaster Management Act 2003 (Qld).
The MDMO, on behalf of Council, is the custodian of this plan. The custodian has the responsibility for implementing, evaluating, testing, reviewing and updating this plan. The custodian is also to ensure proper quality, security, integrity, consistency, privacy, confidentiality and accessibility of this plan.
The custodian’s contact details are:
Title: Manager Disaster Management Office
Contact: 07 3403 8888
GPO Box 1434Brisbane QLD, 4001
The purpose of the Donations Sub-plan is to ensure an appropriate response to offers of goods in a disaster event, including receipt and dispersal of donated items and acknowledgement of the generosity of the donors.
This plan forms a sub-plan of the Brisbane City Council Local Disaster Management Plan, and is developed under the authority of the Disaster Management Act 2003 (Qld).
This Donations Sub-plan will be activated by the Local Disaster Coordinator (LDC) where the nature of the disaster event will require receipt, management and distribution of donations provided to Brisbane City Council.
1.7Donations Stakeholders
The donations stakeholders consist of the following agencies:
Brisbane City Council – Community Facilities & VenuesBrisbane City Council – Connected Communities
Brisbane City Council – Library Services
Brisbane City Council – Disaster Management Office (DMO)
Brisbane City Council – Strategic Procurement
Brisbane City Council – Corporate Communications (Crisis Communications)
Brisbane City Council – Contact Centre
Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (DCCSDS)
Australian Red Cross
UnitingCare Community: Lifeline
St Vincent de Paul
Salvation Army
Majorchurch organisations
Surrounding local government authorities
Private sector and corporate donors
Local disaster working groups
Brisbane community centres and neighbourhood centres
Local churches, community groups and service clubs
1.8Management of Complaints
Management of donations may result in complaints made by residents who have been impacted by the disaster or residents, businesses and stakeholders who have donated goods or participated in the receipt, management and distribution of donations.
All complaints will be investigated and responded to through Council’s normal CMX system and reported to the Chairman of the Community Recovery Coordination Committee as required.
This Donations Sub-plan should be used to guide the receipt, management and distribution of donations and should be used in conjunction with the Donations SOP.
This plan has been developed as an operational guide with pre-determined strategies able to be adapted to the specific circumstances of the event.
Other relevant Plans and SOPs to be used in conjunction with this plan:
- BrisbaneCity Council Disaster Management Plan
- Emergency Human Services Sub-plan
- Volunteer Coordination Sub-plan.
Connected Communities will coordinate the receipt and dispersal of donated goods as part of the Emergency Human Services Operational Team (EHSOT) - guided by an event-specific Donations Strategy.
The Contact Centre will be given appropriate scripting to respond to offers of donations.
Only new or very good condition goods that are on the ‘most useful donations’ list for the particular disaster response will be accepted. Other offers will be referred to appropriate organisations (e.g. Salvation Army, Givit, Foodbank).
Council will not receive donations of electrical equipment, tools or appliances. No prepared food will be accepted as a donation.
Donations will be received and stored by Strategic Procurement at an appropriate warehouse location.
Distribution through the response phase will be managed by the Donations Team in EHSOT.
Distribution through the transition and recovery phases will be managed through partner distribution organisations, such as Givit, Salvation Army and St Vincent de Paul.
2.2Structures Supporting the Donations Plan
Connected Communities will lead coordination of donations in a disaster as part of the Emergency Human Services Operational Team (EHSOT). (See diagram of EHSOT structure at 2.3.)
The Donations Team is the part of EHSOT tasked with managing donations during a disaster event.
The Donations Team will be led by an officer fromConnectedCommunities and may include staff from:
- Community Facilities and Venues
- Connected Communities
- Library Services
- Strategic Procurement
The Donations Team will liaise with staff from:
- Contact Centre
- Corporate Communications
2.3EHSOT Structure
2.4Donations Strategy for Each Disaster Event
On activation, the Donations Team will develop a Donations Strategy tailored to the size, scope and nature of the particular disaster event that is occurring, for approval by Brisbane LDMG.
Significant changes to the Donations Strategy over the course of the disaster will be approved by Brisbane LDMG.
A Community Service Announcement (CSA) will be developed and distributed communicating, as appropriate:
- We appreciate people’s generous offers to donate in the current disaster. Council is focused on the immediate recovery effort at the moment, and donations that are not immediately useful in recovery are being handled by the usual not-for-profit organisations.
