Overview for Participating/Viewing Classes Remotely Summer 2008

The SD Consortium utilizes a variety of technology to allow students to participate in classes live via a remote location or to view recorded class sessions. This document provides an overview of the required technology.

Viewing Recorded Classes

All Consortium courses are recorded and archived on a video-streaming server called the Codian IPVCR. In the technology orientation section of your Blackboard course you will find specific directions for using the Codian to view recorded classes.

Participating in Class Live from a Remote Location

Since the Consortium includes some remote site students, all consortium classes are broadcast live via the Internet through the Codian system. It is the policy of the consortium that students attending classes at university sites are expected to be present at those university sites during class time. However, in instances where students would otherwise miss class (in accordance to the attendance policy) students may participate in the class via the live web stream. However, students who participate in the web-stream instead of at their university site are still subject to the response cost as outlined in the attendance policy for this course.

Specific directions for viewing the video-stream through the Codian system can be found in the course Blackboard site. The video streaming server enables students to see and hear the class. However, you are not able to communicate with the instructor via the streaming server.

Please note: Participating in the web stream requires that you have current versions of Windows Media Player and/or QuickTime installed on your computer. It is HIGHLY recommended that students test their connection by viewing a recorded class session prior to the date they wish to participate from home. Many times, students need to update their media programs prior to viewing sessions on the web stream. Without prior testing/troubleshooting, it is highly unlikely that you will be successful in connecting from home for the first time.

Along with logging into the video streaming server, students also need to connect to Adobe Connect (Breeze). Students may view the powerpoints, communicate with the instructor, and interact with other at home students using Adobe Connect. Each consortium class has their own Adobe Connect website. To get to your Adobe Connect course site go to:

  • Characteristics:
  • Transition:
  • Reading:

If you do not have anAdobe Connect login name, you will enter as a guest. You will login with the guest username () and password (sdcsite).

The first time you use Adobe Connect you may be prompted to download a plug in, it only takes a few seconds to install.

Students should use Adobe Connect to communicate with both the instructor and the GMU tech support person. When communicating with the GMU tech support person, please remember to change the send chat options to send your message only to the “GMU Tech” and not to “everyone”. When you send a message privately, your text will display in red. The Codian web streaming servers also has a chat feature, but for now we plan to use Adobe Connect as the default location for chatting.

Along with having a high speed Internet connection, students are required to have access to a phone during class time and be able to make a long distance call. If for some reason your internet connection is not working or you are experiencing a lot of freezing, you are expected to call into the class conference so you can listen and participate. To do that you will call 703-249-8055. This will place you into the conference as an audio call. Everyone can hear you but not see you. We recommend that you use a phone with a mute button so you can stay on the call without disrupting the class. If you do not have a mute feature, the tech person can mute you, and you will have to chat with them to let them know you want to be un-muted. There may be times when you are asked to present to class in which you may use this feature as well.

If you need help during class and you cannot communicate via one of the chat features you can call the GMU tech support person at 703-993-4534 or 866-783-9550. Thayne is the tech for classes this summer.