Board of Directors


East Tennessee AGA Chapter Officers
2017 - 2018
President / Karen McKee
University of Tennessee

Phone: (865) 974-2493
President-Elect / TBD
Treasurer / Connie Aytes
Anderson County Government

Phone: (865) 457-6203
Secretary / Gail Cook
City of Clinton Government

Phone: (865) 259-1105
Newsletter Editor / Deborah Strahler
University of Tennessee

Phone: (865) 305-6192
Early Careers / Chris Simons
Knox County Schools

Phone: (865) 594-9586
Historian / Amy Paganelli
University of Tennessee

Phone: (865) 305-9564
Membership / Robin Shelton
City of Knoxville

Phone: (865) 215-2278
Education Co-Chair/CGFM Director / Aldena Phillips
University of Tennessee

Phone: (865) 974-2493
Education Co-Chair / Mary McDonald
University of Tennessee

Phone: (865) 974-2493
Accountability / Astra Cope

Phone: (865) 293-3583
Awards Director / Stephen Lowry

Phone: (865) 406-1131
Community Service / Thaddeus Grace
University of Tennessee

Phone: (865) 974-6198
Research / Larry Elmore
Pugh & Co.

Phone: (865) 769-1632
Meetings & Chapter Recognition / Patricia Rebholz
University of Tennessee

Phone: (865) 305-6953
Webmaster / Alicia Reed
University of Tennessee

Phone: (865) 974-3467
Immediate Past President / Perry Benshoof
Knox County Government

Phone: (865) 215-3118

Meeting Plan


The East Tennessee chapter of AGA holds monthly chapter meetings on the second Tuesday of the month beginning each reporting year in September. Most meetings are held at Calhoun’s on the River, Knoxville, and include a buffet style lunch (including drink, entrée and dessert) and one hour of CPE. The cost is currently $10.

A two-day seminar is planned during November this year, providing 16 CPEs.

Chapter Executive Council (CEC) meetings are held monthly for planning and business purposes. The CEC meetings follow the monthly meetings and last 15-30 minutes. Additional planning meetings are held in June.

AGA East Tennessee Chapter

2017 – 2018 Monthly Meeting Plan

Date Type CPE Topic and Speakers

6/14/17 CEC 0 Planning session



9/12/17 REG 1 TBA

Calhoun’s Board meeting


10/10/17 REG 1 TBA

Calhoun’s Board meeting


11/1/17 & 11/2/17 REG 16 Various, including

UT Conference Center David Cotton

8:00am-4:00pm Cotton & Company

12/12/17 REG 0 Service Project: Angel Tree


Board meeting


1/9/18 REG 1 TBA

Calhoun’s Board meeting


2/13/18 REG 1 TBA

Calhoun’s Board meeting


3/13/18 REG 1 TBA

Calhoun’s Board meeting


4/10/18 REG 1 TBA



5/09/17 REG 0 Awards Ceremony

(President’s choice)


Education Plan


The East Tennessee AGA chapter is committed to providing high quality education and professional development opportunities to its members and local government accountability professionals. Our 2017-2018 plan is to provide education and professional development as follows:

·  To provide education to help accountability professionals meet CPE requirements, individuals attain the skills to pass the CGFM exam, and members obtain additional skills in the form of six (6) monthly meetings and a two-day CPE event with appropriate technical CPE topics.

·  Market AGA and chapter educational events to the government accountability community, members and non-members through the chapter newsletter and website, the national AGA website.

·  Partner with and/or invite other professional organizations or governmental entities to educational events.

·  Publish and distribute a training calendar in the monthly newsletter to the membership and/or post it on the chapter website.

·  Submit contact information to the AGA Education Department on outstanding speakers used at our chapter meetings.



