Insert farm name Induction manual


Induction Manual

Farm Address:
Office telephone Number:
Owner Number
Holding Number:
Slap Mark:
No. Sow Places:
No. Finisher Places:
Farm Plan / 2
Who’s Who / 3
Important Contacts / 4
Animal Welfare / 6
Biosecurity / 6
Visitor Information / 6
Transport and Parking / 6
Health and Safety and Hazard Reporting / 6
Accident Reporting / 6
Emergency Procedures, fire drill, first aid / 7
Dress Codes / 7
Personal Protective Equipment / 7
Security / 7
Smoking / 7
Facilities and Amenities / 7
Food and Drink / 7
Grievance/Discipline Procedures / 7
Pay / 8
Holidays / 8
Sickness / 8
Pension / 8
Training and Development / 8
Appraisals / 8
Awards and Incentives / 9

Farm Plan

List all important Places on the unit,

Whos Who

Name / Title / Key Responsibilities
?? ??? / Manager / -Environmental regulations
-Trained to dispatch livestock
-Assurance records
-Staff development
?? ?? / Farrowing Supervisor
(reports to Farm Manager) / -Animal welfare,
-Reporting Feed/vet med requirements to manager
-Relative KPIS
-First Aider
-AI +
?? ?? / Finishing Supervisor
(reports to Farm Manager) / -Animal welfare,
-Reporting Feed/vet med requirements to manager
-Relative KPIS
-Health and safety contact
-Trained to dispatch animals
?? ?? / Stockman - farrowing
(reports to relevant supervisor) / -Support supervisors
-Feed and water animals
-Clean pens
-Washdown buildings
-Understand welfare needs of animals
?? ?? / Stockman - finishing
(reports to relevant supervisor) / -Support supervisors
-Feed and water animals
-Clean pens
-Washdown buildings
-Understand welfare needs of animals

Important Contacts:

Manager Name:
Manager Number:
Assistant manager:
Vet Practice – Surgery :
Vet Practice – Out of Hours:
First Aider Name and Number:
Health and Safety Representative:
Feed Sales:
Marketing company:
Haulage company:
Trading Standards:
Environment Agency:
Pest Control:
Breeding Company/AI Contact
Fallen Stock Collection:

Electricity Supplier

Animal Welfare

  • Pig welfare is a key priority on this farm
  • Any staff member seen to be causing distress or suffering to an animal will face immediate disciplinary action
  • All staff must be aware of and understand the Defra code of Practice for the Welfare of Pigs (available on the rest room notice board) and notify the farm manager if he/she observes any breach in the code on this farm.


  • Biosecurity is key to maintaining the health of all animals on this farm.
  • Unauthorised people and vehicles should not be allowed on the site at any time.
  • Any person entering the farm must have their vehicle wheels washed and dip their feet. They must also wear PPE supplied by the farm and all people having contact with pigs must sign the visitors book in the office.
  • The farm’s biosecurity policy is displayed in the rest room.
  • Wilful breaking of this code will result in immediate disciplinary action

Visitor information

  • All visitors to the unit should have their identity checked
  • Everybody should sign in the visitors book when they arrive and leave.
  • Anybody coming on to the unit must wear farm clothing or suitable disposable outerwear.
  • Visitors should not be left alone and all cameras/phones left securely in the office.

Transport and parking

  • All staff vehicles should be parked in the allocated parking, shown on the unit plan
  • All visitor vehicles must stay on the perimeter of the farm, unless vehicles can be disinfected.
  • Any vehicles coming onto the unit must wait to have their wheels washed before driving on site.

