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(203) 378-1888 August 12, 2011
WIKIPEDIA:Inattentional blindness, also known as perceptual blindness, is the phenomenon of not being able to perceive things that are in plain sight. Inattentional blindness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is caused by an absence of attention to the unseen object and is clear evidence of the importance of attention for perceiving.
Without attention we are as if functionally blind. It is closely related to change blindness, which refers to our inability to perceive changes to features in scenes to which we are not attending.
It is also related to the Attentional Blink, a phenomenon which occurs when we are searching for two particular target items in a rapidly presented list of items. We often fail to perceive the second target if it occurs between 150 and 400 msec after the first. This also is due to our failure to attend to the second target while attention is absorbed by the first one.
Inattentional blindness - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Inattentional blindness - Wikipedia, the free encycloped...Inattentional blindness, also known as perceptual blindness, is a psychological lack of attention and is not associated with any vision defects or deficits. It m...
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The term inattentional blindness was coined by Arien Mack and Irvin Rock in 1992. It was used as the title of Mack and Rock's book published by MIT Press in 1998. The book describes the discovery of Inattentional Blindness and the procedure used for revealing it.
The best-known study demonstrating inattentional blindness is the Invisible gorilla test, which was conducted by Daniel Simons of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Christopher Chabrisof Harvard University.
Their study, a revised version of earlier studies conducted by Ulric Neisser, Neisser and Beckler 1975, asked subjects to watch a short video in which two groups of people (wearing black and white t-shirts) pass a basketball around.
The subjects are told to either count the number of passes made by one of the teams or to keep count of bounce passes vs. aerial passes.
In different versions of the video a woman walks through the scene carrying an umbrella, or wearing a fullgorilla suit.[1] After watching the video the subjects are asked if they saw anything out of the ordinary take place. In most groups, 50% of the subjects did not report seeing the gorilla. The failure to perceive the gorilla or the woman carrying an umbrella is attributed to the failure to attend to it while engaged in the difficult task of counting the number of passes of the ball. These results indicate that the relationship between what is in one's visual field and perception is based much more significantly on attention than was previously thought.
The Invisible Gorilla: And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive UsThe Invisible Gorilla: And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive Us
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A & E series about how HUMAN BRAINS don’t consciously register everything our eyes’ see.
If perception is reality, then doesn’t flawed perception, flaw reality?
Your Bleeped Up Brain - Episodes, Video & Schedule -
Your Bleeped Up Brain - Episodes, Video & Schedule - HIS...In this four-part H2 mini-series event, you’ll take part in a series of mind-bending experiments that will explain how everything in History can be traced ba...
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Cognitive Trap of Mirror Imaging > Project our / your values on other people
This can create Cognitive Dissonance. Syncretism counters Cognitive Dissonance.
Cognitive traps for intelligence analysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Intelligence analysis is plagued by many of the cognitive traps also encountered in other disciplines. The first systematic study of the specific pitfalls lying ...
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(part of this Wikipedia was planted a lie by CYA Intelligence agency)
The ROMAN EMPIRE absorbed many cultures, as have the subsequent EMPIRES.
By 1922 the BRITISH EMPIRE controlled 25% of the world's people and land.
The secular philosophies of Capitalism and Communism deal in material dialectics
and are counter points to indigenous religions.
While China and India have the most population, Catholic / Christian; Arab, and Hindu
are among the largest religions.
The ROMAN, BRITISH, and AMERICAN EMPIRES have many cultures, languages,
and religions within them.
The Arab and Catholic / Christian religions, as well as Capitalist and Communist
philosophies transcend race, color, language, culture, etc
Ideas which appeal to the most people for the best present and best future need to find
the balance between secular and spiritual, which appeal to logic and emotions
(Ethos, Pathos, Logos)
Modes of persuasion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Modes of persuasion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThe modes of persuasion are devices in rhetoric that classify the speaker's appeal to the audience. They are: ethos, pathos, and logos.
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American's people are diverse and we were created to be a homogenous culture
of the melting pot. However, the USA is also a SALAD BOWL of people per EEOC
purviews: Race, Color, Creed, Sex, Handicap, Ethnic, and other factors.
The USSR maintains separate identities of countries and languages as does the
European Union. The USA has a single Official Language, however it's of strategic
importance allowing Spanish to blossom because forms of Spanish and Portuguese
are the other main languages of the Western Hemisphere and and integrated group
of bilingual Americans can assist either peaceful or non peaceful assimilation or growth
of Business and Quality of Life in Central and South America.
