Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission

An advisory body to the California State Board of Education

FINAL MINUTES OF MEETING: January 29-30, 2009

Approved on July 16, 2009

Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission

An advisory body to the California State Board of Education

FINAL MINUTES OF MEETING: January 29-30, 2009

Approved on July 16, 2009

Report of Action

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Curriculum Commissioners Present:

John Brooks, Chair
Martha Hernandez, Vice Chair
Hope Bjerke
Linda Childress (Arrived 11:30 a.m.)
Katherine Crawford
Patricia Dixon
Glee Johnson (Arrived 1:15 p.m.)
Christine Lanphere / Lucy Medina
Bama Medley
RoseMary Parga-Duran
Constance Tate
Richard Wagoner
Monica Ward
Assembly member Julia Brownley (Departed 9:30 a.m.)
Senator Gloria Romero (Departed 9:45 a.m.)

Curriculum Commissioners Absent

Kevin Wooldridge

1. Full Curriculum Commission

1.A. Called to Order: 9:02 a.m. by 2008 Commission Chair Crawford.

1.B. Salute to the flag led by Commissioner Medley.

1.C. Overview of the Agenda

There is one change in the agenda. Geoff Fletcher, a presenter for the Electronic Learning Resources Committee, will be participating via telephone.

1.D. Election of Chair, Vice Chair, and Three Executive Committee Members

Chair Crawford turned the gavel over to Executive Director Thomas Adams to conduct the elections. There were three elections to conduct. Dr. Adams opened the nominations for Curriculum Commission Chair. Commissioner Bjerke nominated Commissioner Brooks. There were no other nominations. By acclamation, Commissioner Brooks was elected Chair of the 2009 Curriculum Commission.

Dr. Adams opened nominations for Vice Chair. Commissioner Dixon nominated Commissioner Parga-Duran. Commissioner Parga-Duran declined the nomination. Commissioner Medley nominated Commissioner Crawford. Commissioner Brownley nominated Commissioner Hernandez. Commissioner Crawford withdrew her nomination. There were no other nominations. By acclamation, Commissioner Hernandez was elected Vice Chair of the 2009 Curriculum Commission.

Dr. Adams opened the nominations for three members to the Executive Committee. Commissioner Medley nominated Commissioner Ward. Commissioner Brooks nominated Commissioner Crawford. Commissioner Hernandez nominated Commissioner Bjerke. Commissioner Brownley nominated Commissioner Lanphere. Commissioner Crawford withdrew her nomination. There were no other nominations. By acclamation, Commissioners Bjerke, Lanphere, and Ward were elected to the Executive Committee of the 2009 Curriculum Commission. Dr. Adams turned the gavel over to the new Curriculum Commission Chair Brooks.

1.E. Approval of Minutes for the November 20, 2008 Meeting (Action)


Commissioner Bjerke moved to approve the November 20, 2008 Curriculum Commission meeting minutes. Commissioner Lanphere seconded the motion. There was no discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a vote of the members present (12-0-2). Commissioners Brownley and Romero abstained from voting. Commissioners Childress, Johnson, and Wooldridge were absent for the vote.

1.F. Report of the Chair

Chair Brooks thanked the Commissioners for being elected Chair.

1.G. Executive Director’s Report

Thomas Adams reported that due to budget cuts that CDE is restricting travel. He noted that work on the Health and Mathematics Frameworks would continue but with less staff traveling to the focus group meetings.

In terms of SBE actions, he stated that all of the Curriculum Commission recommendations were accepted by the SBE. The Commission withdrew its request for mathematics due to the litigation. The World Language Content Standards were adopted by the SBE with SBE member Yvonne Chan successfully advocating for changing the Foreign Language Content Standards to the World Language Content Standards. The SBE did not make an appointment to the Commission and extended the deadline for applicants to apply to February 17, 2009. The Commission’s Bylaws did not go forward to the SBE, as CDE’s Legal Office reviewed the document and had more suggestions for improvement.

In other news, it was noted that Governor Schwarzenegger appointed Glen Thomas Secretary of Education. Also, new legislative appointments were made to the Curriculum Commission. The Senate Rules Committee appointed Gloria Romero to serve on the Commission and the Speaker of the Assembly temporarily appointed Julia Brownley to serve on the Commission for the January 2009 meeting.

1.H. Report from the State Board of Education

Donna Neville, Chief Counsel, SBE, provided an update on the lawsuit. In addition, Mary Rice, Consultant, SBE, gave an update on the Senate Bill 472 Mathematics and Reading Professional Development Program Review Panel Members. She also reported that the SBE extended the application deadline for the Curriculum Commission to February 17, 2009. The SBE will make their appointment at the March 2009 meeting.

1.I. Report from the Curriculum and Instruction Branch. CDE

Phil Lafontaine provided a report on the Response to Intervention and Intervention (RtI²). He presented and distributed the CDE paper on RtI².

