UN Charter Summary
1 Preamble-purposes
To end war, promote social progress, human rights, ensure international law, equality of men and women, nations, armed forces only used in the common interest; all members are sovereign and equal, need to fulfill obligations set out in the charter, must settle disputes with peaceful methods, assist the UN when called upon, UN is not required to interfere in domestic issues in any nation
2-Membership- open to all peace-loving sates who agree to follow the charter, must be recommended by the SC and approved by the GA, rights suspended by the GA on recommendation by the SC can be restored by the SC, members who persistently violate the Charter can be expelled by GA on recommendation of the SC
2- Organs- GA, SC, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice and Secretariat
3- General Assembly- all members get 1 vote, can discuss any topic within the scope of the UN, can refer matters/nations to the SC, can’t make recommendations unless requested to by the SC, Secretary-General will notify of any issues to maintenance of international peace, initiate studies, consider and approve the budget, 2/3rds vote for major issues involving international peace, SC members, ESC members, Trustee Members, new members to UN, expelling members, budget; after two years of not paying dues, member loses its vote
4- Security Council- 5 permanent members (US, China, UK, France, Russia) and 10 rotating members elected by the GA for 2 year terms, primary responsibility for maintenance of international peace. Members are required to carry out decisions of the SC, affirmative vote of permanent members required for all decisions (other than procedural), non-members can watch but not vote
5- Pacific Settlement of Disputes- parties in disagreement should first negotiate, SC can call upon the parties is no agreement can be made, any member of UN or affected area not a member can bring an issue to the attention of the GA or SC
6- Actions in Response to Breaches of the Peace- embargos, disruptive communications, military demonstrations, military/air strikes to be decided on by SC, all members must have designated units capable of participating in international missions, Military Staff Committee to advise the SC, all nations must act on SC resolutions
7- Regional Arrangements- disputes should first go to regional organizations before going to the Security Council, states need to keep the SC informed about what they are doing
8-International Economic and Social Cooperation- full employment, higher standards of living, universal respect for human rights, international solutions to social, health related problems; international cultural education
The Economic and Social Council- 54 members, 18 elected each year for 3 year term;
Make studies on international issues related to health, social, cultural, educational, and economic issues; make recommendations for observing human rights; each member gets one vote; majority rule
9Declarations regarding non-self-governing territories- to develop self-government, protect the rights of the people
The International Trusteeship System- UN can become trustees of territories to ensure international peace, promote advancement of the inhabitants, encourage respect for human rights
The Trusteeship Council- composed of nations administering a trustee, the members of the Security Council, affected nations, and at large nations to even the number of trustee-nations and non-trustee, majority vote, single vote for each member
10- The International Court of Justice- principle judicial organ of the UN, if nations fail to comply with ICJ decisions, turned over to SC, advise the GA if requested
11-Secretariat- Secretary-General and staff, appointed by GA on recommendation of SC, must not be influenced by any organization outside the UN
Miscellaneous Provisions- all treaties and international agreements need to be registered afterwards with the Secretariat, UN Charter is the supreme law of the land and takes precedence over other international agreements; the UN should legally be able to operate in any member country to fulfill its functions; UN officials have immunity as well as representatives
Amendments- 2/3 of GA and all permanent members of the SC
1. Preamble and Purpose
2. Membership and Organs
3. General Assembly
4. Security Council
5. Pacific Settlement of Disputes
6. Actions that Breach the Peace (2 people)
7. Regional Arrangements
8. The Social and Economic Council
9. Declaration Regarding non-self-governing territories
10. Trusteeship Council
11. International Court of Justice
12. Secretariat and Amendments