Appendix Nine

Student withdrawal by Ethnicity 2008-2009[1]

Student withdrawal by Ethnicity - all departments - Undergraduate[2]

The withdrawal of undergraduate students have been analysed by ethnicity in the table below.

The % of students of a given ethnicity who withdraw / Asian / Black / Chinese / White / Mixed / Other / Information refused
Percentage[3] / 4% / 8% / 12% / 5% / 5% / 8% / 15%

The highest percentage of withdrawal in each ethnic minority category is found among students who did not disclosed their ethnicity and among Chinese – 12% of the Chinese student withdrew during the academic year 2008-09.

There is also a high percentage of withdrawal among Black students and student from other ethnic background.
Student withdrawal by Ethnicity – Sector

2008/09 withdrawals by ethnicity and sectors / Asian / % / Black / % / Chinese / % / White / % / Mixed / % / Other / % / Information refused / % / Total / %
Sciences and engineering / 155 / 75% / 51 / 64% / 40 / 54% / 72 / 33% / 14 / 45% / 16 / 55% / 22 / 59% / 370 / 55%
SMD / 4 / 2% / 1 / 1% / 0 / 0% / 1 / 0% / 2 / 6% / 2 / 7% / 2 / 5% / 12 / 2%
Humanities and Social Sciences / 49 / 24% / 28 / 35% / 34 / 46% / 143 / 66% / 15 / 48% / 11 / 38% / 13 / 35% / 293 / 43%
Total / 208 / 101 / 80 / 100 / 74 / 100 / 216 / 99 / 31 / 99 / 29 / 100 / 37 / 100 / 675 / 100

The Sector that had the highest number of withdrawalsis Science and Engineering 370 and Humanities and Social Sciences had 293.

The School of Medicine and Dentistry has a small number of withdrawalsin any given year (12 students).

Asian, Black and other ethnic minority students’ withdrawals are mainly concentrated in Sciences and Engineering, whereas White students withdrew from Humanities and Social Sciences, during the academic year 2008-09.


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[1]This data has not previously been published in the Equal opportunities report; therefore no comparison can be done with the previous academic years.

[2]It is not possible to identify data at Departmental level as numbers of students of particular ethnic groups can be so small as to compromise sensitive personal information.

[3]4% of all Asian undergraduate students within all years withdraw from their studies in any given year.