Primary Data Acquisition (PDAD) Sponsored Panel Discussions / Technical Sessions

ASPRS Annual Conference

Portland, Oregon

Spring 2008

Title: / Airborne LIDAR Mapping Technology: Panel Discussion
Introduction / The purpose of this panel discussion is to have industry experts present ASPRS mapping professionals with the latest information on LIDAR sensor technology and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data production work flow. By attending this session, an ASPRS mapping professional will learn about this state of the art elevation mapping technology and be able to better understand the critical factors in digital elevation data acquisition and production for various mapping applications.
Organized By / Sponsored by the ASPRS Primary Data Acquisition Division (PDAD).
Moderator / Robert Eadie, Spatial Wave, Inc., , (303) 495-5479
Panelists /
  1. Optech, Inc.
  2. TopoSys GmbH
  3. Leica GeoSystems GIS & Mapping
  4. QCohrent Software, LLC
  5. Visual Learning Systems, Inc.

Date & Time / April 30,9:15 – 10:45 am, Rm113
Title: / Trends in Digital Aerial Imaging: Panel Discussion
Introduction / Aerial Imaging is in a period of rapid growth and change with new technologies, new customers, and new missions. This session will report on the status of quality assurance and standardization efforts within the US and Canada, current and future trends in aerial data acquisition and application, and the calibration of sensors available in today’s market
Organized By / Sponsored by the ASPRS Primary Data Acquisition Division (PDAD).
Moderator / Dr. George Lee, USGS, , (650) 329-4255
Panelists /
  1. Gregory Stensaas, USGS, “Status USGS QA of Digital Aerial Imagery”
  2. Paul Quackenbush, British Columbia Base Mapping and Geomatic Services, “Digital System Specifications”
  3. Eric Liberty, Applanix, “Digital Aerial Acquisition Systems”
  4. Ayman Habib, University of Calgary, “Camera Calibration Software”

Date & Time / April 30, 1:30 – 3:00 pm, Rm113
Title: / Digital Camera Data Applications: Panel Discussion
Introduction / Digital airborne sensors have matured over the last few years and are gaining acceptance by the mapping community. This is evidenced by the increase in sales of new sensors, the purchase of multiple sensors by data providers, the introduction of enhanced models by the initial manufacturers of sensors, and the new manufacturers introducing new sensors into the marketplace. However, the use of these new sensors has been for traditional photogrammetric work and the traditional photogrammetric products produced from imagery. Just as there have been many applications that use analog aerial photography, there are as many applications for digital imagery. There are clearly advantages to digital imagery captured directly with today’s digital technology, but all the advantages of digital imagery have not been fully exploited. In particular, the traditional remote sensing applications such as spectral analysis, feature extraction, and classification techniques from over four decades of satellite and remote sensing technology have not been widely applied to airborne digital sensors.
The outstanding questions to be answered is how well do existing airborne sensors perform for multi-spectral applications and how well do classic classification algorithms and processing techniques work for digital airborne data. Are the techniques used for traditional satellite data immediately applicable to airborne systems? What has been tried and what research remains to be done before the advantage of digital airborne imagery is fully realized. The panel includes representatives from sensor manufacturers, data providers, academia, and end-users who offer their insight in this aspect of digital sensors applications today and in the future.
Organized By / Sponsored by the ASPRS Primary Data Acquisition Division (PDAD).
Moderator / Dr. George Lee, USGS, , (650) 329-4255
Panelists /
  1. Ruediger ("Ruedi") Wagner, Leica
  2. Klaus Neumann, Intergraph
  3. Craig W. Molander, Surdex
  4. Kass Green, The Alta Vista Company

Date & Time / April 30, 3:30 – 5:00 pm, Rm116
Title: / Airborne Digital Mapping Camera Systems:Manufacturer’s Perspective: Panel Discussion
Introduction / This is the 5th annual panel session hosting the leading digital mapping camera manufacturers in the world. Each representative will give a short presentation followed by a question and answer session with the audience. The goal is to provide a dynamic forum to address current systems and future developments in this important and rapidly evolving mapping technology. System vendors will highlight their specific technologies in order to meet the demand for digital mapping images.
Organized By / Sponsored by the ASPRS Primary Data Acquisition Division (PDAD).
Moderator / Brian Huberty, US Fish and Wildlife Service, , 612-713-5332
Panelists /
  1. Leica
  2. Franz Liberl, Vexcel/Microsoft
  3. Klaus Neuman, Z/I
  4. Eric Liberty, Applanix
  5. Dave Fuhr, Airborne Data Systems
6. Julien Losseau, DiMAC
Date & Time / May 1, 9:15 – 10:45 am, Rm113
Title: / Airborne Digital Mapping Camera Systems: Owner’s Perspective: Panel Discussion
Introduction / Aerial Imaging is in a period of rapid growth and change with new technologies, new customers, and new missions. This is a select panel of digital camera owners and operators from across North America to talk about the highlights and some pitfalls of new airborne digital mapping cameras.
Organized By / Sponsored by the ASPRS Primary Data Acquisition Division (PDAD).
Moderator / Dr. Qassim Abdullah, Fugro EarthData Inc., , (301) 948-8550 x139
Panelists /
  1. John Welter – NWG
  2. Jeff Lovin - Woolpert, Inc
  3. Michael Ritchie - Photo Science, Inc.
  4. Anne Miglarese– Fugro EarthData, Inc.
  5. Craig Molander, Surdex Corporation

