El Camino College

Associated Students Organization

Senate Meeting Minutes

April 28th, 2011

Activities Center West Lounge

I. Call to Order

Meeting Called to Order at 1:07 pm – Quorum was established.

II. Roll Call – following persons signed the roll sheet

Executive Cabinet


o  President: Jessica Lopez

o  Vice President: Tim Linehan

o  Director of Academic Affairs: Dalal Budri

o  Director of Stu. & Com. Adv.: Lena Yamaguchi

o  Public Relations Officer: Nicole Reinertsen

o  Region 7 Representative: Jasmine Hormati


o  Student Services: Chloe Smith(excused)

o  Student Trustee: Johanna Zamora

Senators by Division


o  Behavioral & Social Sciences: Cindy Valdez, Ryanchase Balthazar

o  Business: Kenji Tomoda

o  Health Sciences & Athletics: Melina Mossberg, Sharon Asher

o  Industry & Technology: Patrick Mondestin-Howard

o  Mathematical Sciences: Vito Iaia


o  Mathematical Sciences: Paul Hiney

Commissioners (Non-Voting)

Present: Samuel Barke, Andre Portilla, Brandon Cheng, Azucena Valadez, Alex Kim, Mazen Alloush

Administrative Assistant

Present: Kevin Paxton

Student at Large

Absent: Oxana Antonova

Advisers (Non-Voting)

Present: Rebecca Cobb, Jeannine Barba


Present: Nestor Rogel, Simone Jackson, Sabeen Jafri, Katrine Fennell, Jeannine, Nikita Howard, Shae P. Keith

III. Approval of the Minutes

Jasmine Hormati stated that there is no .com after American Cancer Society in 6.3.

·  Motion to approve the Senate minutes for April 7, 2011 as amended made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Nicole Reinertsen. Motion passed

IV. Approval of the Agenda

Jack DeMont needs to be removed from the non-voting member’s side of the agenda.

·  Motion to approve the agenda as amended for April 28, 2011 made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Jasmine Hormati. Motion passed.

V. Information Items

5.1 Smoking on Campus– Irene Graff
Motion to table item 5.1 until the next Senate meeting made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Rebekka Asher. Motion Passed.

VI. New Business

6.1 Richard L. Luthe Outstanding Senate Member Award Voting- Jessica Lopez

ASO gives out two awards during the banquet, Richard L. Luthe was a past ASO senator whom was very dedicated and unfortunately passed away at a young age. This Scholarship was dedicated in his name.

6.2 Resignation-Jessica Lopez

Samuel Barke resigned from his Commissioner of Humanities position.

6.3 Appointments-Jessica Lopez

6.4.1 Motion to appoint Nestor Rogel to Senator of Fine Arts made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Kenji Tomoda. Motion Passed.

6.4.2 Motion to appoint Eui-Hyuck (Alex) Kim to Senator of Humanities made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Nicole Reinertsen. Motion Passed.

6.4.3 Motion to appoint Samuel Barke to Senator of Humanities made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Kenji Tomoda. Motion Passed.

6.4 AB 515- Jasmine Hormati

This policy will allow extra classes to be offered here on El Camino campus; however, students will be charged the full operating cost in order to be enrolled in that class. The full rate is the current international student tuition fee.

·  Motion for the Senate to support AB 515 made by Jasmine Hormati. Seconded by Jessica Lopez. Two abstentions Rebekka and Sharon Asher. Motion Passed.

6.5 AB 1341- Jasmine Hormati

·  Motion for the Senate to support AB 1341 made by Jasmine Hormati. Seconded by Jessica Lopez.

Tuition may be lowered back to $26 per unit, priority registration will be remodeled and ASO would need to reapply in order to keep it.

·  Three voted No: Patrick Mondestin-Howard, Jack DeMont, Dalal Budri. Motion Passed.

6.6 Finance Items- Jessica Lopez


Motion to approve $300 from the AS Corona account (71-55001-00-836411-7670) for the Corona El Camino scholarship made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Vito Iaia. Motion Passed.


Motion to approve $300 from AS NSEW Scholarship account (71-55001-00-836413-7670) for the NSEW Award made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Lena Yamaguchi. Motion Passed.


Motion to approve $500 from the AS Scholarship-Luthe account (71-55001-00-836380-7670) for the AS Luthe Scholarship made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Vito Iaia. Motion Passed.


Motion to approve $300 from the Rep Fee Advocacy account (72-55714-00-836115-7670) for a donation to Region 7 made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Jasmine Hormati. Motion Passed.


Motion to approve $500 from the AS Commencement Speaker account (71-55001-00-836390-7670) for the Commencement Speaker made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Nicole Reinertsen. Motion Passed.


Motion to approve $25 from the AS Supplies account (71-836101) for trash bags for the recycling made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Samuel Barke. Motion Passed.

6.7 Fund-raiser at BJ’s Grill –Rebekka Asher

·  Motion to approve having a fundraiser at BJ’s Grill made by Rebekka Asher. Seconded by Sharon Asher. Motion Passed.

6.8 I & T Shops Building “Graffiti Art Contest” - Patrick Mondestin-Howard

·  Motion to table item 6.8 until the next Senate meeting made by Patrick Mondestin-Howard. Seconded by Jessica Lopez. Motion Passed.

6.9 Academic Awards – Jamine Hormati

Jasmine Hormati stated that the Academic Awards will be taking place on May 18th and will need help from 3pm-6pm. There will be awards for each division. The event will take place in the Marsee Auditorium.

VI. Reports

7.1 ASO Member Reports

·  Jasmine Hormati reported that she received $6.33 from recycling bins.

·  Nicole Reinertsen reported that the Banquet will be on May 23rd.

·  Rebekka Asher reported that Science day is this Saturday and will start at 9:30-12:30

·  Dalal Budri reported that the current schedule will have a full fall semester and no winter. Spring semester next year will be limited. The Next board meeting is on May 16th from 4-6pm.

·  Jessica Lopez reported that former ASO members need to be removed from the email lists of current ASO members. Also that there will be another Police Committee meeting and she needs a volunteer to attend. Patrick Mondestin-Howard stated he will attend.

7.2 ICC Reports

Nestor Rogel reported the winners from the Spring Games, and that ICC is planning their Banquet.

7.3 AGS Reports

Jeannine Barba reported that AGS will be hosting another car wash this Saturday and will be accepting any donations.

7.4 Committee Reports


7.5 Adviser Reports

Rebecca Cobb reported that ASO members should volunteer and help with Elections, Academic Awards, the Banquet, and Graduation.

VIII. Public Comments

·  Jasmine Hormati stated that PCC is hosting their movie night tonight at 7pm.

·  Jessica Lopez stated that the Executive Cabinet finished the ASO Goals & Objectives. It is a draft and will be emailed out for feedback. Jessica also stated that she is attempting to contact members of our local government in order to advocate on the behalf of El Camino College.

IX. Adjournments

·  Motion to adjourn the Senate meeting at 2:06pm, made by Patrick Mondestin Howard. Seconded by Nicole Reinertsen. Jack DeMont abstained. Motion passed.

Minutes Recorded by Kevin Paxton

Minutes Verified by:


Jessica Lopez, ASO President Jeannine Barba, ASO Adviser

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