MQP 2018 Secret Santa Rules
- Sign-ups will be January 1 to March 24.
- Sign-ups will close at midnight EST on Saturday, March 24, 2018. If your completed questionnaire arrives after this date, you will NOT be included in the 2018 Secret Santa program.
- If any information on your questionnaire changes after this date, notify Linda as soon as possible.
- If you were in previous year’s Secret Santa program and did not send out a package to your Secret Sister, you will NOT be allowed back into the Secret Santa program.
As a member of the Secret Santa program, you are required to do the following:
- To keep your Secret Santa a mystery, “Friend” members of the Secret Santa group.
- Post on the group page at least once a month. It’s a matter of allowing your Secret Santa to get to know you in a different way than just the questionnaire.
- Use/give quilt store quality fabric. You are doing something wonderful for another woman who is a quilter. This may be the only package that person receives for Christmas. You can make their Christmas wonderful or you can make it one they want to forget.
- Make your Secret Sister who is the recipient of your gifts very happy. Be sure to read and study your Secret Santa’s questionnaire so you know what they like and need as well as what they don’t like or need. If you lose the questionnaire, please contact Linda to resend to you.
- There is no maximum price limit on what makes up the Secret Santa package, but minimally you should fill a medium Priority Mail box.
- Wrapping gifts is not mandatory, but makes it more enjoyable for the recipient. The wrapping doesn’t have to be elaborate. Pretty tissue paper makes great light weight wrapping paper. Or if you are giving fabric, you can use it to wrap gifts and secure with quilter’s safety pins or ribbon. Be creative.
- When you open your Secret Santa package, post a photo of your gifts on the group page along with a note to your Secret Santa showing your appreciation.
- Mail date is Monday, December 10, 2018.
- Please plan ahead to comply with the mail date and mark it on your calendarNOW. You have a grace period of a day before or a day after. If you are going to be out of town or something comes up, leave the package with a friend to mail for you. We would like for everyone to receive their packages about the same time. We do NOT want anyone to feel left out.
- Mail/ship in such a way as to have a tracking number. Send your tracking number to Linda on the day you mail/ship.
- If you have any specific delivery instructions for your package, let Linda know when you send in your questionnaire. Your Secret Santa will be advised of these instructions.
- Before wrapping and mailing, take a photo of what you are sending. If that isn’t possible, make a detailed list of what is being sent. Email photo/list with tracking number to Linda.
- Assignments are made randomly. Only Linda has access to this information.
- Special consideration is made to match those with allergies to a Santa who does not have those allergens in her sewing area.
- “Santas” who have pets or smoke must keep the Secret Santa gifts away from the pet dander and second- hand smoke to protect those participants with sensitivity.
- You will receive the name and questionnaire of the person you are to be Secret Santa to on Saturday, April 7, 2018.
- Please check your email and respond to Linda when you have received it.
- Once you send in your questionnaire and it has been sent to another member (April 7, 2018), you are “committed to the program for the remainder of the year.” You will receive a Secret Santa package. Please make this consideration BEFORE you send in your questionnaire. Only you know what you can handle.
- If you must drop out, please do so before the March 24, 2018 deadline. If life gets in the way after that and circumstances beyond your control keep you from participating, please contact Linda () immediately.
- Be aware that you will still receive a box. No one but Linda will know of your plight.
- You must send Linda what you have collected or made up to that point. She will get a special Angel who will then send a package to your Secret Sister.
Most importantly, the program is intended to be fun. It encourages the spirit of giving for Christmas to be felt all year long.
Thank you in advance for filling out the questionnaire. Remember it’s the best way for your Secret Santa to get to know you and your preferences. Keep a copy of your questionnaire in case at first it doesn’t go through. You can copy and paste the questionnaire into your computer or notepad to complete, then email the completed questionnaire back to Linda.
Email completed questionnaire to before midnight EST on March 24, 2018. If you do not receive a confirmation from Linda, please contact Linda before sending it again. Do not assume it was received without confirmation from Linda. Questionnaires will not be accepted after midnight EST on March 24, 2018!!
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