Shaji John Kachanathu1, Satish Kumar Verma2, Gulshan Lal Khanna3

1College of Applied Medical Sciences, King Saud University, Riyadh, KSA, 2Department of Sports Sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab, India, 3Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad, Haryana, India.


Objective:Little has been known about the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) activity to Pre-Competition Stress (PCS) and its response to Mindfulness Meditation Therapy (MMT) on sports population. Despite strong indications for the involvement of the (ANS) in health and disease, very few studies have physiologically explored the therapeutic effects of MMT on ANS function.The purpose of the current study was to estimate the contribution of MMT on Heart Rate Variability (HRV) in reducing pre-competition stress (PCS), and its effect on sports performance (SP).

Materials & Methods: 110 male elite Shooters, with mean age of 29.5±4years were examined as in MMT and control groups, (n=55). The total duration of the study was for 5 weeks, 4 weeks of interventional and followed by 1 week to determine the follow-up (FU) effect. Pre, post and FU data of quantitative phenotypic markers of ANS activity and PCS were analyzed by HRV and SP respectively.

Results: Compared to the control, MMT group has shown significant result in post-intervention (p<0.0001) and FU (p<0.0001) in time and frequency domains of HRV and SP, indicates the reduction of PCS level and increase in SP, whereas the control group showed non-significant result (p<0.5).

Conclusion:It is concluded that four weeks of MMT has an effect on ANS by altering changes in time and frequency components of HRV and can be consider as a reliable physiological marker of PCS. Overall results indicated that MMT may decrease PCS and therefore enhance SP.

Key words: Mindfulness Meditation, ANS, HRV, Pre-competition Stress, Shooting.


Each year, millions of people participate in competitive sport activities. For many athletes, these activities can be filled with anxiety and fear manifested in many ways including; fear of failure, fear of societal consequences, and worry about not living up to the expectations, indicated that enjoyment, performance, interactions with teammates, coaches, and officials, and disposition to injury are each influenced by different types of anxiety.In humans, empirical evidence in favor of a greater activation of the stress axis in response to social defeat is more equivocal, (Salvandor, 2005). Stephen et. al., (2009), suggested that, prior to competing, sport performers encounter more stressors pertinent to performance than those emanating from the organization, these observations highlight that all the demands faced by athletes should be considered when preparing and implementing interventions to manage competition stress. Pre-competition anxiety is a widely prevalent condition that exists among athletes of all levels and within every sport. Its relationship to performance has been studied both in and out of the sport context through studies on anxiety research with athletes (Chamberlain and Hale, 2007; Kais and Raudsepp, 2005). Terry and Slade, (1995), have been reported that anxiety has a negative effect on these sport outcomes.

A recent review of psychotherapeutic approaches to mindfulness found that mindfulness meditation was associated with improved emotion regulation, decreased rumination, and decreased emotional reactivity to negative stimuli (Davis & Hayes, 2011). The ability to control attention is considered fundamental to meditative practice; thus, focused attention meditation is often used as a stepping stone to other. By trying to sustain attention for long periods of time, practitioners learn to monitor attention in order to determine when the focus of attention has wandered, to effectively disengage from distractors, and to re-orient on the intended object of attention (Lutz etal., 2008).

HRV analyses for the athletes have been attempted to monitor sports training. Most of such studies are focused on evaluating modifications of cardiovascular system regulated by the ANS resulting from physical exercise, exploring HRV indicators of fatigue induced by over reaching and overtraining for endurance athletes, as well as quantifying alterations of HRV measures related to workloads and training intensity during different exercise periods, (Sztajzel et al., 2006).

A single, relatively brief and cost effective program that can potentially be applied to a range of PCS and is able to affect a positive shift in fundamental perspectives toward enhancement of sports should be of great interest.In this study we examined whether 4 weeks (20 min/day) of MMT has any effects on physiological marker such as HRV and Sports performance enhancement.

Materials and Methods

Subjects: Totally 110 healthy male elite level shooters aged (29.5±4years) were participated in the current study and randomly allocated into two groups; Mindfulness Meditation Therapy(MMT) and Control by multiple blocked random sampling, n=55 in each group, after the dropout in MMT(n=48) and control(n=47) subjects could complete the study.Subjects were voluntarily recruited from national shooting team; permission was obtained from officials. Questionnaires administered prior to the experiment were indicated that no volunteers are included as per exclusion criteria such as any physical or mental illness, hearing impairment, and have been under going any form of meditation therapies for last 3 months. All subjects were nonsmokers, medication free and not habitual drinkers. All the protocols were approved by research ethical committee of Punjabi University. The aims of the present study, the procedures involved and potential risks of the study were explained to each subject, and the written consent was obtained prior to the study.

Intervention trial was conducted to the experimental subjects one week prior to the study. Concerning impediments to effective practice, subjects were monitored by the researcher and MMT experts during the interventions. The intervention was provided over the course of four weeks and one week follow-up, group sessions with a maximum of 8 participants each, 20 minutes session per day, 6 days a week and one day was off per week. Participants were asked not to consume caffeine or alcoholic beverages for 12 h, and not to exercise for 12 h prior to the experiment especially during testing.

Procedure:The all participants of each batch reported to the laboratory at 08:00AM, each session conducted in the morning (between 8 AM and 10 AM)and the subject changed into loose fitting clothing, and shoes removed then the participants were instructed to lie in the supine position on the floor mat in a quiet, light-attenuated electrically shielded room with the temperature between 24 and 28 °C with their eyes closed.


Mindfulness Meditation Therapy:The first step in performing a meditation is to adopt a posture that ensures an erect spine and shoulder resting on the mat, with the hands should be placed on the upper position of the abdomen, the position of head kept slightly foreword with the support of small towel roll. The eyes closed, and were given 1 minutes of adaptation period. As a meditation condition progress, subjects were asked to undergo 3 minutes for stabilization by Shavasana, For Shavasana training the technique recommended by (Coulter, 2001) was used. The subjects were asked to relax, performedmeditation comprising a Pranayam for 4 min while situated as in the control condition (in the supine position with the eyes closed and respiration at a constant frequency of 0.2 Hz in tempo with the sound of a metronome) (i.e., 5 breaths/min for 4 min). Then the participants were instructed mindfulness by body scan i.e. focusing attention on various joints of body by simply focuses on the way each part of body feels without labeling the sensations as either “good” or “bad” in a sequence from distal to proximal and for 4 minutes Pranayam and ended with 3 minutes of Shavasana again.Due to inexperience, drowsiness might cause during the performance of the meditation, therefore subjects were informed to raise their hands during any discomfort while doing meditation and if so they were asked to immediately stop the session. Subsequently, the participants left the room after 20 minutes of session.Both groups were underwent routine sports specific training.

Testing:The testing sessions were conducted between 8 am and 10 am and the same researcher tested all the subjects. Measurement day scheduled one day prior to beginning the 0 day, 29th day and 36th day, subjects were assessed for pretest, post-test and follow-up data respectively, except Performance Test, in a quiet controlled room with ambient temperature (24– 280C). The performance score calculated by pre-scheduled competition in a internationally standard shooting range onone day prior to beginning the 1st week, and on 29th day, subjects were assessed for pre-test, post-testPerformance score respectively.

All the participants were instructed to avoid consuming stimulant beverages, tea, and coffee; exercising, in the 12 hours previous to the examination. All the participants of each batch reported to the laboratory at 08:00AM, HRV measurement procedure started between 09:00 am and 11:00 am, to control as much as possible for time of day, to avoid circadian variations. Prior to testing, Participants attended a detailed briefing session where they received full verbal instructions regarding the procedures of the study. All the subjects were tested individually.

Heart Rate Variability (HRV):For HRV testing, after fixation of equipments, subjects were then instructed to lie down on the lounge for 5 minutes as an adaptation period, then the participants were instructed to lie in the supine position on the floor mat with their eyes closed and the subjects were asked to remain awake and relaxed, but the depth and rate of breathing were not controlled. A continuous 5-minute resting data were collected and saved for HRV analysis. HRV data were obtained using a cardio-recorder (i.e. Polar RS 800 CX ®—Polar electro Oy, Kempele, Finland). For the Polar monitor, the series were automatically recorded by a receptor belt and captured and stored by a wrist sensor unit, and this individual files containing normal HRV data were transferred and saved to the computer via Infra Red port. Stored data processed on a computer to calculate the following time and frequency domain indices of HRV according to the recommendations of Malik, (1996); by dedicated software analyzed with the polar HRV software(Polar Precision Performance TM Software). Heart rate variability was assessed in two ways: (1) time domain analysis and (2) frequency domain analysis, the power was divided into two components: low frequency (LF, 0.04 Hz-0.15 Hz), and high frequency (HF, 0.15-0.40 Hz). In time domain analysis Standard Deviation of all R-R intervals (SDNNi) was obtained. In frequency domain analysis, HF (is a marker of solely parasympathetic activity) and LF (is mainly a measure of sympathetic activity with some influence from the parasympathetic nervous system) were obtained.All these components were expressed in ms2 and then converted to normalised units (n.u) (i.e. nHF, nLF), as recommended by Malik, (1996).

Performance score:Measure of shooting accuracy, shooting score was calculated from the standard shooting scoring board and the final result of competition obtained from the chief coach after the completion of competition, in order to test shooting performance.


The descriptive statistics of outcome variables (SDNNi, nHF, nLF and SP) measured in MMT (n=48) and Control (n=47) groups.The general characteristics of participated subjects in both groups were age=29.5±4yers, BMI=24±2kg/cm2 HR=70±3bpm, RR=15.5±2rpm, BP=120/80±6 Hg of mg. The comparison of mean values of SDNNi, nHF, nLF at the baseline (pre-test), 29th day (post-test) and at 36th day (follow-up) was done using one-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey’s post hoc multiple comparison tests and the sports performance score (SP) was compared before and after intervention by using student’s t-test for paired samples. The 95% confidence intervals were calculated for difference of mean of all outcome variables. Both groups, showed a non-significant difference at the base line (pre-test) values of HRV components such as SDNNi (p=0.62), nHF (p=0.19), nLF(p=0.91) and SP (p=0.5) (Table-1.1).

Dependent variables / MMT
(n=48) / Control
(n=47) / t-Value / p-Value / 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference of mean
Lower / Upper
SDNNi-0 / 50.05±1.4 / 50.25±2.4 / -.499 / .619 / -.99 / .59
SDNNi-29 / 52.92±.56 / 48.06±.90 / 31.44 / <.0001 / 4.54 / 5.16
SDNNi-36 / 52.70±.30 / 48.23±.77 / 37.18 / <.0001 / 4.23 / 4.71
nHF-0 / 36.48±.91 / 36.66±.21 / -1.34 / .185 / -.45 / .09
nHF-29 / 44.53±.15 / 32.99±.25 / 270.87 / <.0001 / 11.45 / 11.62
nHF-36 / 42.24±.12 / 33.95±.05 / 448.78 / <.0001 / 8.25 / 8.32
nLF-0 / 63.33±.27 / 63.34±.21 / -.109 / .91 / -.10 / .09
nLF-29 / 55.47±.15 / 67.01±.25 / -270.87 / . <.0001 / -11.62 / -11.45
nLF-36 / 57.76±.12 / 66.05±.05 / -448.78 / <.0001 / -8.32 / -8.25
Perf.Score-0 / 528±25 / 524±32 / .68 / .5 / -7.69 / 15.65
Perf.Score-29 / 541±25 / 519±29 / 4.18 / <.0001 / 12.19 / 34.21

Table 1.1: Descriptive statistics of variables of subjects between study groups

In MMT group, the mean values of SDNNi and nHF had significantly increased from the baseline value (50.05±1.4;36.48±.91), at 29th day(52.92±.56; 44.53±.15) and at 36th day (52.70±.30;42.24±.12) which is statistically significant (p<0.0001). Whereas, nLF significantly decreased from the baseline value (63.33±.3), at 29th day (55.47±.15) and at 36th day (57.76±.12) (p<0.0001). The mean value of SP score has statistically significantly increased from 528±25 to 541±25 (p<0.0001) at pre and post intervention respectively (Table-1.2).

Variables / Pre (0-Day) / Post (29th-Day) / FU (36th-Day) / F / Sig.
SDNNi / 50.05±1.4 / 52.92±.56 / 52.70±.30 / 150.90 / <.0001*
nHF / 36.48±.91 / 44.53±.15 / 42.24±.12 / 2854.294 / <.0001*
nLF / 63.33±.27 / 55.47±.15 / 57.76±.12 / 21641.792 / <.0001**

Tables 1.2: Descriptive statistics of dependent variables of subjects within MT group

*Multiple comparisons shows SDNNi and nHF are higher in MT group at Post-test and FU than Pre test

** Multiple comparisons shows nLF is lower in MT group at Post-test and FU than Pre test

Whereas, in control group, SDNNi and nHF had significantly decreased from the baseline value (50.25±2.4;36.66±.21), at 29th day (48.06±.9;32.99±.25) and at 36th day (48.23±.8;33.95±.05) (p<0.0001). Whereas, nLF significantly increased from the baseline value (63.44±.2), at 29th day (67.01±.3) and at 36th day (66.05±.1) (p<0.0001). The mean value of SP score has statistically significantly decreased from 524±32 to 519±29 (p<0.0001) at pre and post intervention respectively (Table-1.3).

Variables / Pre (0-Day) / Post (29th-Day) / FU (36th-Day) / F / Sig.
SDNNi / 50.25±2.36 / 48.06±.90 / 48.23±.77 / 29.88 / <.0001*
nHF / 36.72±.60 / 32.99±.25 / 33.95±.05 / 4639.61 / <.0001*
nLF / 63.34±.21 / 67.01±.25 / 66.05±.05 / 4639.61 / <.0001**

Tables 1.3: Descriptive statistics of variables of subjects within Control group

*Multiple comparisons shows SDNNi and nHF are lower in Control group at Post-test and FU than Pre test

** Multiple comparisons shows nLF is higher in Control group at Post-test and FU than Pre test


Current study we used HRV as a physiological marker and Performance Score (PS) as a subjective marker to assess the changes in MMT and control groups. Efficient functioning in an ANS requires a complex and dynamic interplay between sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and sympathetic nervous system (PNS), thus this study included HRV as a marker response to competitive stress.

In HRV, SDNNicomponent value from 0-29 day (Pre and Post-Intervention) and also in 29th - 36th day (Follow-up) demonstrated significant difference in MMT group (F=150.39; p<0.0001). When comparing between groups, MMT group has shown 5.4% increase during post-interventions and a follow up increase of 5% whereas, control group showed 4.6% and 4.1% decrease at 29th and 36th day respectively as compared to the baseline. Similarly nHFalso demonstrated significant difference in MMT group (F=2854.29; p<0.0001). MMT group has shown 18% increase during post-interventions and a follow up increase of 13.6% whereas, control group showed 11.1% and 7.9% decrease at 29th and 36th day respectively as compared to the baseline. nLFvalue from post-intervention and follow-up showed significant difference in MMT group (F=21641.79; p<0.0001). MMT group has shown 14.17% decrease during post- interventions and a follow-up decrease of 9.6% whereas, control group showed 5.5% and 4.1% increase at 29th and 36th day respectively as compared to the baseline. Sports performance in comparison with MMT and control groups, MMT showed an increase of 2.4% and 1% decrease in control group.

The result indicated that there is an positive effect on PCS by altering post-intervention and follow up values in MMT group; the reason for these changes might be supported by studies on competition stress have been observed to increase heart rate (HR), decrease HRV and alter the power spectrum by decreasing the high frequency (HF) component, increasing the low frequency (LF) component (Yin et al. 2004; Kimura et al. 2005; Isowa et al. 2006). Based on these facts if any intervention is effective to reduce competition stress then we observed the reversibility in behaviour of these markers that will get an increase in HF and decrease in LF components of HRV and increase in SDNNi component of HRV. The same phenomenon was observed with MMT group after receiving intervention. Further, suggesting that relative increases in SNS activity during stressful events (Sloan et al. 1994). It is also proved that there is an increase in PNS activity due to interventions of this study. Malfatto et al., (1996), explained the results regarding elevation of SDNNi, the strongest prognostic HRV markers, have been supported with an explanation. Thus in this study SDNNi component showed elevation from their baseline values after interventions. McCraty et al., (1995), also supported that the positive emotions resulting from relaxation therapies may significantly augment the HF component of a power spectrum whereas the opposite occurs with negative emotions that happens with competition stress. HRV analysis provides a means of assessing the rhythmical changes that occur in instantaneous heart rate (R-R intervals) in response to alterations in sympathovagal balance.Increased stimulation of the SNS reduces HRV and increases heart rate and force of cardiac contraction; increases in PNS activity decrease heart rate and increase HRV (White, 1999).

Since the HF component of HRV was reduced during stress tasks (Dishman et al., 2000), the HF component is decreased by stress and uncomfortable stimuli. Therefore, the HF component may be sensitive to stress elicitation and reduction.

In summary, these factors could be helped to enhance further improvement nHF component of HRV in meditation training. The findings of this investigation suggest that increases in ventilation during meditation significantly affect spectral analysis of heart rate variability in normal subjects. Therefore, measured changes in these spectral parameters during relaxation training likely represent true cardiovascular autonomic modulation.

Efficient functioning in a complex environment requires a dynamic interplay between SNS and PNS, and this interplay requires adequate prefrontal cortex (PFC) functioning, which is thought to be involved in the inhibition of SNS activation (Thayer and Lane, 2009). Attenuated SNS and increased PNS influence are associated with a high HRV, particularly the high frequency component (HF), and are associated with higher PFC activity (Lane et al., 2009). These results led us to postulate that there may be measurable differences in the effects of the divisions of the ANS on cognitive task performance. These factors could be helped to enhance shooting performance.