This Emergency Management Plan has been developed for the 4-H Shooting Sports Education statewide events. County clubs may adjust this plan with county specific information and use it for their activities and events.

The procedures to follow will apply to the Shooting Sports Education State Competition. All Shooting Sports Education State Committee members and Range Officers will receive a copy of the plan. Telephone numbers of all emergency services applicable to state events will be a part of the Emergency Management Plan. A copy of the plan will be posted on the Shooting Sports webpage for all counties to access.

Personal Injury or Accident:

I.  Prior to any competition, all range personnel shall attend a safety briefing where safety and emergency management procedures are reviewed.

II.  Prior to the State Competition, the EMS in Jessamine County will be contacted regarding the portion of the event held at the Bluegrass Sportsman’s League in Wilmore. If possible, arrangements will be made to have an EMS unit on-site during the event. If a unit is not available, they will be notified of our event and will be on call.

The EMS in Madison County will be notified of the event held at the Central Kentucky Wildlife Management Area in Berea. If possible, arrangements will be made to have an EMS unit on-site during the event.

III.  First Aid kits will be available on-site both days of the event. The Extension Associate and State 4-H liaison to Shooting Sports is responsible for inventorying, stocking and ensuring that the kits are present at the event.

IV.  During Registration the first day and at the Range Officers meeting on the second day, a survey of participants and volunteers will be taken to determine if any medical personnel or anyone trained in CPR and First Aid is attending. If yes, their location will be noted, in the case of an emergency. Volunteers with radios at all ranges will assist with locating these persons. During the Trap event, a notice will be posted next to the Trap Schedule, requesting that any medical personnel (EMT, Nurse, Physician, etc.) check in at the main desk to identify themselves, in the case of an injury or emergency. Their location will be noted.

V.  If an injury occurs, an adult volunteer on the range will notify the registration desk immediately by radio. The nature of the injury will be noted. An on-site qualified person will be notified of the injury. If it is a minor injury, a first aid kit will be used to treat the injury. The range officer will ensure the safety of those participants remaining on the range. He/she will call for a cease fire, order all weapons cleared and instruct all shooters to step away from the firing line until the situation can be properly handled.

In the event the injury requires additional medical treatment, the local EMS will be contacted or (depending upon the severity of the injury) the parents or other designated adult may transport the participant to the local treatment facility. Other participants will be cleared from the area until the injured is removed.

If a serious injury occurs, the local EMS will be contacted immediately. Other participants will be removed from the area; only those assisting with the injured will remain.

One person is designated as the person to gather all significant information for an injury/incident report. The appropriate 4-H Injury Report Form is to be completed and forwarded to the Extension Associate/State Liaison for the 4-H Shooting Sports program. All witnesses will be noted with contact information. The Extension Associate will follow up with the family of the injured to see that excess medical coverage is initiated and appropriate insurance procedures are completed. Additional contact with the injured will be made to ensure that they are well cared for.

VI.  In the event that a serious injury or death occurs, the above procedures should be followed. In addition, the Extension Associate/State Liaison (if absent) should be contacted. He/she will contact the Assistant Director for 4-H Youth Development, Director of Legal Affairs for College of Agriculture and the University of Kentucky Public Relations Office immediately. All inquiries concerning the incident should be referred to the Extension Associate/State Liaison or the University of Kentucky Public Relations Office.

VII.  A number of measures have been taken to reduce the risks involved in a 4-H Shooting Sports Education event. They are as follows:

1.  During a State event, all ranges have a trained Range Safety Officer to manage the range and supervise the adult volunteers assisting in the event and the participants on the range.

2.  Training workshops are offered twice a year for Range Officers to ensure that the program has enough trained volunteers to safely supervise the ranges at an event.

3.  The 4-H Shooting Sports Education Program requires that a coach for a county program complete the training workshop before they may instruct and coach the youth in a shooting sports club or program. At these training workshops, volunteers are trained to be discipline coaches in their counties. The emphasis at the workshop is youth development and SAFETY.

4.  During a state event, each Range Safety Officer has a radio to ensure consistent communication with the registration desk/club house.

5.  The 4-H Shooting Sports Education Program each year adopts rules for competition. These rules govern the behavior and safety on each range. These rules are enforced by the Range Safety Officer. (Rules Attached)

6.  During any event, anyone witnessing an unsafe situation should alert the Range Officer immediately. A cease fire shall be called and the situation addressed.

7.  All State events are conducted at professionally managed and maintained facilities. Currently, the State Competition is scheduled for the Bluegrass Sportsmen’s League, Wilmore, KY and the Central Kentucky Wildlife Management Area, Berea, KY.

8.  Excess Medical Insurance is provided for participants in a state event through the University of Kentucky.

9.  Each county who is participating in a state, district or local event maintains health information on each participant as a requirement for being a member of the Shooting Sports club. (Attach form)

10.  Each County 4-H Shooting Sports Education club requires that a participant’s parent/guardian complete a Waiver of Liability form in order for that youth to participate in all Shooting Sports events and activities. These signed forms are maintained on file in each county. (a form will be attached to this plan)

Severe Weather:


In the event of a fire in a clubhouse or range building, the following procedures should be followed:

At a Range:

  1. The Range Officer will notify the registration desk by radio of an emergency situation at the range. The State Shooting Sports Coordinator will immediately go to the emergency area to assist.
  2. The RO will supervise the adult volunteers in quickly evacuating the area around the fire, ensuring that all persons are clear of the dangerous area.
  3. If it is a small manageable fire (with extinguisher) that can be handled by onsite persons, the Range Officer will keep the area clear until the emergency is handled and the area is deemed safe for use by the Officer.
  4. If it is a major fire event and the local fire department has been notified, the area should be checked immediately for proper clearance for emergency vehicles. Any vehicles that may be blocking access are to be moved immediately.
  5. All persons are to remain clear of the entire area until the situation is under control and has been deemed safe by the fire department personnel.
  6. After the emergency is resolved, the State Shooting Sports Liaison is to be contacted with a report on the situation. The emergency and its details should be documented on an Incident Report by the State Shooting Sports Coordinator or the State Shooting Sports Liaison (if present). Attach Incident Report Form.

The Liaison should contact the Assistant Director for 4-H Youth Development in the event of a major emergency. A copy of the report is to be sent to the State

4-H Office.

In a Clubhouse:

  1. The person in charge of registration will coordinate the evacuation of the area. This person will call the local fire department in the event of a major fire.
  2. All persons will be instructed to stay clear of the building and the efforts of the local Fire Department to contain the situation.
  3. The appropriate Incident Report Form will be completed by the State Liaison or State Coordinator, whichever is in attendance at the event. A copy is to be sent to the State 4-H Office.


If any participant or guest of a Shooting Sports event witnesses or experiences a person exhibiting inappropriate, abusive, or violent behavior, the Range Officer should be notified immediately. The Range Officer or a designated adult volunteer will contact the State Liaison or State Coordinator and report any incident. The person(s) will be visually identified and observed and the person alerting the Range Officer will be interviewed.

If there is reason to believe that this person is a threat to the safety of those attending, the local authorities will be contacted. An appropriate Incident Report Form will be completed and a copy sent to the State 4-H Office.