Allegheny Highlands Collaborative Landscape Restoration Project

Attachment A – Page 1

Attachment A

Projected Accomplishments Table

Performance Measure / Code / Number of units to be treated over 10 years using CFLR funds / Number of units to be treated over 10 years using other FS funds / Number of units to be treated over 10 years using Partner Funds[1] / CFLR funds to be used over 10 years / Other FS funds to be used over 10 years[2] / Partner funds to be used over 10 years
Acres treated annually to sustain or restore watershed function and resilience / WTRSHD-RSTR-ANN
Acres of forest vegetation established / FOR-VEG-EST
Acres of forest vegetation improved / FOR-VEG-IMP
Manage noxious weeds and invasive plants / INVPLT-NXWD-FED-AC / 600 / 600 / $180,000 / $180,000
Highest priority acres treated for invasive terrestrial and aquatic species on NFS lands / INVSPE-TERR-FED-AC
Acres of water or soil resources protected, maintained or improved to achieve desired watershed conditions. / S&W-RSRC-IMP
Acres of lake habitat restored or enhanced / HBT-ENH-LAK
Miles of stream habitat restored or enhanced / HBT-ENH-STRM
Acres of terrestrial habitat restored or enhanced / HBT-ENH-TERR
Acres of rangeland vegetation improved / RG-VEG-IMP
Miles of high clearance system roads receiving maintenance / RD-HC-MAIN
Miles of passenger car system roads receiving maintenance / RD-PC-MAINT
Miles of road decommissioned / RD-DECOM / 10 / 10 / $50,000 / $50,000
Miles of passenger car system roads improved / RD-PC-IMP
Miles of high clearance system road improved / RD-HC-IMP
Number of stream crossings constructed or reconstructed to provide for aquatic organism passage / STRM-CROS-MTG-STD
Miles of system trail maintained to standard / TL-MAINT-STD
Miles of system trail improved to standard / TL-IMP-STD
Miles of property line marked/maintained to standard / LND-BL-MRK-MAINT
Acres of forestlands treated using timber sales / TMBR-SALES-TRT-AC
Volume of timber sold (CCF) / TMBR-VOL-SLD / 312,375 / 312,375 / $350,000 / $350,000
Green tons from small diameter and low value trees removed from NFS lands and made available for bio-energy production / BIO-NRG
Acres of hazardous fuels treated outside the wildland/urban interface (WUI) to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildland fire / FP-FUELS-NON-WUI / 9,540 / 9,540 / $669,600 / $669,600
Acres of hazardous fuels treated inside the wildland/urban interface (WUI) to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildland fire / FP-FUELS-NON-WUI / 43,460 / 43,460 / $3,050,400 / $3,050,400
Acres of wildland/urban interface (WUI) high priority hazardous fuels treated to reduce the risk of catastrophic wildland fire / FP-FUELS-WUI
Number of priority acres treated annually for invasive species on Federal lands / SP-INVSPE-FED-AC
Number of priority acres treated annually for native pests on Federal lands / SP- NATIVE –FED-AC