1.J. Legislative Update

Lupita Cortez Alcala, Director, Legislative Affairs Division, gave a legislative update on current education bills.

1K. Other Matters/Public Comment: None

2. Executive Committee

Commission Chair Brooks called the Executive Committee meeting to order.

2.A. Appointment of Subject Matter Committee Chairs (Action)

Commission Chair Brooks made the Subject Matter Committee (SMC) Chair appointments.

2.B. Assignment of Members to Subject Matter Committees (Discussion/Action)

2.C. Designation of Liaisons (Action)

The members of the Executive Committee reviewed the Commissioners’ preference surveys. Commission Chair Brooks announced the SMC Chairs. After a discussion, the Executive Committee assigned the commissioners to SMCs and liaisons.

2009 Curriculum Commission SMC Chairs and SMC assignments:

·  Electronic Learning Resources

Chair: Richard Wagoner

Members: Linda Childress and Assembly member Julia Brownley

·  Foreign Language

Chair: Christine Lanphere

Members: Patricia Dixon, Martha Hernandez, Senator Gloria Romero, and Connie Tate

·  Health

Chair: Glee Johnson

Members: Connie Tate, Monica Ward, and Kevin Wooldridge

·  History–Social Science

Chair: Monica Ward

Members: Katherine Crawford, Martha Hernandez, Christine Lanphere, Lucy Medina, and Senator Gloria Romero

·  Mathematics

Chair: Hope Bjerke

Members: Assembly member Julia Brownley, Katherine Crawford, Glee Johnson, Bama Medley, RoseMary Parga-Duran, and Richard Wagoner

·  Physical Education

Chair: Lucy Medina

Members: Bama Medley, RoseMary Parga-Duran, and Monica Ward

·  Reading/Language Arts–English-Language Development

Chair: Katherine Crawford

Members: Martha Hernandez, Lucy Medina, Senator Gloria Romero, Connie Tate, and Kevin Wooldridge

·  Science

Chair: Bama Medley

Members: Assembly member Julia Brownley, Hope Bjerke, Linda Childress, Glee Johnson, and Richard Wagoner

·  Visual and Performing Arts

Chair: RoseMary Parga-Duran

Members: Katherine Crawford and Linda Childress

·  Ad Hoc Committee on the Education and the Environment Initiative (EEI)

Chair: Connie Tate

Members: Hope Bjerke, Linda Childress, Patricia Dixon, Christine Lanphere, Bama Medley, Monica Ward, and Kevin Wooldridge

2009 Curriculum Commission Liaisons:

·  Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) – Linda Childress

·  California Learning Resource Network (CLRN) – Richard Wagoner

·  Concurrence Committee for California Subject Matter Projects (CSMP) – Katherine Crawford

·  Curriculum and Instruction Steering Committee (CISC) – Linda Childress

·  Educating Democracy Committee – Monica Ward

·  Sunshine Club – Christine Lanphere

2.D. Establish Executive Committee Goals for 2009 (Action)

After a review of the 2008 goals, the following goals for 2009 were presented and discussed:

1. Provide support for the development of curriculum frameworks in History–Social Science, Science, Mathematics, Health, and World Languages.

2. Provide support for the 2010 Follow-Up Adoptions in Foreign Language, Mathematics, Reading/Language Arts–English-Language Development, and Science, if conducted.

3. Continue to develop strategies to connect standards, curriculum, professional development, and assessment.

4. Provide support for the EEI Curriculum Review.

5. Conduct an orientation for new Curriculum Commissioners at the July 2009 meeting.


Commissioner Bjerke moved to approve the 2009 Executive Committee goals and forward them to the full Curriculum Commission. Commissioner Hernandez seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by unanimous vote of the committee members present (5-0).

2.E. Bylaws on the Organization and Operation of the Curriculum Development and Supplemental Materials Commission (Information/Action)

Thomas Adams reported that in November, the Curriculum Commission reviewed the Bylaws and voted to send them forward to the State Board of Education (SBE) for approval. Todd Smith from the California Department of Education’s (CDE) Legal Office took another look at the Bylaws and found the need to edit them and make suggestions for changes. He examined the document to make sure the Bylaws did not interpret or inadvertently interpret the regulations. He stated that some items had to be dropped. The overall content of the Bylaws did not change, as the role of the officers and committee selection remain the same. Because of the changes, the Bylaws had to be brought back to the Curriculum Commission for approval.


Commissioner Bjerke moved to approve the revised Bylaws and forward them to the full Curriculum Commission then the SBE. Commissioner Lanphere seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (5-0).

2.F. 2010 Follow-Up Adoption Schedule of Significant Events (Information/Action)

In anticipation of the SBE’s approval of the 2010 Follow-up Adoptions in Foreign Language, Mathematics, Reading/Language Arts–English-Language Development, and Science, a draft Timeline had been submitted for the Curriculum Commissions’ review and approval. This Timeline will be the same for all subject areas that are approved by the SBE for the 2010 Follow-Up Adoptions.