Health and Safety, and hazard reporting

  • Health and safety of all staff is of paramount importance on this farm.
  • All staff must undergo Farm health and safety training within the first week on farm
  • All staff must attend an external course within the first six months of starting

Accident reporting

  • Any accident resulting in serious injury to staff must be reported to the farm manager immediately and the relevant emergency service called
  • Minor injuries must be recorded in the accident book and discussed with line management as soon as possible

Emergency procedures, fire drill, first aid

  • Procedures are in place for Emergencies. Please see the individual notices which are located on the rest roomnotice board.
  • Policies are in place for:
  • Escaped animals
  • Fire Drills /Finding a fire
  • First aid
  • Water/slurry leak
  • Lost needles
  • Emergency Euthanasia

Dress codes

  • Overalls and boots are provided by the company
  • These should be left in the rest room at the end the day
  • X is responsible for washing overalls/arranging laundry collection

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Appropriate personal protective equipment is provided by the farm.
  • This must be worn at all times when working in areas where it is required, such as:


  • Strict security measures are in place to protect your safety and the pigs welfare.
  • See visitor info.
  • All buildings are alarmed. The alarm is set by the manager at the end of each day.
  • The arming/disarming of alarms must only be done by authorised staff


  • This unit is non-smoking. Smoking is only allowed in the designated area marked on the unit plan.
  • Smoking is only allowed during designated breaks.

Facilities and amenities

  • The rest room is available for staff to use during breaks and includes kettle, toaster, microwave for you to use.
  • A washing machine is available to wash work clothing only
  • Showers are available for use by staff and visitors when leaving the unit.

Food and drink

  • The consumption of food and drink is limited to the rest area.
  • Break times are:
  • It is company policy not to allow pork products on site due to possible disease risk.
  • Coffee and tea are provided by the staff/farm

Grievance/discipline procedures

  • Any grievance should be raised with you line manager in the first instance, and then the farm manager.
  • Grievances will be dealt with in-accordance with the farms grievance procedure.


  • Your terms and conditions will have been agreed at interview
  • Pay is made on a fortnightly/monthly basis
  • Time sheets should be submitted every Wednesday to ensure correct and prompt payment
  • Overtime is paid at 1.5 x for every 30 mins extra time worked.


  • Annual Leave is calculated from 1st October – 30th September
  • Holidays should be booked with the manager. Please note constant cover is required on the farm and a minimum of ? staff need to be available to work. Therefore there may be times when holiday cannot be taken.
  • You are entitled to 35 days paid holiday, including bank holidays.
  • Leave cannot be carried over into the next year


  • All staff should phone in before ? to report absence.
  • You are entitled to sick pay after working for the company for a minimum of ?? months
  • Sickness pay is not paid for the first ?? days
  • After this period you will be paid ?? until you return to work


  • XX provides a pension scheme for all employers. You are expected to contribute ? % and we will contribute ? %
  • If you have any problems please contact:

Training and development

  • This farm is committed to staff training and provides relevant opportunities to staff as appropriate.
  • Training is regularly carried out on farm via the farm vet, farm managers and Allied trade members.
  • On farm training is compulsory for all staff. Not engaging in the training will result in disciplinary action.
  • Off farm training is provided and is voluntary for staff to take part in. Speak to your line manager.


  • Staff Appraisals take place annually in June.
  • The appraisal involves you and the line manger. It is designed to highlight areas where you are working well and areas where support would be beneficial.
  • Progress on the skills matrix will be assessed and the next set of competencies highlighted

Awards and Incentives

  • Targets for Key Performance Figures are added to the production board in the office.
  • Achievement of specific targets for three consecutive weeks will result in a reward for the farm staff.
  • Consistent improvement and reaching of targets will result in pay incentives.
  • Farm staff will be joined on to the PIPR scheme, at cost to the farm, if requested.

Induction Plan

During you first month at the farm it is important that you understand all aspects of the farm. In addition to the inductiontasks on the skills matrix it is important to complete the following tasks.

These will be checked at your first review at the end of your first month.

Activity / Staff responsible / Date completed
Farm walk / Manager
Health and safety induction / Manager
Dry Sow/service house experience / Dry Sow staff
Farrowing experience / Farrowing Staff
Grower experience / Grower Staff
Finishing experience / Finisher Staff
Knowledge of equipment storage / Unit supervisor
Knowledge of Vet Med storage / Unit Supervisor

Business costs

Each section of the pig farm uses a number of inputs all of which have a cost associated with them. Efficient use of our inputs saves money and means that money is available for further investment.

The table below identifies some of the key components and their prices.

Single AI pack
Sow Feed /kg
Creep Feed /kg
Finisher feed /kg
Heat Pads
Teeth grinder
Tail cauteriser
Muck Scraper


Version 1 – 1/8/2012