A.S. Criminal Justice B.A. Law & Society

First Year-BCC
Fall Semester / HRS /  / Spring Semester / HRS / 
WRT 101: English Composition I / 3 / WRT 201: English Composition II / 3
HUM 100: Humanities Elective / 3 / SOC 113: Social Problems / 3
SOC 101: Sociology / 3 / PSY 101: General Psychology / 3
CRJ 101: Introduction to Criminal Justice / 3 / HUM 100: Humanities Elective / 3
CRJ 113: The Juvenile Justice Process / 3 / HUM 100: Humanities Elective / 3
CRJ 109: Contemporary Issues in Policing / 3
Total: / 15 / Total: / 18
Second Year-BCC
Fall Semester / HRS /  / Spring Semester / HRS / 
SCI 100: Natural Science Elective / 4 / SCI 100: Natural Science Elective / 4
COM 100: Speech Communication/COM 102: Public Speaking / 3 / MAT 100: Math Elective / 3
HUM 100: Humanities Elective / 3 / HUM 100: Humanities Elective / 3
MAT 150: Statistics I / 3 / CRJ 103: Criminal Law / 3
CRJ 105: Police Administration / 3 / CRJ 107: Criminology / 3
Total: / 16 / Total: / 16
Third Year-RCNJ
Fall Semester / HRS /  / Spring Semester / HRS / 
LAWS 131: Law & Society / 4 / LAWS 201: Global Legal Order / 4
Law & Social Justice Elective* / 4 / LAWS 233: Revolution Rebellion& Democracy / 4
SOSC 235: History of Social Thought / 4 / LAWS 251: Law, Power, & Equality / 4
Elective / 4 / Culture & Humanities Elective* / 4
Career Pathways Module 1: SSHS 001 Career Assessment/Advisor Visit SSHS Advisor in Cahill Center (C209) / Grad. Rqmt. / Career Pathways Module 2: SSHS 002 Resume/Cover Letter/Personal Statement Visit SSHS Advisor in Cahill Center (C209) / Grad. Rqmt.
Total: / 16 / Total: / 16
Fourth Year-RCNJ
Fall Semester / HRS /  / Spring Semester / HRS / 
LAWS 421: Directed Readings (Fall Only) / 4 / LAWS 431: Thesis Supervision (Spring Only) / 4
LAWS 321: Field Studies: Law & Society / 4 / Globalization & Sustainability Elective* / 4
LAWS 353: Sociolegal Research & Writing / 4 / Elective / 4
Elective / 4 / Elective / 4
Career Pathways Module 3: SSHS 003 Interview Practice/Internship Search Visit SSHS Advisor in Cahill Center (C209) / Grad. Rqmt.
Total: / 16 / Total: / 16

*Course can be chosen from an approved list