Kids ‘R’ KidsNorthPeachtreeCity

GEORGIAPre-Kindergarten Program General Information

(Please keep this document for future reference)

Welcome to the Kids ‘R’ Kids North Peachtree City Georgia Pre-K Program. This document is provided to hopefully answer most of your questions regarding the registration process and to provide you with general information about our program.

Registration Process

  • Reservation Form

The first step in registration is to complete the Pre-K Reservation Form. This is the 8 X 5 form you may receive at our front desk or on our website. Completion of this form, the Bright From the Start Waiting List Information Form, a copy of your child’s birth certificate or other acceptable proof of age documentation and proof of residency are required to hold your space in the program. Other acceptable proof of age documentation includes passports, official medical documents, or official documents from other countries. All Pre-K enrollments are filled on a first come first serve basis. Preschool center children are enrolled prior to those from the community. Our in-house registration process is not completed until the first week of February, therefore, we will not be able to confirm placement for children not currently attending our program until the middle of February.

  • Wait List

If there is no space available when you turn in your reservation form, proof of residency and proof of age documents, you will be added to our wait list. Bright From the Start requires that a Wait List Form be completed to add you to the wait list. We will talk to families of all children with a confirmed spot at least twice between March and May to confirm that you still plan to attend in the fall. Should your plans change, please be so kind as to let us know. We always have a wait list and need to let another child’s family know they have a space. As openings arise, we will call families from the wait list. Filling an opening is done on a first come first serve basis.

  • Registration Package

In the first week of June, we will distribute a Registration Package to all children with a confirmed spot. This package will include all forms necessary to enroll in our program. This will go by mail to children not currently attending our Preschool. For currently attending children, it will be placed in your child’s folder. Instructions will come with this package. Certainly, openings continue to arise through the summer as plans change. We will continue to call families from the wait list to fill these openings and enrollment packages will be mailed as placements are confirmed.

  • Notification of Assigned Class

Children will be assigned to a class / teacher on a completely random basis. We do balance the number of boys and girls in each class according to our total enrollment. We will mail letters in late July to all confirmed children to let you know your child’s teacher.

  • Other Forms Required

For each child’s file we must have a form 3231 (immunization record) and Eye, Ear, and Dental form two weeks after school starts. If we do not have these documents for your child, we are required by the Pre-K Regulations to dis-enroll your child.

Parent Orientation Meeting

We will have a Parent Orientation Meeting the week before school starts. The exact date and time will be provided to you with your Registration Package in June. In this same package we will provide other important information you will need to know for the beginning of school. It is very important that you attend this meeting. If you can not attend for any reason, you must call to let us know you will not be here so that we know to hold your child’s spot.


Our Pre-Kindergarten operating hours are from 8:00 – 2:30. Drop off is from 7:45 – 8:00 and pick up is from 2:30 – 2:45. We do provide Before and After school care for children that need to arrive before 7:45 A. M. or depart after 2:45 P. M. Rates for these programs will be included in your Registration Package mailed in June. If you anticipate a need for Before and/or After school care, please be sure to identify this on the Yellow Reservation Form so that we may plan space for your child. If you would like more information on these programs, please see either our Education or Operation Directors.

The Georgia Pre-Kindergarten Program is school. Attendance is taken daily and we are required to track late arrivals and early dismissals. This is a great program and benefit to Georgia children and parents. Every child turning 4 by September 1st is eligible. If your child misses excessively or has excessive tardies or early dismissals, we may be required to dis-enroll your child to give another child the opportunity to attend.

We follow the FayetteCountySchool calendar observing all school holidays and workdays accordingly. Fun camps with exciting field trips are available for children when the Pre-K program is not running. Fees for camp weeks and camp days will be provided in the Registration Package or you may ask at the front office at any time for this information.

The Learning Experience

We have many exciting learning experiences awaiting your children. Preschool age children learn best through a very interactive process that fosters knowledge through experience. The classroom set up is based on learning centers where children have the opportunity to explore and learn in nine different centers including table toys, science, blocks, dramatic play, art, reading, writing, music, and sensory development. The Pre-K day consists of teacher directed time and child centered time. Very focused teacher directed learning objectives are met in small group activities where the teachers work with a very small group of children at one time. Weekly themes such as community helpers, oceans, seasons, and weather are used to facilitate the learning process. Your child’s teacher will send home a newsletter each Friday letting you know the upcoming theme along with the classroom’s planned activities and projects. We encourage parent participation. The education process is always a cooperative effort between school and parents. There are many ways you may be an active part of our program. You may read to your child’s class, play a musical instrument, volunteer to go on field trips, and help with parties and special events. Sign-up sheets for volunteers will be available the night of Orientation. Additional information may be obtained regarding the learning goals and content standards for the Pre-K program at

If you have any questions regarding the registration process for our Pre-K program please contact Ms. Wanda Kirstein at 770-631-3555 or at . Questions regarding program curriculum may be directed to Debbie Webb or Patty Mattison at 770-631-3555 or or

Waiting List Information Form

Please clearly print the name as it appears on the birth certificate

Child’s Last Name
| / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
Child’s First Name
| / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
Child’s Middle Name / Name Suffix (Jr, Sr, II, III)
| / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / | / |
Last 4 Digits of SSN (if provided) / Date of Birth (M/D/Y) / Gender
- ______/ ____/____/______/ M / F
Home Address / City / State / Zip
County of Residence / Date Started on Waiting List (M/D/Y)
Parent/Guardian Name / Phone Number

** Directory information on this form may be shared with Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning

Parent/Guardian SignatureDate

Office Use Only - Date Received ______Birth Certif. Received: Yes / No KRK Child: Yes / No

Parent / Guardian Information:
Mother’s Last Name: First Name: Initial :
Home Address: City: State: Zip:
Home Phone: ( ) Work Phone: ( ) Cell Phone: ( )
Father’s Last Name: First Name: Initial:
Home Address: City: State: Zip:
Home Phone: ( ) Work Phone: ( ) Cell Phone: ( )
Mother’s Email Address: Father’s Email Address:
Child Information:
Last Name: First Name: D.O.B (MM/DD/YY):
After School Care Needed: (Yes) ( No) Before School Care Needed: (Yes) (No)
Siblings & Ages:
Office Use Only:
1st Conf Date: Notes:
2nd Conf Date:
Enrollment Pkg Mailed (Date):