Thank you for taking on the role of Team Manager for your child's basketball team.

Your responsibilities are as follows:-

Please contact all families on the team list including the coach and advise them of the training time\venue. At this time could you please confirm all personal details are correct?

We have been advised by the DVBA that the season will commence on Tuesday 30th January 2018 (Girls) and from Saturday 3rd February 2018(Boys). Training venues will be available once school starts for the kids. Any concerns about training sessions please contact Sharon Murphy0407-829036

Create and distribute a scoring roster so that all families take on a role in their child’s sport.

You will be forwarded an updated email contact list from the relevant registration secretary (boys or girls) Please consult with your parents before sharing the contact list amongst all of the parents.

All new playersare required to have submitted an online registration form via the club’s website. Upon receipt, the registration secretary (boys or girls) will then register the player with the DVBA so that they appear on the scoresheet.

All players must be financial before taking the court. If players have unpaid fees, the club will not involve you regarding the collection of those fees. If players are still not financial and parents are not responding to communications from the club after some time, the Team Manager will be notified to request that parent/s to contact the club. Players that are un-financial are not covered by DVBA insurance.

If there is a need for an existing Saints player from a lower age groupto fill in for your team, you will need to notify the relevant registration secretary (before game day)so that the player’s details can be added to the fill in team and appear on the scoresheet. Please refer to the clubs Fill In Policy before using any Fill In players. Parents should refrain from adding players to the scoresheet on gameday as it can create duplicate entries and affect stats and number of games played affecting eligibility to play finals.

Should you need to request a game time change, or to notify of a “walkover”, the relevant registration secretary should be contacted as early as possible. Walkovers cost the club an additional scoresheet cost and un-notified walkovers (less than 48 hours before) cost double that. For this reason, all possible options should be explored before a team should request a walkover as the club cannot afford that additional cost.

Collect money from team’s parents to cover Finals Score Sheets should your team make finals and deposit it in the clubs bank account before the final is played. (U12 - 20&U only play finals)

All contact with the DVBA should be done through yourself or the coach via the relevant registration secretary. Teams are not to contact the DVBA directly regarding any issues.


When playing another St Helena Team it is the responsibility of the lower numbered team to wear the alternative top. (eg, Team 1 vs Team 2 – Team 2 organises the clash tops) These tops can be obtained from Tanya Harding on 0411 888635. d are to returned laundered after the match and not be held onto.

Please note that with the Girls games only, the St Helena Saints teams must wear the alternative tops when playing St Mary's. This is a requirement from the DVBA.

Should you forget the alternative tops on the game day you can hire tops for a small fee from the Front Reception Desk of the Stadium.


In case of injury please report to the Reception Front Desk in the foyer of the stadium and staff will record all information into the incident book. Otherwise look for the venue manager. Most of the main venues should have Ice available for bump and sprain type injuries.

Insurance Claim Forms are available from DVBA, General Manager, on 9432 4720within 7 days of injury. (this is an exception to contacting the DVBA directly)


The club will provide a trophy to all U12 and above teams with either a Coaches or MVP award which will be presented after the last match of the season. During the Autumn season this will be provided to the teams after the last regular season game once we are notified of the recipient by the Coach. During the Spring Season the award will be presented as part of our Presentation /Registration Day. It will be the responsibility of the Coach and Team Manager with feedback from the parents on how they would like to manage and allocate the award. They just need to inform the club that they are participating in the award and let the relevant registration Secretary know the recipient before the cut off date (TBC) and whether it is an MVP or Coaches award to be presented so that they can be created in time.

U8 & 10s

U8s and 10s will still receive their medals from the DVBA at the end of each season and a coach’s award will be supplied for the spring season to be presented at the break up along with club participation medal for all boys.


U8 – U10 are continually graded through the whole season in 5 week blocks.

U12 – U18 are graded in the first 5 weeks of the season. During that period your team may play in a few different grades either side of the original grade. The club prefers that teams let grading take its course over the grading period. If there are issues with where your team are finally graded, an email detailing the circumstances to support a change is to be forwarded to the boys or girls registration secretary. This needs to be done as soon as you know your grade after the last grading match. (ie, Round 6 fixture)

The club will endeavor to have your team in the correct grade for the season so that you are competitive. It is important to notify the registration secretary during grading if you think your team is in the incorrect grade so that a request for review can be put through to the DVBA and Grading Secretaries.


A coach’s bag is allocated to each team and should contain a training basketball, cones, cold spray and magnetic play board. If this is not passed over from previous coaches, a new bag can be picked up from Melinda Benstead. 0419 442822

Fixtures are available on the Diamond Valley website: Please check fixtures regularly as game times can change.

Alternatively if you are unsure of which grade you are playing in access the fixture via our website where you will see your team listed and also show the current grade (which can change during grading)

There is also an APP for smartphones called Game Day for both Apple and Android phones. Check it out at

IMPORTANT: As a Team Manager you could receive game changes via SMSto your mobile phone from the DVBA. It is important that you check your SMS and your emails on regular basis. Encourage your team to monitor our website and facebook page for important dates and events.

If you have any queries please contact your Co-Ordinators below:-

Coach/Team MgrCo-Ordinator

Melinda Benstead - 0419 442822

Registration Secretary

Boys U8-12 – Serg Kovacic Mobile: 0412 303972

Boys U14-18 – Megan Lyons Mobile: 0408 541103

Girls – Emma Young 0431

Training Venues

StH - St Helena Secondary College, enter off Wallowa Rd, (gym closest to the secondary college).

GK -St Helena Secondary College, enter off Wallowa Rd (gym closest to Glen Katherine Primary.)

DVSC - Diamond Valley Secondary College, Main-Hurstbridge Rd, Diamond Creek.

DCCC -Diamond Creek Community Centre, Main Road, Diamond Creek

Working With Children/Welfare

Jo Watson – Mobile: 0418932443

If you are a coach with the club and you are 18 years or above, you are required to have a Working with Children check completed. There are details on our website. Contact our WWC Co-ordinator for further details.

Melinda Benstead

Coach/Team Manager Co-Ordinator

23 November 2017