- People offering furniture or other goods should contact existing community organisations such as Givit, St Vincent de Paul and Salvation Army.
- People offering fresh food ‘on the day’ to support residents and volunteers should make direct contact themselves with local coordination points and local community organisations (such as neighbourhood centres, service clubs and churches) in the disaster affected areas.
- People offering non-perishable food items should contact Foodbank.
- What we really need is [insert list of ‘most useful’ items] to be used in the emergency response. People who have these in new or very good condition should take them to [insert location] between [insert hours].
- People offering donations are encouraged not to deliver donations to Evacuation Centres.
3.2Most Useful Donations
Only new or very good condition goods that are most useful in the particular disaster response will be accepted.
These will be specified in the Donations Strategy. They may include, for example:
a.Personal Protective Equipment:
- gloves
- boots
- safety glasses
- hats
- sunscreen
- hand sanitiser
b.Hand tools and equipment useful in the particular type of recovery scenario, e.g.
- brooms
- buckets
- shovels
c.Materials useful in the particular type of recovery scenario, e.g.
- sandbags
- tarps
- ropes
d.Food and drink for volunteers and others helping in response, e.g.
- bottled drinking water
- muesli or energy bars
3.3Donations Warehouse
Donations will be received and stored by Strategic Procurement at an appropriate warehouse location.
Strategic Procurement will be responsible for identifying, securing and staffing a warehouse of appropriate size and in a location appropriate to the particular disaster event. They may also have a role in the distribution of donations.
3.4Offers of Fresh Food
People offering fresh food ‘on the day’ to support residents and volunteers will be referred to local community managed coordination points at the relevant locations.
Council will avoid involvement with donations of fresh food due to health and contamination risks, but will support a community-led process. Evacuation Centres will not receive pre-prepared food.
The Donations Team will liaise with neighbourhood centres, church and community groups in the impacted area to make arrangements for the best way to manage these donations in the circumstances.
The Donations Team will establish a liaison officer in each of the affected areas to receive and distribute donations of fresh food, and to pass on the details of those donating goodsto the Contact Centre. The Contact Centre will advise those donating goods to make their own arrangements for delivery.
People offering donations are encouraged not to deliver donations to Evacuation Centres.
3.5Contact Centre Scripting
A script for Contact Centre response to offers of donations will be developed as part of the Donations Strategy.
- It will communicate appreciation for people’s generous offers to donate in the current disaster.
- It will communicate that Council is focused on the immediate recovery effort at the moment, and donations that are not immediately useful in recovery are being handled by the usual not-for-profit organisations.
- People offering furniture or other goods that will support affected residents in the recovery phase will be asked to contact existing community organisations such as Givit, St Vincent de Paul and Salvation Army.
- People offering fresh food ‘on the day’ to support residents and volunteers will be asked to make direct contact themselves with local coordination points and local community organisations in the disaster-affected areas.
- People offering non-perishable food items will be referred to Foodbank.
- People offering goods, equipment and materials on the ‘most useful donations’ list will be asked to take them to the donations warehouse, and given the location, hours and contact details.
- Council will not receive donations of electrical equipment, tools or appliances.
- People offering donations are encouraged not to deliver donations to Evacuation Centres.
- Evacuation Centres will not accept pre-prepared food.
3.6Distribution of Donated Goods
Connected Communities will manage distribution of donated goods through EHSOT and LDCC Operations during the response phase of the disaster.
Connected Communities will manage distribution of donated goods through partner distribution organisations under a Memorandum of Understanding during the transition and recovery phases of the disaster.
If a suitable agency is not available the distribution strategy will be determined by the CRCC.
Contact details will be recorded for all donors who will be acknowledged and thanked. Anonymous donations will be accepted at the insistence of the donor.
Connected Communities Branch will provide these to the Lord Mayor’s Office for a letter or other acknowledgement thanking them for their contribution.
Brisbane LDMG / Brisbane Local Disaster Management GroupCouncil / Brisbane City Council
CRCC / Community Recovery Coordination Committee
CSA / Community Service Announcement
DCCSDS / Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
DMO / Disaster Management Office
EHSOT / Emergency Human Services Operational Team
LDC / Local Disaster Coordinator
LDCC / Local Disaster Coordination Centre
MDMO / Manager, Disaster Management Office
SES / State Emergency Service
SOP / Standard Operating Procedure
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