I favor peace. War, Crime, Drugs, etc are too profitable.
Religions have to develop profit generations. There are huge numbers of Catholic schools
from Grammar to Post Grad in the USA, as well as Healthcare.
Recent update is with the rise of Republican elected in Obama’s last term, it appears many
of the White majority are rebelling against rise in rights and power of blacks, Hispanics and
others as wellas Irish, Italians, Jews, Gays/Lesbian, Catholics and some other groups the
old nativist “Know nothings” The Bars and Stars of the Confederacy has been targeted as
a symbol of racism (which it is, except it was also a symbol of brave soldiers who thought
they were fighting for a noble cause of states and individuals rights – except soldiers on both
sides were used by the rich and powerful or political interests to extend political control.)
Lincoln was murdered. He wanted the Union to merge again. He understood malice toward
none and charity toward all was needed for the sundered Confederate whites and to allow
the building of Slaves rights into citizen with protections, rights and privileges.
The profession Generals hated Lincoln, who embarrassed them by turning them over for
losing or worse, inactions which extended war and built casualties.
The SPOILS SYSTEM of CARPET BAGGERS stealing property and money insured
the growth of the KKK and that blacks would be kept down so they couldn’t get power
or education for reprisal.
When my future father was in the military in WW II he traveled a bit and was sent to
the Pacific Theater. I don’t know where he got this gem, but it was true then and now:
In the South they don’t care how close blacks live, just don’t get to big (uppity/powerful)!
In the North they don’t care how big (uppity/powerful) blacks get, just don’t live too close!
People behind the scenes raised up Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., John (JFK) Kennedy, and
Robert (RFK) to become influential on the 100th Anniversary of the Civil War and Carpet
Baggers years. Their last initials were K K & K. I believe they were raised up to be martyred
and murdered as scape goats to effect national memory.
1967 was when MLK was murdered on the 1 year anniversary of being against War and the
So. VIETnam (man) War. That was against the interest of the Military and Industrial complex.
1963 JFK was murdered about the 100th anniversary of the Gettysburg Address. JFK was
Irish Catholic as were many Union Soldiers who descendants of Confederates had reason to
Hate. The Nativist “Know Nothings” and Masons hated the Papacy, which hasn’t always been
Holy and historically aligned itself with those (royals) who controlled military and Royals treat
treated commoners like beast of burden. Yet all religions educate and build hospitals and charities
for all classes and later races of peoples.
1967 was when RFK was murdered about the 100th anniversary of the Carpet Baggers.
See JFK as motive. RFK also moved against the Italian Cosa Nostra / Mafia, which was an ally
of the Military from WW II controlling the docks to make sure shipping was smooth. In exchange
Sicily and Naples were freed, which were Mafia homelands before France was invaded.
The Military needed the Jews for the Atomic Bomb and control of Hollywood / Entertainment.
In exchange they would get Israel. The British Empire gave some rights to Ireland before WW I,
Thus protecting it’s shipping lines from pending wars with Germany
1967 was when the SO. VIETnam escalated. This directly affect the price and profits of OIL,
Natural Gas, and Coal, thus building the Standard Oil (Rockefeller – Harriman – Bush – Schultz)
Power. Money, and influence over 33 Petro export states. American Money flowed out of hands
of US and into Royal British & North Sea Royals, Saudi Royals and Arab puppet dictators of the
former Turkish Empire / British protectorates and key African and South American dictators near
coffer rich Columbia, which would become the Cocaine supplier to the USA and World.
1967 was when the American youth counter culture began, rebelling against war and taking drugs
Promoted by British and American Rock and Rollers within the Jewish, Italian, and Irish dominated
the Entertainment Industry, still secretly controlled by the Military from WW II.
1967 was when the Israeli 6 day War expanded Israel territory and dominated Arab Armies and the
commoners who had rocks and guerilla tactics. Israel Military supported by USA, Britain, and France
had superior War machines and systems than supplied by SO VIETS. The Arab soldiers and commoner
were turkey shoots to build up the Israeli superiority complex (setting up for a fall in the future)
1947 was when the Marshall Plan was created and rebuilt Britain, Western Europe, Pacific Rim, and
most of the world surrounding SOVIETS and WARSAW Satellites, and the CHINESE, who all like
the United States were supposedly PEOPLES REPUBLICS.
