Civil Rights Web-Quest

Head towards this website: . When there, answer

the following question. Once at the website, click on Overview.

1. Was Rosa Parks the first person to be arrested for refusing to give up her seat?

2. If you answered No question 1, explain why Ms. Parks sparked a boycott.

3. How long was the boycott planned to last?

4. How long did the boycott end up lasting (give days and dates)?

5. Why the change between the above two numbers?

6. At this time, who was chosen to lead the Bus Boycott?

Feel free to look around this site for a while, otherwise, if you’re finished, head towards:

7. What does NAACP stand for?

8. Write down the mission statement for the NAACP.

9. Write down at least 3 objectives of the NAACP

Feel free to look around some more, otherwise, head to

page.aspx?s=25461.0.12.2607then click on “From Whence We’ve Come

10. What event caused the founding of the SCLC?

11. What does the acronym SCLC stand for?

12. Who was the first president of the SCLC?

13. What was the cornerstone foundation (strategy) of the SCLC?

Feel free to look around some more, or head towards

14. When did the SNCC begin?

15. What did the acronym SNCC stand for?

Click on Issues and then Non-violence.

16. What was the driving force behind SNCC?

17. What is one type of movement/demonstration where this was practiced?

Click on People – John Lewis

18. Who was John Lewis?

19. Read the last paragraph and list 3 significant events Lewis participated in.

Click on Events then Sit-Ins

20. What occurred at a “sit-in?”

21. Where was the first “sit-in?”

23. Go back to Events – What was a Freedom Ride?

24. What happened to Freedom Riders in Birmingham?

25. What happened during the 2nd Freedom Ride?

We’re almost getting near the end. This time head towards:

26. What was the full name of the March on Washington?

27. What date was the March on Washington?

28. What occurred at the March on Washington?

29. What famous speech was given at this demonstration?

Two more sites to go. The first one is:

30. Who was Malcolm X? Why does he have an X in his name?

31. What was his relation to the Nation of Islam?

32. What major change occurred in Malcolm X’s life? What was the consequence for him from this change?

And the last website is:

33. What does BPP stand for, and what year did it start?

34. How was it founded and what was their vision?

35. What are the ten points that the Black Panther Party was founded on?