Commissioner Ward moved to approve the Timeline for the 2010 Follow-up Adoptions and forward it to the SBE. Commissioner Hernandez seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by a unanimous vote of the committee members present (5-0).

2.G. Other Matters/Public Comment

Kendall Vaught, California Teacher’s Association (CTA) liaison, voiced that due to financial constraints, districts are not able to release teachers to participate in framework committees. She suggested holding meetings on the weekend.

The Curriculum Commission adjourned for lunch from 12 to 1 p.m.

3. Electronic Learning Resources Committee

Committee Chair Wagoner called the Electronic Learning Resources Committee to order.

3.A. Election of Vice Chair (Action)

Chair Wagoner asked for nominations for vice chair of the committee. Commissioner Ward nominated Commissioner Childress. With no further nominations, Commissioner Childress was elected vice chair by acclamation.

3.B. Establish Goals for 2009 (Discussion/Action)

After a review of the 2008 goals, the following goals for 2009 were presented and discussed:

1. Remain informed on the following issues:

·  National and statewide efforts with regards to emerging electronic learning technologies and systems.

·  Availability and implementation of instructional materials and courses offered online.

·  California Learning Resources Network (CLRN) project.

·  Electronic components of adopted programs on the CFIR Price List and Order Forms (PLOF) Web page.

·  Open source and online materials.

2. Liaisons from this committee to other educational technology groups report to the committee as appropriate.


Commissioner Childress moved to approve the 2009 Electronic Learning Resources Committee goals and forward them to the full Curriculum Commission. Commissioner Wagoner seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by unanimous vote of the committee members present (2-0). Commissioner Brownley was absent for the vote.

3.C. Presentations on Open Source Textbooks (Information)

Geoffrey Fletcher, Editorial Director of T.H.E. Journal, spoke to the Commission via telephone and slides about the work of The Congress on the Future of Content Initiative.

Neeru Khosla, founder of the CK-12 Foundation, a non-profit organization formed to reduce the cost of textbook materials for the K-12 market through the use of the FlexBook, discussed and demonstrated how CK-12 generates or adapts content relevant to the local context.

3.D. Other Matters/Public Comment

Bill Jarrett, Advanced Academics, and Ted Robinson, Quantum Learning, each spoke to the issue of online resources.

4. Foreign Language Subject Matter Committee

SMC Chair Lanphere called the Foreign Language SMC meeting to order.

4.A. Election of Vice Chair (Action)

Chair Lanphere asked for nominations for vice chair of the committee. Commissioner Tate nominated Commissioner Hernandez. With no further nominations, Commissioner Hernandez was elected vice chair by acclamation.

4.B. Establish Goals for 2009 (Discussion/Action)

After a review of the 2008 goals, the following goals for 2009 were presented and discussed:

1. Begin preparatory work for the revision of the Foreign Language Framework, including development of a timeline, plan for framework revision and approval of an application form for the Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC).

2. Provide support for the 2010 Foreign Language Follow-Up Adoption, if conducted.

3. Change the name of the Foreign Language SMC to the World Language SMC.


Commissioner Hernandez moved to approve the 2009 Foreign Language SMC goals and forward them to the full Curriculum Commission. Commissioner Tate seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by unanimous vote of the committee members present (4-0). Commissioner Romero was absent for the vote.

4.C. Update on the World Language Content Standards (Information)

Arleen Burns, consultant, Professional Development and Curriculum Support Division, CDE, reported on the recent adoption of the World Language Content Standards by the SBE.

4.D. 2010 Foreign Language Follow-Up Adoption (Information/Action)

1. Instructional Materials Reviewers (IMR) and Content Review Experts (CRE) Application

The committee reviewed the application forms for the IMRs and CREs for the 2010 Foreign Language Follow-Up Adoption.


Commissioner Dixon moved to approve the applications for IMRs and CREs for the 2010 Foreign Language Follow-Up Adoption and forward them to the full Curriculum Commission. Commissioner Tate seconded the motion. There was no further discussion or public comment. The motion was approved by unanimous vote of the committee members present (4-0). Commissioner Romero was absent for the vote.

2. Evaluation Criteria

SMC Chair Lanphere stated the criteria for the 2010 Foreign Language Follow-Up Adoption will be the same criteria that were used in the 2003 Foreign Language Primary Adoption.

4.E. Other Matters/Public Comment: None

5. Reading/Language Arts–English-Language Development Subject Matter Committee

SMC Chair Crawford called the Reading/Language Arts–English-Language Development (RLA/ELD) SMC meeting to order.

5.A. Election of Vice Chair (Action)

Chair Crawford asked for nominations for vice chair of the committee. Commissioner Hernandez nominated Commissioner Tate. With no further nominations, Commissioner Tate was elected vice chair by acclamation.