Rotary Club of Swarthmore
Minutes of the September 23, 2009 Board Meeting
President: Betty Ann Flynn
Present: Harry Urian, Gudmund Iverson, Josh Twersky, Cathy Darrell, Craig Fava, Perri Evanson, Brian Casey,
George Whitfield, Ron Van Langeveld, Marv Gelb, Ken Wright, Ray Hopkins, Grace McAndrews, Dean, Steve Laxton, Anne Hansen
Absent: Marty Speigel, Mike Malone, Trisha Hall, Joy Charlton, Hillard Pouncy
President Flynn called the meeting to order.
The minutes of the August meeting were approved, as written.
The Treasurer’s report was approved, as written.
In the President’s Report, Betty Ann reviewed 2 new grant requests with the Board:
· TOGO Assistance. Togo is located in the mainland of Africa. They need to replace their school roof and have asked our Club for $500.
· Amigos de Guatemala (the organization we helped with the water project) has a new project that involves funding a student through middle or high school. The cost is $400/$800 respectfully. Ron Van Langeveld listened to ideas and will report back to the Grant Committee with the Board’s input.
Betty Anne also reminded the board about the next meeting, which
will be held at the Coop at 6pm in lieu of the regular meeting.
From the President Elect, Marv Gelb reported that the Silent Auction now has 10-12 sponsors! With 48 auction items. Marv urged the Board to continue their efforts and a discussion was held as to how many items would be effective for the Auction. It was agreed that too many items may not be the most effective.
From the Secretary, Perri Evanson reported that she will be writing Thank You notes to all speakers, and has asked for official Rotary Notes.
From Membership, George Whitfield reported that the Committee reached out to Swarthmore Merchants and has introduced them to our new President.
From Public Relations, Steve Laxton reported that there will be a short article in the Swarthmorean this Friday about our Coop event, another article 10/8 on polio, and a notification in the Community Calendar 10/16 and 23 about the Silent Auction.
From Rotaract, Joy Charlton reported that Rotaract will be participating many activities this semester including Bike Philly, the Red Cross Blood Drive and will conduct a MovieNight for the membership to promote fellowship.
From the Tech Specialist, Brian Casey reported that the Club Runner continues to be updated….please check back to it often.
Club polo shirts and oxfords are in process, and the mugs were presented to the Board. All approved!
New Business was proposed by Ron Van Langeveld. He would like to research taping our speakers for an audio of their speeches which could be placed on the ClubRunner.
With no additional business to report, the board adjourned.
The next meeting of the Board will be held on October 21sr, at 4:30 or 4:45, pending an email from President Betty Ann Flynn.
Respectfully submitted,
Perri Ann Evanson, Club Secretary