The East Tennessee AGA chapter is dedicated to the recognition and promotion of the CGFM designation for government accountability professionals. Our chapter’s 2017-2018 CGFM Plan is as follows:

·  Support current CGFMs by:

o  Assisting CGFMs to meet 80 hours of CPE every two years including:

§  Providing courses that meet CGFM requirements by offering monthly meetings and fall and spring seminars

§  Identifying CPE opportunities from sources outside the chapter including local seminars, internet courses, and self-study and promote in chapter newsletter at least once per month

§  Promoting awareness of CPE requirements in newsletter as needed

§  Publishing CGFM members’ achievements in at least chapter newsletter

o  Marketing educational events that, at a minimum, meet the CGFM CPE requirements

o  Encouraging CGFM renewals through personal contact, letters, emails, newsletters or website.

o  Recognizing local CGFMs by:

§  Using the CGFM designation in monthly chapter publications, name tags at monthly meetings, etc.

§  Publishing new CGFMs in chapter and local publications when applicable

·  Market the CGFM service mark locally by:

o  Contacting at least two area government accountability leaders to promote CGFM though letters and formal presentations if requested

o  Creating awareness of the value of the CGFM service mark in the general public by contacting the local paper in the month of March (CGFM month in TN) and publicizing

·  Assist potential new CGFMs in attaining certification by:

o  Developing and deploying a CGFM mentoring program

o  Purchasing chapter study guides to be checked out by members studying for the exam

·  Designate a chapter resource to work with CGFM certification by:

o  Communicating with chapter, and the governmental community promoting CGFM

o  Contributing monthly items to chapter newsletter such as CGFM recognition, study questions, encouragement, technical requirements, tip of the month, etc.

o  Meeting chapter goals and objectives as outlined in the CGFM annual plan for CGFM retention of 80-90%

Membership Plan


The East Tennessee chapter is dedicated to recruiting and retaining chapter members and offering a variety of services to those members. Our 2017-2018 chapter membership plan includes:

·  Growing our base membership by at least two percent (2%) but striving to meet 10% growth. We will achieve this by contacting prospective members and inviting them to be part of AGA, offering quality educational events and being the premier organization for government accountability professionals in the area

·  Acquiring new members to meet the 20% goal set by the AGA National office

·  Retaining at least 90% of the current membership

·  Encourage participation in AGA’s Performance Accountability Programs by asking members to volunteer as a CEAR or SEA reviewer

·  Participating in membership recruitment and retention programs

·  Developing and implementing an annual chapter membership satisfaction survey to be sent out in April – results will be shared with the Regional Membership coordinator, RVP, SVRPS, and National office

·  Contacting members at annual renewal time and encouraging their renewal with a goal of getting half or more of the chapter’s April 1st balance of members who have not yet renewed before May 31st

·  Making personal phone calls to suspended members to encourage reinstatement

·  Sending monthly welcome letters or calling new members – telling them dates and times of chapter events, welcome aboard, etc.

·  Providing information about current chapter members and recognizing outstanding recruitment and retention efforts in newsletters and websites as applicable

·  Posting or submitting membership accomplishments to the National AGA Members Only site

·  Inviting prospective members to chapter events

·  Mailing or other recruitment of CGFM non-members, former members, and/or nonmembers that attended national, regional or local conferences and events in your chapter’s geographic area

·  In October 2017 and January 2018 we plan to have a “Membership Drive” – we plan to encourage current members to bring a prospective member to a complimentary lunch and learn session at our regular monthly meetings

·  We plan to solicit heavily to area CPA firms and other entities we have not invited in an effort to increase our recruiting effort

Community Service Plan


AGA East Tennessee Chapter

Service Project Plan


The East Tennessee Chapter is dedicated to providing and participating in service opportunities within our communities. Our 2017-2018 community service plan is as follows:

December Angel Tree Return gifts for children chosen in


Sept-May Ronald McDonald House Bring in toiletry items and toys for donation

(collect throughout the year)

Sept-May Goodwill Industries Provide mock interviews for students

completing Goodwill’s SPACE

program, which is a program designed

to integrate participants back into the

job market