Allegheny Highlands Collaborative Landscape Restoration Project

Attachment B – Page 1

Attachment B

R-CAT Results
Proposal Name: Allegheny Highland Collaboration Landscape Restoration Project
Start Year / 2011
End Year / 2020
Total Treatment Acres / 106,000.00
Average Treatment Duration / 6
Discounted Anticipated Cost Savings - No Beneficial Use / $ 4,291,722
Discounted Anticipated Cost Savings - Low Beneficial Use / $ 4,291,722
Discounted Anticipated Cost Savings - Moderate Beneficial Use / $ 4,291,722
Discounted Anticipated Cost Savings - High Beneficial Use / $ 4,291,722
Proposal Name: Allegheny Highland Collaboration Landscape Restoration Project / Documentation Page
This page is intended to help you record and communicate the assumptions and calculations that feed the risk and cost analysis tool package spreadsheet / Response / Information Column
Was the analysis prospective (projecting activities, costs and revenues that are planned by the proposal) or retrospective (using actual acres, revenues and costs in an analysis looking back over the life of the project)? / Prospective
Start year rationale: / This project is proposed to begin in 2011
End year rationale: / This project is proposed to continue treatment for 10 years beginning in 2011
Duration of treatments rationale: / Based on the forest types and treatments involved, expected duration of effectiveness is 3-9 years across the project area landscape, we used the mean (6 years)to determine length of effectiveness
All dollar amounts entered should reflect undiscounted or nominal costs, as they are discounted automatically for you in the R-CAT spreadsheet tool? Did you provide undiscounted costs, and in what year data are your costs and revenues provided. / Yes, Costs are based on 2011 estimates
Average treatment cost per acre rationale: / The treatment cost per acre is estimated to average $60 per acre. This includes: prep and implementation.
Rationale for actual costs per acre of treatment by year is used: / Actual cost were not used in this prospective analysis.
Average treatment revenue per acre rationale: / The treatment revenue per acre is based on expected revenue generated by biomass reduction (the sale of pulpwood). Revenues are based on the experiences of timber staff who have been working on this type of silvicultural practices and current milling competition.
This tool is intended to be used to estimate Forest Service fire program costs only, did you conduct your analysis this way or have you taken an all lands approach? / This is a Forest Service Fire Program Cost only analysis
Total treatment acres calculations, assumptions:
Treatment timing rationale with NEPA analysis considerations: / Treatments proposed, is deemed feasible given funding and NEPA planning capacity on the Forest.
Annual Fire Season Suppression Cost Estimate Pre Treatment, Assumptions and Calculations / Costs were calculated on a 5 year average of suppression costs for the Forest for fires less than 350 acres in size
Did you use basic Landfire Data for you Pretreatment Landscape? / Not for this spreadsheet
Did you modify Landfire data to portray the pretreatment landscape and fuel models? / No
Did you use ArcFuels to help you plan fuel treatments?
Did you use other modeling to help plan fuel treatments, if so which modeling?
Did you model fire season costs with the Large Fire Simulator? / No
If, so who helped you with this modeling?
If not, how did you estimate costs, provide details here: / Fires were statified by size across the forest over the past 5 years to calculate costs, Anticipated wildfire acres were calculated for the project area based on past fire history within the project area.
Did you apply the stratified cost index (SCI) to your Fsim results? / n/a
Who helped you apply SCI to your FSIM results?
Did you filter to remove Fsim fires smaller than 300acres and larger than a reasonable threshold?
What is the upper threshold you used?
Did you use median pre treatment costs per fire season?
Did you use median post treatment costs per fire season?
Did you test the statistical difference of the fire season cost distributions using a univariate test?
What were the results?
Did you estimate Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) costs in you analysis?
Did you use H codes or some other approach to estimate these costs?
Did these cost change between pre and post treatment?
Did you estimate long term rehabilitation and reforestation costs in your analysis?
How did you develop these estimates, and did these cost change between pre and post treatment?
Did you include small fire cost estimates in your analysis?
If so, how did you estimate these costs, what time period is used as a reference, and did these cost change between pre and post treatment?
Did you include beneficial use fire as a cost savings mechanism in your analysis?
How did you estimate the percent of contiguous area where monitoring is an option for pretreatment landscape?
How did you estimate the percent of contiguous area where monitoring is an option for post treatment landscape, and why did you select the percentage of your landscape for low, moderate and high?
How did you derive an estimate for the percentage of full suppression costs used in fire monitoring for beneficial use?
Did you ensure that you clicked on all the calculation buttons in cells in column E after entering your estimates?
Did you make any additional modifications that should be documented? / Suppression costs were calculated using an average for cost across the forest for the past 5 years. This covered 60 fires during the time period.

