Friday June 13, 2014

St. John’s C.H.S.

9:30am start


a.Open Championships for 2014/2015 – Deb and Bryan

b. EOSSAA Discussion – Coach Mentorship








1.0 Call to Order and Voting Cards

2.0 Roll Call


SD & G :ES L’Heritage; ES St.Lawrence IS; Tagwi SS

KASSAA: ESC Marie-Riviere, ES Mille Iles, Holy Cross

Lanark: All present

LGSSAA: AC Ange Gabriel; St.Mary CHS; Athens DHS

Prescott-Russell: ES L’Escale

UOVHSAA: ESP L’Equinox, ESC Jeanne Lajoie; MVDHS

3.0 Additions to the Agenda

4.0 Approval of the Agenda

Moved: Chris MorrowSeconded: Deb Walden

5.0 Approval of the minutes from EOSSAA AGM 2013

Moved: Dave LokenSeconded: Scott Baird

6.0 Business arising from 2013 AGM minutes


7.0 Retiree Plaques – Pat Childerhose

Brian Gaffney; Linda Aleinik; Linda MacKinnon; Damien Morin

8.0 Pete Beach Award –

Winner: DebWaldenPresenter: Tracy Gilchrist

9.0 Financial Report and Approval – Leanne Watt

-A good surplus in account which has given opportunity for the $1000 coaching initiative

Moved: Bernie BoulericeSeconded: Tony Quick

10.0 Order Paper – Suche James and Pat Childerhose

T&F regs: Lots of discussion on timings and dates of forwarding information (qualifiers, scratches etc)

-can there be some flexibility on who is going to be track umpires because of long drives; SAC will meet next school year but don’t want it during exam time (Jan) because it leaves too much onus on admin to make decision (whether people can go or not)

11.0 Local Association Reports – EOSSAA Discussion – Comm. Officers

KASSAA: $1000 would hopefully be matched by the Board

LANARK: Ads would look after the $1000;

LGSSAA: specific sports have a difficult time getting coaches; will target T&F and Rugby; would determine what the needs are where money goes

PRSSAA: want to find out what the needs are for coaching from their member schools

SD&G: $1000 will try to pick a focus; probably track since they are hosting EOSSAA and East Regionals next year; perhaps run something on a PD day

UOVHSAA: bring a speaker in on a PD day;

12.0 EOSSAA Championship Report – Deb Walden/Bryan English

Budget Sheets have been submitted that include things that are not covered by EOSSAA i.e. honorariums; new sheet has been made to tighten it up; please practice prudence when creating you budget;

-don’t include dates on medals so extras can be used in subsequent years

-Please ensure there is a staff advisor on bench at championships

-Bernie Boulerice will convene badminton; Regi has curling;

-Fall championship dates will be posted by end of June as long as convenors pass information to Deb and Bryan;

-Alpine and Wrestling championships are available; Laurie Legris (KASSAA) was inquiring about Alpine

13.0 EOSSAA Championship Calendar 2014/2015 – Deb Walden/Bryan English

-almost filled

14.0 Principal’s Report – Dave Steele

-Thank you to all coaches

-Feels that the motions regarding encouraging coaches are important steps to fostering novice coaches

-Feels that we may be leading the way for other associations at provincial level

-EOSSAA is a respected organization at OFSAA

15.0Transfer Chair Report – Tony Quick

-transfer dates on paper required at this meeting; have not been any major concerns recently

16.0Website Coordinator Report – Dave Loken

-continue to update your school/personal information

17.0OFSAA Report – Mark Lewis/Tammy Bovaird

-Most contentious issue is classifications; going to 3 classifications (A,AA, AAA); no numbers set yet

-EOSSAA needs to decide what numbers they would like; OFSAA constitution has a default classification number;

-championships that have currently combined champ (Hockey, Rugby) will likely be A/AA and then AAA

-proposed numbers A 1-500; AA 501-1000; AAA 1001+

A 1-500; AA 501-900; AAA 901+

-since the vote at OFSAA was very close to reduce number of classifications, question was raised if there’s a possibility of a motion being put forward to change classifications to 4 again next year.

-Urban vs Rural centre numbers: difficult to ascertain what is rural and what is urban; makes it difficult go to this system

-EOSSAA members should give feedback to Tammy and Mark by September so they have information for OFSAA’s next meeting in November; send to communication officer

18.0President’s Report

-send emails to update email address

-beneficial for everyone to have discussion of $1000 allocation for new coaches to hear what is necessary to focus on

-communication officers will present to executive

-classifications was the biggest part of discussion at executive

-should we change the date? To April perhaps around the time of OFSAA;

-Dale: very difficult to change with sports seasons

-Can we change the day (to Monday) to avoid French exams

19.0AGM 2015 Date

Friday June 12 at St.John’s (Perth)

20.0Executive Positions 2014/2015 – OFSAA Girls Rep (Tammy Bovaird acclaimed),

21.0 Boys Championship Coordinator (Bryan English acclaimed)

22.0, President (Suche acclaimed)

23.0, Secretary (Pat Childerhose acclaimed)

24.0New Business


22.0 Championship Calendar 2013/2014 Approval – Deb / Bryan

Moved: Mark LewisSeconded: Scott Baird