Is there a hidden World Elite, which uses WAR, CRIME, RELIGION, PHILOSOPHY to keep the
common PEOPLES of the WORLD killing and exploiting each other, using divide and conquor?
The Papacy has no Army. It uses Swiss Army for basic security. It took over the roman empire’sCuria,
from which some Senators and Royal families controlled every country touching the Mediterranean Sea
and along the Atlantic coast controlling Spain, Gaul (France) and part of Britain. It choose to conquer
only part of what Alexander the great was able to conquer, because it didn’t over extend supply lines.
By 1922 the British empire openly controlled 25% of the World’s peoples and land masses, directly by
conquering key colonies which were near the oceans. Indirectly they controlled or would control the USA,
USSR and SATELLITES, Turkish empire protectorates, and China communists turned capitalist.
They found relatively under populated massive lands they could easily over whelm aborigines, or they
found exploited peoples they could seduce to rebel against oppressive indigenous royal families (India).
Throughout western civilization expanding colonies, the British had superior weapons, militaries, supplies,
and support that any local tribes could not defend themselves.
Culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Culture - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaCulture (/ˈkʌltʃər/, from Latin: cultura, lit. "cultivation"[1]) is a modern concept based on a term first used in classical antiquity by the Roman orator Cicero: ...
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The rich are different — and not in a good way, studies suggest
The 'Haves' show less empathy than 'Have-nots'
By Brian Alexander contributor
updated 8/10/2011 9:12:12 AM
Psychologist and social scientist Dacher Keltner says the rich really are different, and not in a good way:
Their life experience makes them less empathetic, less altruistic, and generally more selfish.
In fact, he says, the philosophical battle over economics, taxes, debt ceilings and defaults that are now
roiling the stock market is partly rooted in an upper class "ideology of self-interest."
“We have now done 12 separate studies measuring empathy in every way imaginable, social behavior in
every way, and some work on compassion and it’s the same story,” he said. “Lower class people just
show more empathy, more prosocial behavior, more compassion, no matter how you look at it.”
In an academic version of a Depression-era Frank Capra movie, Keltner and co-authors of an article called
“Social Class as Culture: The Convergence of Resources and Rank in the Social Realm,” published this
week in the journal Current Directions in Psychological Science, argue that “upper-class rank perceptions
trigger a focus awayfrom the context toward the self….”
In other words, rich people are more likely to think about themselves.
“They think that economic success and political outcomes, and personal outcomes, have to do
with individual behavior, a good work ethic,” said Keltner, a professor of psychology at the University
of California, Berkeley.
Because the rich gloss over the ways family connections, money and education helped, they come to
denigrate the role of government and vigorously oppose taxes to fund it.
“I will quote from the Tea Party hero Ayn Rand: “‘It is the morality of altruism that men have to reject,’”
he said.
Whether or not Keltner is right, there certainly is a “let them cake” vibe in the air.
Last week The New York Times reported onbooming sales of luxury goods, with stores keeping waiting
lists for $9,000 coats and the former chairman of Saks saying, “If a designer shoe goes up from
$800 to $860, who notices?”
According to Gallup, Americans earning more than $90,000 per year continued to increase their consumer
spending in July while
middle- and lower-income Americans remained stalled, even as the upper classes argue that they
can’t pay any more taxes.
Meanwhile, the gap between the wealthiest and the rest of us continues to grow wider, with over 80 percent
of the nation’s financial wealth controlled by about 20 percent of the people.
Unlike the rich, lower class people have to depend on others for survival, Keltner argued. So they learn
“prosocial behaviors.” They read people better, empathize more with others, and they give more to those
in need.
That’s the moral of Capra movies like “You Can’t Take It With You,” in which a plutocrat comes to learn
the value of community and family. But Keltner, author of the book “Born To Be Good: The Science of
A Meaningful Life,” doesn’t rely on sentiment to make his case.
He points to his own research and that of others. For example,
lower class subjects are better at deciphering the emotions of people in photographs than are rich people.
In video recordings of conversations, rich people are more likely to appear distracted, checking cell phones,
doodling, avoiding eye contact, while low-income people make eye contact and nod their heads more
frequently signaling engagement.
In one test, for example, Keltner and other colleagues had 115 people play the “dictator game,” a standard
trial of economic behavior.
“Dictators” were paired with an unseen partner, given ten “points” that represented money, and told they
could share as many or as few of the points with the partner as they desired. Lower-class participants
gave more even after controlling for gender, age or ethnicity.