Date & Time / May 1, 3:30 – 5:00 pm, Rm116
Title: / Thermal Remote Sensing: Technical Session
Introduction / Thermal Remote Sensing is overlooked as a remote sensing technology even though it has been around for decades. This session will highlight a variety of applications using remote sensing for disaster and resource management.
Organized By / Sponsored by the ASPRS Primary Data Acquisition Division (PDAD)
Moderator / Dr. Charles Olson, Univ. of Michigan,
Speakers /
  1. Thomas Ory, Argon ST
  2. Susan Bernatas; Vision Air Research
  3. Colin Hardy, USFS Fire Science Lab
  4. FLIR Systems

Date & Time / May 2, 9:00am – 10:30 am, B111
Title: / Digital Data Quality, Traceability, and Admissibility: Technical Session
Introduction / There has always been a strong requirement to insure that digital data can be understood and used for land change monitoring. In order to do this properly, the imagery must be protected physically and electronically and must include metadata describing all pertinent collection parameters. There are many digital data quality aspects that must be defined, standardized, and implemented in order to insure long term use of digital data. Some of these include detailed image and metadata standards, archive standards, and image traceabilityand change techniques.
Organized By / Sponsored by the ASPRS Primary Data Acquisition Division (PDAD)
Moderator / Tom Holm, , 605 594-6127
Speakers /
  1. William Miller, USGS
  2. Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz, University of Mississippi Space Law Center
  3. John Faundeen, USGS
  4. Dr. Charles Olson, Univ. of Michigan

Date & Time / May 1, 3:30 – 5:00 pm, Rm113


ASPRS PDAD Panel — Airborne Lidar Mapping Technology

Moderator: Robert Eadie, Spatial Wave, Inc.

Room B113


Don Carswell, Optech, Inc.

Glenn Farrington, Optech, Inc.

Roman Kathofer, TopoSys GmbH

Ron Roth, Leica GeoSystems

Mike Watry, QCohrent Software, LLC

Rebecca Holman, Overwatch Geospatial

Industry experts will present the latest information on Lidar sensor technology

and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data production work flow.


ASPRS PDAD Panel — Trends in Digital Aerial Imaging

Moderator: George Lee, U.S. Geological Survey-EROS

Room B113

Aerial imaging is in a period of rapid growth and change with new technologies,

new customers, and new missions. This session will report on

the status of quality assurance and standardization efforts within the US

and Canada, current and future trends in aerial data acquisition and application,

and the calibration of sensors available in today’s market.


Status of USGS QA of Digital Aerial Imagery

George Lee, U.S. Geological Survey

Digital System Specifications

Paul Quackenbush, British Columbia Base Mapping and Geomatic Services

Digital Aerial Acquisition Systems

Eric Liberty, Applanix

Camera Calibration Software

Ayman Habib, University of Calgary, Canada


ASPRS PDAD — Digital Camera Data Applications

Moderator: George Lee, U.S. Geological Survey

Room B116

Outstanding questions to be answered are: How well do existing

airborne sensors perform for multi-spectral applications?; how well do

classic classification algorithms and processing techniques work for

digital airborne data?; Are the techniques used for traditional satellite

data immediately applicable to airborne systems?; What has been tried

and what research remains to be done before the advantage of digital

airborne imagery is fully realized?


Ruediger (“Ruedi”) Wagner, Leica

Klaus Neumann, Intergraph

Craig W. Molander, Surdex

Kass Green, The Alta Vista Company

ASPRS PDAD Panel — Airborne Digital Mapping Camera Systems:

Manufacturers’ Perspective

Moderator: Brian Huberty, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Room B113

A dynamic forum to address current systems and future developments

in this important and rapidly evolving mapping technology. System

vendors will highlight their specific technologies in order to meet the

demand for digital mapping images.


Ruediger (“Ruedi”) Wagner, Leica Geosystems

Michael Gruber, Vexcel/Microsoft

Klaus Neumann, Intergraph

Eric Liberty, Applanix

Dave Fuhr, Airborne Data Systems

Julien Losseau, DiMAC

ASPRS PDAD Panel — Airborne Digital Mapping Camera Systems:

Owners’ Perspective

Moderator: Qassim Abdullah, Fugro EarthData

Room B113

Panelists will discuss highlights and some pitfalls of new airborne

digital mapping cameras.


John Welter, NWG

Layton Hobbs, Woolpert, Inc.

Michael Ritchie, PhotoScience, Inc.

Anne Miglarese, Fugro EarthData Inc.

Craig Molander, Surdex Corporation


ASPRS PDAD Panel — Digital Data Quality, Traceability, and


Moderator: Tom Holm, U.S. Geological Survey

Room B113

Records Management Practices - Doing It Right

John Faundeen, U.S. Geological Survey

Legal Certification of Digital Data: The Earth Resources Observation and

Science Center Project

Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz, National Center for Remote Sensing, Air,

and Space Law, University of Mississippi

Procedures for Certification of Digital Data

Wayne Miller, U.S. Geological Survey

Is it Worth the Cost to Make Digital Data Admissible?

Charles Olson, University of Michigan


ASPRS PDAD — Thermal Remote Sensing

Moderator: Charles Olson, University of Michigan

Room B111

This session will highlight a variety of applications using remote

sensing for disaster and resource management.

A Short History of Thermal Remote Sensing

Charles Olson, University of Michigan

Applications of Near Real-Time Infrared Imagery

Fred Osterwisch, Argon ST

Detection of Moose in Mixed Deciduous-Coniferous Forests using FLIR

Susan Bernatas, Vision Air Research

Innovations in Field-based and In Situ Thermal Remote Sensing of

Wildland Fires

Colin Hardy, Program Manager, Fire, Fuel, and Smoke Science

Program, Rocky Mountain Research Station, U.S. Forest Service

Phil Riggan