Allegheny Highlands Collaborative Landscape Restoration Project

Attachment C – Page 1

Attachment C

Forest Service representative on the collaborative: Patrick Sheridan

422 Forestry Road

Hot Springs, VA 24445

Phone: 540-839-2521


Members of the Collaborative:

Organization Name / Contact Name / Phone Number / Role in Collaborative[3]
MeadeWestvaco / John Hancock / 540-969-5000 / Planning/Implementation
The Nature Conservancy / Merek Smith / 540-839-3599 / Planning/Monitoring
The Nature Conservancy / Sam Lindbolm / 434-296-6106 / Planning/Implementation
The Nature Conservancy / Wanda SanJule / 434-2960616 / Monitoring
USFS / Patrick Sheridan / 540-839-2521 / Planning/Implementation
USFS / Peter Fisher / 304-636-1800 / Planning/Implementation
USFS / Steve Smestad / 540-839-2521 / Planning/Implementation
USFS / John Moncure / 540-839-2521 / Monitoring/mapping
USFS / Steve Croy / 540-265-5100 / Modeling/Planning
USFS / Carol Croy / 540-265-5100 / Planning
USFS / Mike Quesinberry / 540-265-5100 / Planning
USFS / Karen Stevens / 540-839-2521 / Planning
VDGIF / Al Bourgeois / 540-248-9360 / Planning/Implementation
VDCR / Claiborne Woodall / Planning
VDOF / John Wright / 540-839-2260 / Planning/Implementation

Allegheny Highlands Collaborative Landscape Restoration Project

Attachment D – Page 1

/ United States
Department of
Forest Service / George Washington
& Jefferson
Forests / James River Ranger District
810A Madison Avenue
Covington, VA 24426
540/962-2214 / Warm Springs Ranger District
422 Forestry Road
Hot Springs, VA 24445
File Code: / 1930/2400/2500 / Date: / February 9, 2011
Route To:
Subject: / Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program
To: / Regional Forester, R8

The Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Act was passed in 2009 to encourage collaborative, science based ecosystem restoration of priority forested landscapes. The Act created the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Fund (CFLRF) to pay for a portion of the implementation and monitoring costs of ecological restoration treatments on forested National Forest System lands.

The Warm Springs Ranger District and the James River Ranger District of the George Washington-Jefferson have submitted a proposal to the CFLRF for consideration in the 2011 selection of projects.

The project proposes106,000 acres of prescribed fire as planned in the Alleghany Highlands Fire Learning Network, 16,000 acres of hardwood restoration, and 1,200 acres of non-native invasive plant treatments on the National Forest lands on the Warm Springs and James River Ranger Districts.

We support and endorse this landscape approach to ecological restoration in the Alleghany Highlands.

/s/ John Hancock, Forester, Westvaco Meade Timber Corporation

/s/ Peter Fischer, FMO, Monongahela National Forest

/s/ Marek Smith, Director, Alleghany Highlands Program, TNC

/s/ John Wright, Forester, Virginia Department of Forestry

/s/ Steve Smestad, Fire Management Officer, Warm Springs Ranger District

/s/ John Moncure, Fuels Specialist, Warm Springs Ranger District

/s/ Karen Stevens, Environmental Coordinator, Warm Springs-James River Ranger District

/s/ Steve Croy, Fire Ecologist, George Washington-Jefferson NF

/s/ Carol Croy, Wildlife Biologist, George Washington-Jefferson

/s/ Patrick Roy Sheridan, District Ranger, George Washington-Jefferson NF

America’s Working Forests – Caring Every Day in Every WayPrinted on Recycled Paper

Allegheny Highlands Collaborative Landscape Restoration Project

Attachment E – Page 1

Attachment E

oPlease populate this table using the TREAT spreadsheet. Please feed the table using only proposed CFLR funds as your input. The spreadsheet and instructions are available under the Annual Report and Work Plan section of the CFLR website

