Offender Account & Statements:

1.  Definition and Clarification of Fields:

Transaction Dates / These fields are used to extract transaction details and various balances based on the date range entered.
Account Type / Identifies the type of account: Checking or Savings. Note: Upon entry into screen will always default to checking.
Status / Displays the status of the offenders account
Beginning Balance / Displays the balance that was on the offender’s account as of the “start transaction date” listed in the transaction date range.
Total Debits
(Previously labeled: Total Charges) / Displays the total debits applied (posted) to the offender’s account during the date range (transaction dates) entered.
Total Credits
(Previously labeled: Total Payments) / Displays the total credits applied (posted) to the offender’s account during the date range (transaction dates) entered.
Deposits on Hold
(New Field) / Displays the total amount of checks that were receipted, however were still pending the 10day hold to clear before posting to the offender account based on the transaction date range. These funds are considered “not available” to the offender.
Ending Balance*
(Previously labeled: Current Balance) / Displays the balance that was on the offender’s account as of the “end transaction date” listed in the transaction date range.
Note: This will include an “*” that refers to a disclosure message:
*Amount does not include “Current Amount on Hold”
Current Deposits on Hold
(New Field) / Displays the current deposits on hold as of the current date.
Current Amount on Hold
(Previously labeled: Amount on Hold) / Displays an amount that has been identified as “Unavailable” (on-hold). This is an amount that is deducted from the current available balance and is not available for disbursement until the amount is cleared by inmate banking personnel.
Current Available Balance
(New Field) / Displays the current available balance of the offender account. This calculation is based on the following:
1.  Net value of all “posted” transactions (debit and credits)
2.  Less amounts on “HOLD” (excluding check holds as those are not considered posted until cleared)

Sample of Screen:

Sample of Statement: