Name/# ______

Mrs. Duenas’s class

6th grade

Chapter 9: Ancient Greeks

Pages 251-281


Directions: Define the following vocabulary words. Use your S.S. glossary for assistance.

  1. Polis 2. classical 3. acropolis

4.  democracy 5. aristocrats 6. oligarchy

7. citizens 8. tyrant 9. Pericles

10. mythology 11. Homer 12. Sappho

13. Aesop 14. fables 15. oligarchy


Directions: Answer the following short answer questions. Use complete sentences, with good spelling, capitals, and punctuation. Answers should be at least 3-5 sentences long.

Pages 279-280, #’s 1-14, 17-19

Page 281, #’s 1-7


1. Attach worksheets about the Ancient Greeks

2. Ancient Greece Project- see handout.

3. Create a flipbook or mini-book. One page should be a Table of Contents: Geography and Early Greeks, Government in Athens, Greek Mythology and Literature. Summarize each page and use illustrations.

4. Complete the chart/graphic organizer: Column 1 = Mountains, Column 2 = Seas. Under each column list the Effects on the Greeks.

5. Create a time line of the trading cultures of the Minoans and Mycenaeans. Use these events, put in the dates, illustrate. Minoan civilization declines, Minoans establish society on Crete, Invaders enter Greece, Volcanic eruption floods Crete.

6. Create a mural/fresco that depicted a scene from everyday life such as sports, trade, and animals.

7. Illustrate a painting that shows what you think may have caused the Minoans or the Mycenaeans to lose their power.

8. Research on a different major natural disaster (eruption of Krakatoa, Indonesia- 1883, New Madrid earthquakes, North America- 1811, the Tunguska Event, Russia-1908, flood of Huang He, China 1887, and others. Research the long- and short-term effects the disaster had on areas both near and far away. Compare the disaster’s effects with the impact that the Thera eruption had on Minoan civilization. Such factors as number of people in the area that were affected, communication capabilities, and so on. Perhaps present your findings as a news report.

9. Illustrate these different styles of government and people: oligarchy, tyranny, democracy, aristocrats, citizens

10. Complete the graphic organizer: Title Athenian Democracy. Column 1 = Benefits. Column 2 = Drawbacks. Complete the lists in each column.

11. Create an illustrated time line of the different governments of Athens. The time lines should list each government, explain the form of the government, and include an illustration that reflects that style of government.

12. Who were the 12 main Greek gods of Ancient Greece? Create a playbook describing these gods. What were their names, what was their ‘possession’ or god/goddess of, what is the relationship between each god, what is his/her importance to the Greeks, what does each god explain in nature, and so on. Write a brief paragraph about each god.

13. Write a 5-7 sentence story or myth, or news report to an Olympic event using the Greek alphabet letters to an emperor. Then translate on the bottom of the note into modern-day English and its alphabet letters.

14. Choose several gods or heroes to research. Create a newspaper that reports on the activities of the gods and legendary heroes. Write a news article for each god or hero. (Who, what, when, where, and why) Illustrate, use creative headlines.

15. Select an athletic event from the modern Olympics (one you know). Create an original poem that celebrates an imaginary competitor in that event. The poem should attempt to ‘paint a picture’ of the athlete and the event. Use the elements of a poem: vivid imagery, rhyme, and rhythm. Greek poets often attended Olympic Games and the poems praised the Olympic athletes.

16. Research Greek literature and fables. Literature often told exciting stories about adventures of Greek heroes. Fables taught the reader a lesson or moral. Select a short story or fable and illustrate (or a collage of illustrations) the whole story. Write a summary about the short story or fable.

17. Find the story The Iliad or The Odyssey. Find the story about the Trojan horse or the story of Odysseus and the Cyclops. Read either one. Write a review of the story: A brief summary and a reaction to the story itself, Did you enjoy the story? Why or why not? Would you recommend it to a friend? Why or why not? What might you change about the story? Why?

18. Add to the chart on page 274. Look up the words in a dictionary and determine the modern-day meaning of the word as well as the origin of the word in Greek mythology. Hypnosis, Pandora’s box, echo, Trojan horse.

19. Create a collage of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Write a summary to go with the collage. Write a summary about the characteristics of the heroes.

20. Choose 1 Dramatic piece of art (movie, book, art) and 1 Comedic piece of art (use the same media).

Summarize each piece. Why are each categorized a tragedy or comedy? What was the conflict in each media?

21. Research and summarize 3-4 Aesop Fables. Be sure to label and explain each moral of the stories.

22. Complete the activity found on page 280, # 20.

Ancient Greece Project Options

Choose following projects to complete for our study of ancient Greece.

1.  Write a 3-5 minute persuasive speech and present it to the class. The topic must be one that was relevant to the people of ancient Greece (democracy, punishment, astronomy, etc.)

2.  Write a report (500-700 words) on gods and goddesses. Illustrations are extra credit.

3.  Design and construct a relief map of ancient Greece. You may choose the materials for the map. There must be a key and be geographically accurate and labeled.

4.  Design, sew, and model a chiton (the typical dress of the ancient Greek people).

5.  Choose a play to memorize, act, and present to the class. Props are extra credit.

6.  Design and make a model of the Parthenon as it existed during ancient Greek times. It must be historically and architecturally accurate.

7.  Design and build a diorama depicting a famous Greek scene. Examples might be a scene of a busy Athenian agora, a scene from Jason and the Argonauts, the Peloponnesian war, or any of the Greek myths.

8.  Make some Greek dishes and bring it in for sharing. Have copies of the recipes. Know what each ingredient is and explain how it relates to Greece.

9.  Draw a giant poster that is an advertisement for Greek clothing.

10.  Design and draw a Greek gods family tree.

11.  Build a model of a Greek home (Athenian or Spartan).

12.  Make a picture book: Guide to the Greek Gods.

13.  Any other ideas to be discussed with your teacher.