Predicted Jobs Table from Treat Spreadsheet: / Employment (# Part and Full-time Jobs) / Labor Inc (2009 $)
Direct / Indirect and Induced / Total / Direct / Indirect and Induced / Total
Commercial Forest Products
Sawmills / 23.1 / 25.4 / 48.5 / 919,571 / 1,057,774 / 1,977,344
Plywood and Veneer Softwood / 0 / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0!
Plywood and Veneer Hardwood / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0!
Oriented Strand Board (OSB) / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0!
Mills Processing Roundwood Pulp Wood / 22.5 / 91.4 / 113.9 / 1,927,545 / 3,846,167 / 5,773,713
Other Timber Products / - / - / - / - / - / -
Facilities Processing Residue From Sawmills / - / - / - / - / - / -
Facilities Processing Residue From Plywood/Veneer / - / - / - / - / - / -
Biomass--Cogen / 0.8 / 0.6 / 1.4 / 75,805 / 47,128 / 122,933
Total Commercial Forest Products / 46.4 / 117.4 / 163.8 / 2,922,920 / 4,951,069 / 7,873,990
Other Project Activities
Facilities, Watershed, Roads and Trails / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Abandoned Mine Lands / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Ecosystem Restoration, Hazardous Fuels, and Forest Health / 0.5 / 0.1 / 0.5 / $13,739 / $3,690 / $17,429
Thinning and Biomass / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0!
Commercial Firewood / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / $0 / $0 / $0
Contracted Monitoring / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0! / #DIV/0!
FS Implementation and Monitoring / 10.9 / 2.8 / 13.7 / $263,536 / $111,402 / $374,938
Total Other Project Activities / 11.3 / 2.8 / 14.1 / $273,282 / $113,952 / $387,234
Total All Impacts / 57.8 / 120.2 / 178.0 / $3,200,195 / $5,066,161 / $8,266,357

Allegheny Highlands Collaborative Landscape Restoration Project

Attachment F – Page 1

Attachment F

  • Funding EstimateProvide funding expectations and CFLRP funding request for the 10 year life span of the project using format below. A new table should be filled out for each year of the project:[4]

(Copy table and provide the planned funding for each additional fiscal year). Funds to be used on NFS lands for ecological restoration treatments and monitoring that would be available in FY 2011 to match funding from the Collaborative Forested Landscape Restoration Fund
Fiscal Year 2011 Funding Type / Dollars/Value Planned
1. FY 2011 Funding for Implementation / $ 218,000
2. FY 2011 Funding for Monitoring / $34,800
3. USFS Appropriated Funds / $222,800
4. USFS Permanent & Trust Funds
5. Partnership Funds (TNC Agreement #07-CS-11080821-001) / $30,000
6. Partnership In-Kind Services Value
7. Estimated Forest Product Value
8. Other (specify)
9. FY 2011 Total (total of 1-6 above for matching CFLRP request) / $252,800
10. FY 2011 CFLRP request (must be equal to or less than above total) / $252,800
Funding off NFS lands associated with proposal in FY 2010 (does not count toward funding match from the Collaborative Forested Landscape Restoration Fund)
Fiscal Year 2011 Funding Type / Dollars Planned
11. USDI BLM Funds
12. USDI (other) Funds
13. Other Public Funding
Private Funding
(Copy table and provide the planned funding for each additional fiscal year). Funds to be used on NFS lands for ecological restoration treatments and monitoring that would be available in FY 2012 to match funding from the Collaborative Forested Landscape Restoration Fund
Fiscal Year 2012 Funding Type / Dollars/Value Planned
1. FY 2012 Funding for Implementation / $398,000
2. FY 2012 Funding for Monitoring / $50,200
3. USFS Appropriated Funds / $448,200
4. USFS Permanent & Trust Funds
5. Partnership Funds
6. Partnership In-Kind Services Value
7. Estimated Forest Product Value* / $330,000
8. Other (specify)
9. FY 2012 Total (total of 1-6 above for matching CFLRP request) / $778,200
10. FY 2012 CFLRP request (must be equal to or less than above total) / $448,200
Funding off NFS lands associated with proposal in FY 2010 (does not count toward funding match from the Collaborative Forested Landscape Restoration Fund)
Fiscal Year 2012 Funding Type / Dollars Planned
11. USDI BLM Funds
12. USDI (other) Funds
13. Other Public Funding
Private Funding

