HL7 Clinical Quality Information Workgroup Meeting Minutes

October 24, 2014 – Dial in: 770-657-9270Passcode: 217663


CQI Co-chairs: Patty Craig, Floyd Eisenberg, Walter Suarez, Crystal Kallem, Chris Millet

Meeting Chair: Crystal

Meeting Scribe: Floyd


Name / Affiliation / Email
Aziz Boxwala / Melliorix /
Bryn Rhodes / Veracity Solutions /
Crystal Kallem / Lantana /
Floyd Eisenberg / iParsimony /
Jason Matthews / MITRE /
Juggy Jugannathan / M-Modal /
Julia Skapik / ONC /
Kimberly Smuk / AMA-PCPI /
Marc Hadley / MITRE /
Patty Craig / The Joint Commission /
Sarah Ryan / APHLA /
Vaspaan Patel / NCQA /


  1. Roll call
  2. Business Updates
  3. Additions / modifications to the agenda
  4. Meeting Minutes
  5. October 3, 2014 Call
  6. October 10, 2014 Call
  7. October 17, 2014 Call

Aziz moved to approve all 3 sets of workgroup call minutes, Mark seconded the motion

None opposed, no abstentions, 10 approved

  1. Project Calls
  2. White Paper Calls – Wednesdays 10 AM ET

ID: 673-278-653 - Dial in: 770-657-9270 Passcode: 217663

  1. QRDA Ballot Preparation calls – Mondays @ 4 PM ET (beginning Oct 20) - Dial in: 770-657-9270 Passcode: 217663
  2. QUICK working calls – Wednesdays @ 1 PM ET

- Dial in: +1 770-657-9270 Passcode: 217663

  1. Measure Report FHIR Profile – Thursdays @ 11 AM ET - Dial In: +1 770-657-9270 Passcode: 217663
  1. White Paper Status Update (Crystal): The white paper edits should be completed in the next 2 weeks. Anne Smith asked for volunteers to provide input on the regulatory and legal sphere (reshaping IRB approval, certification, usability, medicolegal, data ownership, privacy and security).
  2. Quality Metadata Ballot: Comment resolution (Keith) – Keith was not available to join the call today so the item was postponed.
  3. QUICK Ballot Reconciliation: Spreadsheet for Block Vote sent October 10 (Aziz) – Aziz presented the ballot reconciliation spreadsheet prepared for this meeting for block vote. Comments 8 67 68 140 were pulled for individual voting.
  4. The follow comment resolutions are included in the block vote: 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 47, 48, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 84, 108, 109, 110, 112, 116, 119, 120, 122, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174. 175, 176, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194.

There were no requests to pull any other comments from the block vote.

Floyd moved to approve the block vote, Jason seconded the motion

None opposed, No abstentions, 10 approved

  1. Aziz presented proposed resolution for comments 8, 67, 68 and 140 for discussion with the workgroup.

Floyd moved to approve the resolution of the four comments, Mark seconded

No opposed, No abstentions, 11 approved

  1. QRDA Category 3: Extension Request – the DSTU will expire November 14, 2014. No balloting is scheduled at present. Extension of the DSTU will allow further work to continue. Crystal reviewed the extension request with the workgroup. It was last balloted in May 2012. Crystal will add the Project Insight number.

Floyd moved to approve the DSTU extension request, Patty seconded the motion.

None opposed, No abstentions, 11 approved

  1. NIBs Due November 2, 2014
  2. CQF-based HQMF IG – Mark Hadley presented the NIB form for a “for comment only” ballot

Mark moved to approve the NIB for CQF-based HQMF IG, Floyd seconded the motion.

None opposed, No abstentions, 11 approved

  1. QRDA Category 1, Release 3 – NIB to be reviewed next week (October 31, 2014)
  2. QUICK – The profile will not be going back to ballot in January
  3. FHIR-based profile – The plan is for a “for comment only” ballot in January. The ballot will not include the logical model.

Mark moved to approve the NIB for FHIR-based profile, Jason seconded the motion

None opposed, No abstentions, 10 approved

  1. Quality White Paper - for discussion 10/31/2014
  2. CQL Ballot for DSTU (CDS Workgroup) – The CQI Workgroup was notified as the NIB was approved by the CDS Workgroup on October 23, 2014
  1. The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 PM EDT. The next call of the CQI Workgroup will take place on Friday, October 31, 2014 from 1:00 – 3:00 PM EDT


  1. Future agenda topics
  2. Strategy for gathering implementer feedback on CQI WG standards
  3. Quality Measurement Use Cases/Examples (family history/care plan/genomics)
  4. NIB deadline – November 2nd
  5. Harmonization meeting and deadlines - -
  6. Status ofCQI WG Project Scope Statements
  7. QRDA Category I PSS – approved by DESD, US Realm Task Force, and TSC
  8. CQF-based HQMF Implementation Guide PSS – approved by US Realm Task Force; awaiting DESD and TSC approval
  9. Measure Report using FHIR – awaiting DESD, FMG and TSC approval

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