*Estimated product and stewardship value

(Copy table and provide the planned funding for each additional fiscal year). Funds to be used on NFS lands for ecological restoration treatments and monitoring that would be available in FY 2013 to match funding from the Collaborative Forested Landscape Restoration Fund
Fiscal Year 2013 Funding Type / Dollars/Value Planned
1. FY 2013 Funding for Implementation / $404,250
2. FY 2013 Funding for Monitoring / $42,200
3. USFS Appropriated Funds / $446,450
4. USFS Permanent & Trust Funds
5. Partnership Funds
6. Partnership In-Kind Services Value
7. Estimated Forest Product Value* / $330,000
8. Other (specify)
9. FY 2013 Total (total of 1-6 above for matching CFLRP request) / $776,450
10. FY 2013 CFLRP request (must be equal to or less than above total) / $446,450
Funding off NFS lands associated with proposal in FY 2010 (does not count toward funding match from the Collaborative Forested Landscape Restoration Fund)
Fiscal Year 2013 Funding Type / Dollars Planned
11. USDI BLM Funds
12. USDI (other) Funds
13. Other Public Funding
Private Funding

*Estimated product and stewardship value

(Copy table and provide the planned funding for each additional fiscal year). Funds to be used on NFS lands for ecological restoration treatments and monitoring that would be available in FY 2014 to match funding from the Collaborative Forested Landscape Restoration Fund
Fiscal Year 2014 Funding Type / Dollars/Value Planned
1. FY 2014 Funding for Implementation / $404,250
2. FY 2014 Funding for Monitoring / $42,200
3. USFS Appropriated Funds / $446,450
4. USFS Permanent & Trust Funds
5. Partnership Funds
6. Partnership In-Kind Services Value
7. Estimated Forest Product Value* / $330,000
8. Other (specify)
9. FY 2014 Total (total of 1-6 above for matching CFLRP request) / $776,450
10. FY 2014 CFLRP request (must be equal to or less than above total) / $446,450
Funding off NFS lands associated with proposal in FY 2010 (does not count toward funding match from the Collaborative Forested Landscape Restoration Fund)
Fiscal Year 2014 Funding Type / Dollars Planned
11. USDI BLM Funds
12. USDI (other) Funds
13. Other Public Funding
Private Funding

*Estimated product and stewardship value

(Copy table and provide the planned funding for each additional fiscal year). Funds to be used on NFS lands for ecological restoration treatments and monitoring that would be available in FY 2015 to match funding from the Collaborative Forested Landscape Restoration Fund
Fiscal Year 2015 Funding Type / Dollars/Value Planned
1. FY 2015 Funding for Implementation / $427,050
2. FY 2015 Funding for Monitoring / $22,800
3. USFS Appropriated Funds / $446,450
4. USFS Permanent & Trust Funds
5. Partnership Funds
6. Partnership In-Kind Services Value
7. Estimated Forest Product Value* / $330,000
8. Other (specify)
9. FY 2015 Total (total of 1-6 above for matching CFLRP request) / $776,450
10. FY 2015 CFLRP request (must be equal to or less than above total) / $446,450
Funding off NFS lands associated with proposal in FY 2010 (does not count toward funding match from the Collaborative Forested Landscape Restoration Fund)
Fiscal Year 2015 Funding Type / Dollars Planned
11. USDI BLM Funds
12. USDI (other) Funds
13. Other Public Funding
Private Funding

*Estimated product and stewardship value